isle of utopia

College Colloquium 2008: Utopian Visions

IDS 101-26
Eaton 211
Frann Michel
email: fmichel <at>

phone: x6389
office: Eaton 204
hours: MWF 10:20-12, other times by appointment 

texts reading
links discussing
policies blog
schedule paper assignments: one* two * three

 How do we tell what would be an ideal society? That is, how do we both recognize and narrate such a possibility? In this course, we will consider not only Thomas More’s sixteenth century Utopia but also a number of subsequent visions, positive (eutopias), negative (dystopias), and other  (heterotopias). We’ll debate the nature of an ideal society, the value of imagining a world that may never be attained, and the ideals as well as the critiques embedded in cautionary tales.

The College Colloquium is designed to encourage students to read carefully, think critically, speak articulately, and write coherently; accordingly, the course is built around the skills of critical reading, informed discussion, and cogent writing, the same skills that are the foundation for most academic programs on campus.

Your final grade will be based both on class participation and on written work, including three formal essays in which you will synthesize readings, discussion and your own creative insights. See below for more information.

Text distributed in class:

More, Thomas. Utopia. 1516. Tr. Clarence H. Miller.  New Haven: Yale UP, 2001.

Texts available at WU Bookstore: 
Butler, Octavia. Parable of the Sower. 1993.  NY: Grand Central Publishing, 2000.    
Delaney, Samuel. Trouble on Triton.   1976. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan U P 1996.
Hacker, Diana. A Pocket Manual of Style. 5th Ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008.
Le Guin, Ursula.  The Dispossessed.  1974.  NY: Perennial Classics, 2003.
Zamyatin, Yevgeny. We.  1921.  Tr. Natasha Randall.  NY: Modern Library, 2006.  

Text available online: 
Marx, Karl, and Friedrich Engels. The Communist Manifesto.

at the Marxist Internet Archive: (print out this PDF for class use)

at Project Gutenberg:

at wikisource:

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On writing & studying

My Writing Guidelines
Writing Center
On Writing about Literature
Getting an A on an English paper
Five Ways of Looking at a Thesis
The Elements of Style
Brief MLA Style Guide
On Plagiarism and how to avoid it
Learning Commons
How to Impress the Teacher

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Tentative schedule of readings and assignments

Opening Days

Th Aug 28 (4:15-5:30) Introductions
F Aug 29 (1:30-3) Utopia, 3-25
Sa Aug 30 (1-2:30) Utopia, Book 1

M Sep 1 (9-10:30) Utopia, through 105

Regular class schedule begins: all further class meetings at 12:40

W Sep 3 Utopia, through Book 2
F Sep 5 Hacker chapter on MLA papers: read 104-119, skim 119-154 (bring to class both More and Hacker)
M Sep 8  draft due, peer editing; Hacker Checklist for Global Revision and Revision symbols (280-281)
W Sep 10 The Communist Manifesto
F Sep 12 continued discussion

M Sep 15 paper 1 due; We, records 1-7
W Sep 17 We, records 8-16
F Sep 19  We, records 17-23

M Sep 22 We, records 24-31 
W Sep 24  We, records 32-40
F Sep 26 The Dispossessed chapters 1-2

M Sep 29 The Dispossessed chapters 3-4
W Oct 1 The Dispossessed ch 5-6
F Oct 3 The Dispossessed chs 7-8

M Oct 6 The Dispossessed chs 9-10
W Oct 8 The Dispossessed chs 11-13
F Oct 10 Hacker chapter on Research, 92-102; library instruction; essay 2 workshop

M Oct 13 draft due
W Oct 15 Trouble on Triton, 1: "Der Satz";  Student Reports
F Oct 17 Trouble on Triton, 2: "Solvable Games"; Student Reports

M Oct 20 essay 2 due; Trouble on Triton, 3: "Avoiding Kangaroos"; Student Reports
W Oct 22 Trouble on Triton, 4: "La Geste d’Helstrom"; Student Reports
F Oct 24  Midsemester Day

M Oct 27  Trouble on Triton, 5: "Idylls in Outer Mongolia";  Student Reports
W Oct 29 Trouble on Triton, 6: "Objective Knowledge";  Student Reports
F Oct 31  Trouble on Triton, 7: "Tiresias Descending"; Student Reports

M Nov 3 Appendices A & B Student Reports
W Nov 5 Parable of the Sower, pages 1-60
F Nov 7 Parable of the Sower, 61-115

M Nov 10 Parable of the Sower, 116-166
W Nov 12 Parable of the Sower, 167-224
*F Nov 14 Parable of the Sower, 225-269 (optional revisions due)

M Nov 17 Parable of the Sower, 270-329
W Nov 19 essay 3 workshop
F Nov 21 draft due, peer editing

M Nov 24 review Hacker on Clarity, 2-19
W Nov 26 continued discussion; last essay due
F Nov 28  Thanksgiving  Holiday

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some matters of policy

•Please turn off your cell phone during class.

•Please do not use laptop computers in class.

•I will not accept assignments late without very good reason and prior approval.

•Willamette University’s plagiarism policy is printed in the Catalog. Plagiarized papers in this section receive an F and the incident is reported to the Dean’s Office.

•Please let me know if you have any disability that requires special accommodation.

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Critical Reading

Read actively. Preview the text—see how the book is organized and what supplementary materials it contains, for instance. Mark the text (underline, question, summarize) as you read and think about what you have read. Review your notes and markings before class.

Here are some things to notice in prose fiction narratives:

Plot—This is not simply what happens but also how it is presented. Consider, for instance, order, duration, and frequency. That is, in what order do things happen? Is there any difference between the order in which events occur (sometimes called the story) and the order in which they are presented (sometimes called the discourse)? How long is spent on reporting events? Are long passages of time dealt with briefly? Are brief moments described in great detail? Are some events described repeatedly?

Narrative—Who speaks the story? If the narrative is first person (I), is the narrator a participant in the story? If so, to what degree? If the narrative is third person (she/he, with no "I" telling the story), do we have access to the consciousness of a particular character? Lots of characters? None? That is, who sees the narrative?

Characters—Keep a list of characters as they are introduced into the text. You might consider the significance of characters' names, physical descriptions, dialogue, behavior, or juxtaposition with other characters. Keep in mind that characters in literary texts are made out of words; even if the characters are based on real people, the text offers not the person but his or her textual representation.

Settings—What does the text tell us about where and when the tale occurs? Where settings are described in detail, what does this detail tell us about the location, the characters associated with it, or the events that occur there?

Images or figurative language—for instance, does the text use particular kinds of metaphors repeatedly? What might these images suggest?

Repetitions or echoes of phrases or ideas—cross-reference these with a page number in the margin.


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Informed Discussion

Evaluation of your participation includes the following:

Attendance: you must be both physically and mentally present in order to participate. Note that tardiness does not impress the teacher with your scholarly dedication and commitment to learning in this course. Please come to each class on time, fully prepared. If you miss a class, post to the course blog a summary of the reading assignment for that day. In addition, talk to at least two other students who were present that day, and get copies of their class notes. If you have additional questions, come talk with me.

Preparation: reading and writing assignments are due on the class day indicated on the syllabus. You should bring to class any assignments, the assigned text, and appropriate notetaking material (notebook, pen). You should be prepared to discuss the reading and share your responses. Read actively, mark your texts, and take notes. Write down questions about the reading. As we move through the semester, you will also want to think about connections between current and past readings, lectures, and discussions.

Homework: assigned study questions, drafts, and other homework assignments are due at the beginning of class. Keep in mind that there may be additional assignments not listed on the section syllabus. Homework should be typed, and include your name and the due date. On the day of your oral report  (to be scheduled later in the semester), turn in an annotated bibliography (MLA style), listing and describing your sources.  

Peer editing and other in-class assignments: Not all writing done in class will be collected, but all should be done in good faith and with attention. Similarly, you should give your classmates' drafts respectful attention and provide rigorous and tactful responses. In-class writing is always due in class when requested and may NOT be submitted later for credit.

Discussion: Try to contribute at least once to each general class discussion and at least once to each small-group discussion. Quality of response is more important than quantity, but you cannot offer thoughtful comments unless you speak up! Expect to be asked to support your observations with specific textual references. Ask questions. Be respectful of your classmates. Listen attentively. Avoid side conversations; if it's worth saying to your neighbor, it's worth sharing with the rest of the class. Don't interrupt others; if you wish to speak next, raise your hand. Avoid personal attacks; challenge the idea not the person.

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Cogent Writing

Bibliographies and other homework should be typed, and include your name and the due date.

Blog posts and comments. At least once per week you should post to the class blog a question about the reading assignment and a response to another student’s question before we discuss the reading in class. I encourage you to post more often than the minimal requirement.

Three formal papers. Drafts of these will be due Monday 8 September, Monday 13 October, and Friday 21 November. Revisions of these drafts will be due Monday 15 September, Monday 20 October, and Wednesday 26 November. Optional further revisions of the first two essays will be due Friday 14 November.


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Point your web browser to Login using your WU username & password. On the "My Weblogs" list you should see "Utopian Visions” Click on one of the "Create new entry" buttons to do just that. You need to select the "Publish" option for Post Status for your entry to appear on the formal blog site page. To comment on someone else's entry, you have to be viewing the actual site, which you can get to via the "view site" links or via [outdated links not updated]

At least once a week, you'll post at least one question, by 6pm, about the next day's reading assignment. 

You might ask a question about the plot, narrative, characters, setting, language, repetitions, allusions, references, or anything else in the reading assignment you'd like to discuss.  A good discussion question cannot be answered simply by looking the answer up somewhere; it does not have an obvious answer, but must be explored and argued. It is not completely open-ended, but specifically grounded in the text. It arises from careful consideration of the reading assignment: what the text says, and how it says it. Explain what prompted the question, what thinking went into arriving at the question, what possible answers (if any) you have considered, and why those answers are unsatisfactory.  

Also, at least once per week, you will need to respond to someone else's question. A response might offer, for instance, your interpretation, a citation and discussion of a relevant passage of the text, a counter-example that challenges the premises of the original question, or other reflections in response to your classmate's question. You may, of course, respond to more than one question, and respond to the responses.

In addition, you might post comments exploring parallels and differences between our readings and accounts of similar current or historical events. You might reflect on questions and ideas raised in class discussion. Or you might post other kinds of comments or questions about the readings and discussions.

1. Focusing on Utopia (about 4 pages/1000 words). Draft due M 8 Sep; revision due M 15 Sept. Optional further revision (after consultations) due F 14 Nov.
2. Focusing on either  We or The Dispossessed (about 5 pages/1250 words). Draft due M 13 Oct; revision due M 20 Oct. Optional further revision (after consultations) due F 14 Nov.
3. Focusing on one of the texts on which you have not yet focused  (about 6-7 pages/1500-1750 words). Draft due F 21 Nov; revision due W 26 Nov.
Details for the papers will be developed in the assignments.
Papers One and Two may be revised for a revised grade only if you consult both with me and with our Writing Center partner, Megan Zane.

Turn in each of the three formal papers both in on paper to me and electronically to  

Preparing essays
Your essays for this course should demonstrate careful, close textual analysis and an appreciation of how culture informs the thinking and writing of the time. Your papers should be an extension of your reading and our discussions. Think about the following rhetorical categories as you write your papers: purpose, readers, organization, support, English conventions (PROSE).

The purpose is to convince readers that your thesis is reasonable and worth careful attention. A thesis is an idea about a topic; it is not a fact, but an assertion that requires argumentation.

Your readers include members of this class (and potentially others who have read the texts). They know the texts, but not the line of reasoning that you will be following.

The organization of an essay should offer a clear beginning, middle, and end. The introductory paragraph establishes a problem and ends in a statement of your thesis that the body of the paper will develop. Each paragraph in the body of the essay should have one main point, supported and developed with evidence and analysis. Build from less important or complex points to more important or complex points. In the conclusion of the essay, the thesis will probably reappear in a more refined form.

When you write an analytical essay about a text, you support your thesis through careful and detailed references to the text(s). It is your job as writer not only to put before your reader the raw evidence of paraphrase or quotation, but also to explain to your reader, through reasoning and analysis, how these bits of evidence support your thesis.

You should write using the English conventions of good academic prose: you should sound like you at your best; by the time you produce your final draft you should have checked your grammar, punctuation, spelling, and word choice carefully.

Use MLA in-text citation style (in Hacker) to identify all quotations, paraphrases, and references to the text(s). Be sure that you provide citations for passages you refer to in paraphrase or summary so that your readers can evaluate your argument fairly. It is your ethical obligation, and a very important value in the scholarly community, to acknowledge any use of others' words and ideas. Plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of another's words or ideas. Include a list of works cited at the end of your papers.

A revision should be just that: a re-vision, a re-seeing and re-thinking of the original. Do not limit your changes to points on which I or other editors have commented; such limitation will severely compromise the value of the revision.
If you wish to revise the first or second paper for a new grade that will be averaged with the original grade, you must meet with me and with the Writing Consultant for our section, Megan Zane. 

If you turn in a revision on F Nov 14, paper clip it to the copy of the original essay bearing my comments. I will not accept these revisions without graded originals.

With your Nov 14 revision, turn in a description of your revision process and of the changes you have made (about one typed page).

Some suggestions for revision:
*Reread your essay, read my comments, and think about them. Refer where necessary to a handbook of style such as the MLA Handbook or A Pocket Manual of Style  (several handbooks are available in the Writing Center). If you have any questions, come talk with me.
*In revising, start with ideas, and then consider structure and style.
*Review the text that is (or the texts that are) the subject(s) of your essay. Take fresh notes on relevant passages. What is important about the passage? What else do you notice about the text?
*Put your essay aside and do some fresh writing on your topic. Write a brief summary of your thoughts on the topic. Write a response to the topic from the perspective of someone who disagrees with you. Write about the most puzzling or difficult aspects of the text.
*Think about the ideas in the essay. Can you improve your thesis? Can you add further supporting points, or develop those you have included in the original? Can you delete or strengthen weaker points? Rewrite the essay to incorporate conceptual changes.
*Consider the structure of the essay. Make an outline, writing one complete sentence summarizing each paragraph. Can you improve on the order of the points? Can you clarify the organization by combining or dividing paragraphs? Consider the rhetoric of the essay. Are the transitions between and within paragraphs clear and effective? Revise accordingly.
*Refine the prose of the essay. Read your revised draft aloud. Does each sentence say exactly what you want it to say? Can you make the prose tighter, more active, more precise? Is there continuity, flow, from sentence to sentence?
*Remember that writing and revising are recursive processes, and you may move back and forth among these activities. For instance, reorganizing the essay may prompt you to do more fresh writing. Refining the prose may lead you to new ideas.
*Get as much feedback as you can. Take your revised essay to the Writing Center, read it to a friend, bring it to me for a consultation.

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Essays will be evaluated on the basis of
the clarity, complexity, and thoughtfulness of the thesis statement,
evidence of careful reading and analysis,
the selection and use of evidence,
clear and logical development of the thesis,
clarity and grace of prose.

Essays will be graded as follows:
A An excellent essay typically includes an outstanding thesis, thoughtful consideration of concepts and perceptive analysis of text. Detailed reading, cogent and graceful argument, vivid and sophisticated prose.
B A good essay typically includes a strong thesis and coherent argument, effective supporting attention to the text, and generally fine and clear prose with only occasional lapses in grammar. The difference between an excellent essay and a good one lies less in what is wrong with the good essay than in what is right with the excellent one.
C A satisfactory essay typically includes a thesis that is too general or simplistic, and vague readings of the text. Generally competent prose but marred by consistent grammatical or organizational errors.
D A below standard essay typically has an ill-defined or ill-supported main idea, together with serious flaws in grammar, logic, or argumentation.
F A failing essay is typically one marred by plagiarism. It may also be an essay that reveals no knowledge of the text and that is written in unidiomatic English.

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Goals for writing in the CC are a subset of Willamette’s goals for your writing over four years here:

Students understand that diverse purposes call on diverse processes for writing and become flexible in choosing processes appropriate to the purpose. They recognize a variety of purposes for writing:
• as a means of learning and discovery,
• as a means of communicating what one has learned and discovered,
• as a means of expression and artistic creation.
• In CC, they learn to use writing informally to help their own reading and thinking.
• In CC, they learn to formulate and refine a thesis.

Students recognize the demands of a variety of readers and develop ways to adapt their writing to meet the needs and expectations of diverse readers. They learn to accommodate the needs of readers:
• to address readers at a level appropriate to their expertise,
• to explain their reasoning, and
• to provide transitions between sentences and other units of discourse, for example.

Students gain comfort and facility in writing in a variety of forms. They learn that organizational patterns vary with purpose, readers, and materials, that some forms are clear and relatively inflexible while others are quite loose.
In CC, they learn to organize a thesis-driven essay and to move beyond the five-paragraph theme (intro-3 points-one-paragraph-per-point, conclusion) to think in arguments and chunks of arguments.
• They may also learn to make an argument in other forms (dialogues, plays, speeches, etc.)

Students respect their readers’ expectations for evidence, explanation, and argumentation:
• they support their claims in writing with appropriate data especially drawing on primary texts;
• they employ logic and good reasoning;
• especially in writing for academic readers, they acknowledge the larger conversations to which they contribute by documenting their work.
In CC, students learn the conventions of one citation style, and understand that they may be asked to use others in other disciplines.
• In CC, students learn to signal quotations appropriately and to integrate quotations into their own sentence syntax.
• They learn to work with quotations (rather than to drop them in as proof
per se).
They learn when to quote directly, when to paraphrase, and when to refer more generally to sources.

Students write in fluent, precise, competent, English in their formal writing; when writing in a foreign language class, they learn the conventions and standards for writing in that language:
• they observe the conventions of standard edited English (or other language) in grammar, usage, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics;
• they begin to develop a sense of their own writing voice, or voices,
• they appreciate, or at least tolerate the variety of English prose styles,
• they identify styles that they admire,
• they match their own style to purpose and readers.

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What I hope you will gain from this course
•A curious, critical, engaged attitude as you read, write, and discuss books, works of art, historical events, ideas.
•Habits of active reading, which include
•preparing to read by predicting what you'll find in the text
•raising questions as you read (noting them, seeking answers)
•reading both sympathetically and skeptically
•taking notes both on what you read and what you think about that
•making connections between texts--and between texts and the rest of your world
•Confidence that your writing will be taken seriously, manifest in
•the use of writing to explore and track your own thinking
•the practice of writing in several drafts
•a commitment to clarity for your readers
•Willingness to participate in discussion, demonstrated by
•preparing for the day’s topics with notes, questions, comments
•taking the lead when discussion lags, waiting your turn when it’s lively
•responding to what others have introduced before changing the subject
•treating others and their ideas with respect
•offering evidence or reasoning for your statements

•An ethical commitment to the community of scholars you have joined, manifest in
•fairness to other authors whose words and views you are representing
•accurate representation of words and ideas
•precise citation and complete documentation
•fairness to your readers who expect you to present them with sound arguments
•fairness to yourself and your own ideas, trusting others when you risk honesty
•careful speaking and listening, timely reading and writing
•thoughtfulness to the persons with whom you share your quest for knowledge and truth

•Knowledge about approaching writing rhetorically that you will continue to rely on as you write in college (and beyond), analyzing PROSE:
•Purposes: What do I want to say and do with this piece of writing?
•Readers: Who are they? What background do they bring to this piece?
•Organization: What genre and organization best suit purpose and reader?
•Support: What kinds of evidence can I bring to bear in convincing readers that my point is well made? What is the reasoning that connects evidence to my point?
•English conventions: What is the appropriate level of adherence to the standards of formal, edited English? What citation style is appropriate? Level of diction?
One also reads rhetorically, analyzing purpose, intended audience, sources of evidence and support, structure, word choice and style.

•Specific applications of these rhetorical processes to composing an essay--a paper that represents your current best thinking about an idea
•Recognition that multiple drafts are generally required as you move from tentative ideas expressed for yourself to ever clearer, better supported and organized presentations for others
•Developing a thesis through drafts and from introduction to conclusion
•Incorporating words and ideas from other texts and citing them correctly
•Critical skill in proposing revision strategies to others and to yourself

Problems? Questions?
When you have questions about materials or assignments, please raise them in class--others are likely to have the same questions. When you have questions or concerns about your work, problems with the course, or suggestions for improving the class, please come see me as soon as possible. I will do my best to answer questions, resolve problems, and make use of your suggestions. Thanks.

My office is Eaton 204. I will be available for conferences MWF 10:20-12 and other times by appointment. You can reach me or my voice mail at x6389, or you can email me at fmichel<at>

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