Surfaces in Povray

3D objects have 2D surfaces. Povray has a complex array of choices for specifying what the 2D surface of an object will look like. Below, we describe some of the basics of how to specify surface color and surface properties in Povray. For more details, please see the Povray documentation.


Textures are combinations of the following:

We describe each in more detail below.


Pigments describe the underlying color of a surface. Pigments can be specifed as:


The appearance of a surface depends on the angle the light hits it. More specifically, the appearance depends on the relative positions of the surface normal, the direction of the light and position of the viewer. For example, consider light hitting a diffuse (i.e. matte) surface. Light that "grazes" the surface is going to reflect less than light that hits directly from right above the surface. For more details, see surface interaction.

To make a surface appear bumpy, we can perturb the surface normal. This is how normal maps work - they add a slight adjustment to the existing surface normal.

code: bumpExEx.pov

bump image texture

Note, bump maps do not change the surface, they only change the normals. Displacement maps actually change the surface. The difference can be seen when an object's silhouette is viewed.

Other ways of changing the normals in Povray without image maps: bumps, wrinkles, and dents:



FInishes control how light interacts with the surface. For example, a surface might be highly reflective or have a matte finish. Povray has the following keywords to set the finish:

