Foils, masks, and protective jackets are provided by the University. Basic foot work and blade work is taught and the general concepts of form, balance and self-control are developed. Good sportsmanship is stressed and the formal code of etiquette for fencing is introduced. Participants in this course are eligible to join the University’s fencing club, the Willamette University Foil Fencers (WUFF), after the sixth week of class.

Fencing Facts

Sport fencing utilizes three weapons: the foil, the épée and the fencing saber. Both men and women can enjoy fencing, and almost anyone can learn to fence at some level. Despite its deadly past, fencing is a safe sport when practiced with proper equipment and under adequate supervision. However, it is not an activity that can be learned from a book or mastered in a few hours. A minimum of 12 hours of instruction and drill in form, balance, and most importantly, self-control is required before a person can face an opponent in a fencing situation.

Willamette University Foil Fencers (WUFF)

WUFF is a club where fencers at all skill levels can meet and fence. Teacher’s assistants for the class are usually recruited from the club membership. WUFF meets evenings in the Sparks Center during the school year. [Please refer to the weekly schedule posted in Sparks.] This is also an opportunity for current class members to get extra help from the instructor and teacher’s assistants or to make up missed classes.

WUFF is affiliated with the Salem Classical Fencing Studio; the Studio of American Fencing in Portland; the Sword and Mask Fencing Studio in Ashland, Oregon; and the Selberg Fencing Academy in Ashland, Oregon.

Informational Links offers a good introduction to the sport of fencing and fencing terminology.

Students are encouraged to review the Fitness Course Policies and Regulations.

Image of somebody fencing
  • Fencing
  • FITS 081X
  • includes form, balance, and self-control

James Ciaramitaro

Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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