Willamette MBA Students provide valuable support to organizations — thinking cross functionally, working collaboratively, and planning strategically. We invite you to connect with members of our staff to design a program that meets your organization's needs.

On Campus Recruiting

Our Career Management Staff will work with you to arrange interviews, provide information sessions, give access to resumeé books or provide personal referrals. Job or internship postings can be submitted via our online job board offered by MBA Focus, or by contacting Career Management Staff with job posting information to mba-jobs@willamette.edu.

Career Fairs & Close-up Events

Participate in our personalized career fairs, called Career Close-up Events, in the fall or spring terms. These events give students an opportunity to meet you in small group formats or one-on-one. In addition, Willamette works with a number of industry-specific and demographic-specific career fairs in the region and around the country such as NSHMBA and NAAMBA and NAWMBA.

Company Treks

Let students experience your organization first hand. Site visits and company treks are an excellent way to introduce MBA students to your culture, your people and your facilities. Most treks include 10-25 students and are two hours in length.

Internships & Projects

Many employers use internships and projects as a recruiting tool. We encourage you to consider using one or more students to help your organization.

Functional Career Panels

The Willamette MBA Career Management team and student-run professional organizations host panels where you can share career advice and connect with students interested in working in a particular field. Panels can take place on campus or on site at your organization.

Mock Interviews & Resume Reviews

During the fall semester Career Management course, students ar required to go through a mock recruiting process which includes submitting a resumeé and cover letter for a sample job, phone screening and full mock interview. We welcome alumni, professionals and recruiters to volunteer and take part.

Mentorship Program

Get involved in the career development of future leaders. Students are matched with successful professionals in a variety of fields to support professional development. Our mentors find this a great way to get to know students and network with other professionals.

Guest Speakers, Power Lunches and Executive-in-Residence

Share information about your organization or career field with a targeted group of MBA students. You have the opportunity to present company-specific information and connect with students that have specific questions about careers in your organization or field. Power Lunches and Executive-in-Residence programs invite top-level managers and executives to campus to provide an in-depth presentation on their experience, career progression and organizations. This may include a visit to one or more Willamette MBA classes.


To REGISTER for the 2015-2016 Willamette University MBA events, please follow these steps:
Log in to MBA Focus here. If you are a first-time user, you'll be prompted to create an account.
From the main dashboard, click on the tab On-Campus Requests from the top menu bar.
Click on Single Company Event to sign up for an Employer Spotlight.
Click on Multiple Company Event to sign up to attend a Personalized Career Fair, Company Trek, or Mock Interviews.
Career Management will contact you to confirm details, once we receive your request.


By phone: 503.370.6167 or email: mbacareer@willamette.edu

Willamette University

MBA Career Management

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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