English 438: Literature and Sexuality / WMST 342: Topics in Feminist Analysis
MWF 9:10-10:10
Eaton 308


Frann Michel
Eaton 204, x6389
MWF 10:20-11:20, 1:50-2:50, and other times by appointment



writing assignments


This course examines the cultural construction of gender and sexuality, particularly in the twentieth century, through study of selected theoretical and literary texts. In many of the literary texts we will explore, gender is called into question or problematized through representation of transvestism (cross-dressing), gender inversion (homosexuality), or gender transformation. We will look at how theoretical and literary texts construct the relations among gender, sexuality, and identity, and how they place gender and sexuality in relation to other aspects of public and private life, including race. We will examine such notions as the "normal," the "natural," and the "deviant" or "perverse." We will consider the relation between social vision and literary form.

Your participation is vital to this course. I will expect you to come to each class having read the assigned material, having thought about it, and having questions or ideas about it. For each class, you will write down a discussion question. In addition to writing daily discussion questions and participating actively in class, students will write three essays. Two of these will be brief response papers addressing individual texts; one will be a final essay analyzing a relationship between a literary and a theoretical text. See below for more information.

Required texts available at WU Bookstore:
Baldwin, Giovanni's Room
Foucault, The History of Sexuality, Vol. I: An Introduction
Freud, Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
Hall, The Well of Loneliness
Hwang, M. Butterfly
Kessler & McKenna, Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
Woolf, Orlando

Required texts online or reserve:
Butler, "Against Proper Objects"
Davis, "Rape, Racism, and the Myth of the Black Rapist"
Ellis, selections from Studies in the Psychology of Sex
Gamez, "From the Gloria Stories"
Rubin, "The Traffic in Women"; "Thinking Sex"
Wright, "Man of All Work"


Tentative Schedule

W Sep 1 Introductions
F Sep 3 Butler, "Against Proper Objects" Available through Academic Search Premier: Butler, Judith. Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, Summer94, Vol. 6 Issue 2/3, p1, 26p; (AN 5431345)

M Sep 6 Labor day; no class meeting
W Sep 8 Gamez, "From the Gloria Stories"
F Sep 10 Kessler & McKenna, Gender, Chapters 1 & 2

M Sep13 Gender, 3 & 4
W Sep 15 Gender, 5 & 6
F Sep 17 Hwang, M. Butterfly (focus on Act 1)

M Sep 20 M Butterfly
W Sep 22 Davis, "Rape, Racism, and the Myth of the Black Rapist"
F Sep 24 Wright, "Man of All Work"

M Sep 27 Ellis, Selections
W Sep 29 Hall, Well, Book I
F Oct 1 Well, Book II

M Oct 4 Well, Book III
W Oct 6 Well, Book IV
F Oct 8 Well, Book V

M Oct 11 Rubin, "The Traffic in Women"
W Oct 13 Freud, I: "The Sexual Aberrations"
F Oct 15 Freud, II: "Infantile Sexuality"

M Oct 18 Freud, III: "The Transformations of Puberty"
W Oct 20 Freud, "Summary"
F Oct 22 Midsemester Day; no class meeting

M Oct 25 Woolf, Orlando, Chapter 1
W Oct 27 Orlando, Chapter 2
F Oct 29 Orlando, Chapter 3

M Nov 1 Orlando, Chapter 4
W Nov 3 Orlando, Chapter 5
F Nov 5 Orlando, Chapter 6

M Nov 8 Foucault, Part One, "We 'Other Victorians'"
W Nov 10 Foucault, Part Two, "The Repressive Hypothesis"
F Nov 12 Foucault, Part Three, "Scientia Sexualis"

M Nov 15 Foucault, Part Four, "The Deployment of Sexuality," Chapters 1& 2: "Objective" and "Method"
W Nov 17 Part Four, Chapters 3 & 4, "Domain" and "Periodization"
F Nov 19 Part Five, "Right of Death and Power Over Life"

M Nov 22 Continued discussion
W Nov 24 Continued discussion
F Nov 26 Thanksgiving Holiday; no class meeting

M Nov 29 Baldwin, Giovanni's Room Part One, Chapters 1-2
W Dec 1 Baldwin, Giovanni's Room Chapter 3
F Dec 3 Baldwin, Giovanni's Room Part Two, Chapters 1-3

M Dec 6 Baldwin, Giovanni's Room Chapters 4-5
W Dec 8 Rubin, "Thinking Sex"
F Dec 10 last day of class

Sat Dec 18 11am Final essay due, Eaton 204



Writing Assignments

Response Papers

Students will be responsible for writing two brief response papers of 3-5 pages (750-1250 words) each, addressing individual texts. One response paper must be based on a theoretical text, and one on a literary text. Response papers are due on the Monday following the last day of scheduled discussion of the work addressed in the paper. Response papers may address any aspect of the text they respond to; they may extend or critique a theoretical point, or analyze a literary structure (e.g., image, metaphor, parallels, setting, narrative stance). Response papers may be based on discussion questions.

Final Essay

In addition to the two response papers, students will write a final essay of 10-12 pages (2500-3000 words) analyzing a relationship between a literary and a theoretical text, on which you have not previously written a response paper.

Of the four works on which you write papers this term, at least one of the literary texts must be a book-length work (Hwang, Hall, Woolf, Baldwin) and at least one of the theoretical texts must be a book-length work (Kessler & McKenna, Freud, Foucault)

Final essays are due on or before Saturday, December 18, 11am.

Discussion Questions

For each class meeting, you will be asked to write down a discussion question. Discussion questions have multiple aims: they should demonstrate to me that you are doing the reading (so we don't need exams or quizzes), and they should provide you with an opportunity to reflect upon the assignment.

A discussion question is one that cannot be answered simply by looking the answer up somewhere, one that does not have an obvious answer, but that must be explored and argued. It is not completely open-ended, but specifically grounded in the text. It arises from careful consideration of the reading assignment: what the text says, and how it says it. In about half a page (150 words), explain what prompted the question, what thinking went into arriving at the question, what possible answers (if any) have been considered, and why those answers are unsatisfactory. Try to frame the question itself in one brief interrogative sentence.

Discussion questions must be typed, and will not be accepted late.

Discussion groups will have about four members; membership will rotate. Group process will be as follows:

1. Group members sit in a circle.

2. Each group member in turn shares her or his question. Those listening may wish to take notes.

3. When each question has been presented, group members begin responding to the questions that have been presented. This may entail brainstorming, finding and examining relevant passages in the text.

4. Discussion continues on whichever questions seem most fruitful; that is, whichever group members have the most to say about or disagree most about.

5. The group decides on one question to share with the rest of the class.

6. The group decides on a speaker for the group. The role of speaker should rotate.

7. The speaker will report the question and summarize the gist of the group's discussion of it.


Some Links of Interest

Judith Butler

David Henry Hwang

Angela Davis


Richard Wright

Havelock Ellis


Gayle Rubin
study questions for "The Traffic in Women"


notes on "The Traffic in Women"


notes on "Thinking Sex"

Sigmund Freud

3 essays


Virginia Woolf, Orlando


Michel Foucault

James Baldwin

see especially the article at

Problems? Questions? When you have questions about materials or assignments, please raise them in class--others are likely to have the same questions. When you have questions or concerns about your work, problems with the course, or suggestions for improving the class, please come see me as soon as possible. I will do my best to answer questions, resolve problems, and make use of your suggestions. Thanks. My office is Eaton 204. I will be available for conferences MWF 10:20-11:20 and 1:50-2:50, and other times by appointment. You can reach me or my voice mail at x6389, or you can email me at fmichel@willamette.edu.