Boolean algebra


CS 446: Automata Theory
Lecture #2: Review of Relevant Mathematics

Boolean algebra
bullet Booleans as truth values we often make use of a two-element set of truth values, { true, false } (in Computer Science, we usually identify these with the "bits" 0 and 1)

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CS 446: Automata Theory
Lecture #2: Review of Relevant Mathematics

Boolean algebra
bullet Booleans as truth values
bullet Operations on boolean values there are a number of useful unary and binary operations on booleans, including and, or, and not (you should be familiar with the relevant definitions)

Q: how many binary boolean operations are there?

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CS 446: Automata Theory
Lecture #2: Review of Relevant Mathematics

Boolean algebra
bullet Booleans as truth values
bullet Operations on boolean values
bullet Abstract boolean algebra we can generalize the structure of the boolean truth values and associated operations by axiomatizing some of their salient properties (associative, commutative, distributive laws, etc.): the result is an abstract algebra called a boolean algebra

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CS 446: Automata Theory
Lecture #2: Review of Relevant Mathematics

Boolean algebra
bullet Booleans as truth values
bullet Operations on boolean values
bullet Abstract boolean algebra
bullet Sets as a boolean algebra in particular, the subsets of some base set form a boolean algebra, where various operations on sets play the role of the boolean operations

Q: which sets and operations correspond to the truth values and the operations of and, or, and not?

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