In this lab you will gain more practice writing classes and creating a graphical user interface (GUI). You will write an ATM Applet to simulate a bank with three acocunts. The user will be able to select an account and then withdraw funds. Each time an amount is withdrawn. the current balance will be displayed.
Think about the design before you begin to write any code. The design pattern you are considering here is called the model-view-comtroller pattern. The view is what the user sees and interacts with, i.e. the user interface. The model is the underlying data or information. The controller is the interface between the two, i.e. the connection that allows the user, interacting with the view, to access and manipulate the underlying model.
Grab a piece of paper and make a quick sketch of what this interface might look like. You can do this without any knowledge of how the program will work.
What and how information will be stored? Typically, user information is kept in accounts so it is reasonable to create an Account class that will store information for each person. This information might include a name and a balance for each account.
What actions need to be performed on this information? This must at least include the ability to display (e.g. the name and balance) and withdraw an amount from the account.
As already mentioned, an account should store information for a single account. Begin by defining the class as follows:
public class Account{ String name = "Account"; int balance = 1000; }
Save the Account class. It should appear in the ATM_Applet project.
In order to access and change this information, we must add accessor methods for both the name and balance variables. For example, for the name variable, we need the following "get" and "set" methods:
public class Account{ String name; int balance; public void setName(String nuName) { name = nuName; } public String getName() { return name; } // You must add the getBalance() and setBalance() methods here. public String toString() { return name + " has balance = " + balance; } }
Add the above methods to code. Also add a "get" and "set" method for the balance variable. Note that we have also included a toString() method so that we can display what is stored in the account.
At this point it is important to test your account class to make sure it is working properly. To do this, we write what is called a driver program whose sole purpose is to create an Account object and to test the methods.
We can use the ATM_Applet as our driver class. We will set things up so that when the button for account 1 is pressed, an Account object will be created and its balance will be set. To do this, open up the window in VC. In the "Objects" menu at the top of the file, choose accountButton1 (or whatever you named your button for account 1). Then in the Events/Methods menu, choose actionPerformed. VC will add code and take the cursor to the place where it says "// to do: code goes here." When the user presses the accountButton1 button, the program will execute the code that you place at this location. The code you will add to the accountButton1_ActionPerformed() method is shown below:
THIS GOES IN THE ATM_Applet CLASS void accountButton1_ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event) { Account myAccount = new Account(); myAccount.setName("James"); statusTextArea.append("Old: " + myAccount.toString()); myAccount.setBalance(1000); statusTextArea.append("New: " + myAccount.toString()); }
Run the program to make sure that it works.
Now, in the Account class add a withdraw method to withdraw money from the account:
THIS GOES IN THE Account CLASS public void withdraw(int amountToWithdraw) { balance = balance - amountToWithdraw; }
Test it in the ATM_Applet by sending a message to myAccount to withdraw some amount. Print the results in the status area.
Recall that we want to have multiple accounts. These accounts will managed by a Bank. Create a new class called Bank. Add three Account Objects as data variables (see below). Since there are multiple accounts, the Bank needs to keep track of which account is currently being accessed. Add a variable of type Account that is called the currentAccount:
public class Bank { Account account1 = new Account(); Account account2 = new Account(); Account account3 = new Account(); Account currentAccount = account1; }
Save this class into your project. The currentAccount variable may seem a bit odd. Note that it does not represent a fourth account, rather it always references one of the three accounts. In the picture below, it is referencing account1.
Add "set" methods (shown below) to the Bank class so that we can set the currentAccount to any one of the three accounts we wish. To withdraw money from the account referenced by currentAccount we also need to add a withdraw method to the Bank class. To view the balance we need to add a getBalance method:
THIS GOES IN THE Bank CLASS public void setCurrentAccountTo1() { currentAccount = account1; } public void setCurrentAccountTo2() { currentAccount = account2; } public void setCurrentAccountTo3() { currentAccount = account3; } public void withdraw(int amount) { currentAccount.withdraw(amount); } public String getBalance() { return "$"+ currentAccount.getBalance() + "\n"; }
To test your Bank class, we will again use the ATM_Applet as the driver class. Declare and create a Bank object as a data variable in your ATM_Applet class as shown below:
In the ATM_Applet, remove the code you wrote for creating an Account object (i.e. the code in the accountButton1_ActionPerformed() method). Replace it with the code below which 1) sets the current account to account1, 2) reads the amount the user has typed into the amountTextField, and 3) withdraws that amount from account1:public class ATM_Applet extends Applet { Bank myBank = new Bank(); ... }
THIS GOES IN THE ATM_Applet CLASS void accountButton1_ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event) { myBank.setCurrentAccountTo1(); int amount = Integer.parseInt(amountTextField.getText()); myBank.withdraw(amount); statusTextArea.append(myBank.getBalance()); }
Just as you did for the accountButton1 button, add an actionPerformed event to your ATM_Applet for accountButton2 and accountButton3. For each of these buttons, add code similar to that shown above to set the current account and withdraws funds. Test your code.
Update your program so that there are 4 accounts instead of 3.
Add a constructor to your Account class so that the data variables can more easily be initialized. That is, rather than having to use "set" and "get" methods to set the initial values, you can just use your constructor when creating an Account object:
In the current program, it is possible to withdraw more funds than are available thus resulting in a negative balance. How would you modify your withdraw method in the Account class so that the user cannot overdraw an account (hint: use a guarded command pattern).Account account1 = new Acount("Account 1",200);