famous women in History

Famous Women in Math and Science

Women in Math, Physics and Computer Science
Willamette University
[events][faculty] [departments][resources][sponsors]
Our Mission  

Physics, mathematics, and computer science are of growing importance in our society and culture, yet women continue to be underrepresented in these fields both nationally and here on campus. The purpose of this group is to create a welcome and inclusive environment by providing a supportive forum for women students and faculty to discuss issues related to being female in these male dominated fields. We also hope to increase participants’ awareness of career opportunities and introduce them to female role models in these fields.


Lunch Hour Networking

11:45am-12:30pm in Ford Hall,
2nd Floor Hearth
Cookies and beverages will be served.
Feel free to bring your lunch.
Roberta Bigelo Roberta Bigelow
Associate Professor of Physics and Associate Dean
Collins 314 and Smullin 108
E-mail: rbigelow@willamette.edu
Haiyan Cheng

Haiyan Cheng
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Ford 207
E-mail: hcheng@willamette.edu

Inga Johnson

Inga Johnson
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Ford 212
E-mail: ijohnson@willamette.edu

Michaela Kleinert

Michaela Kleinert
Assistant Professor of Physics
Collins 312
E-mail: mkleiner@willamette.edu

Erin McNicholas

Erin McNicholas
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Ford 211
E-mail: emcnicho@willamette.edu

Kathryn Nyman

Kathryn Nyman
Assistant Professor of Math
Ford 217
E-mail: knyman@willamette.edu

Jenny Orr

Jenny Orr
Professor of Computer Science
Ford 210
E-mail: gorr@willamette.edu

Departmental Links  
Mathematics http://www.willamette.edu/cla/math/
Physics http://www.willamette.edu/cla/physics/
Computer Science http://www.willamette.edu/cla/cs/
Resources and Links
Sponsor Acknowledgements We would like to than the Council on Diversity and Social Justice, and the departments of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science for their generous support.