Publications by Peter Wogan




Hollywood Blockbusters: The Anthropology of Popular Movies. Berg Press, 2009. Co-author David Sutton.

Anthropological analyses of Jaws, Field of Dreams, The Godfather, The Big Lebowski, and The Village. Search entire book here.

For further exploration of questions raised in this book—e.g. What do Jaws and WWII have in common? What is the cultural meaning of the slide in baseball?—see my other website.


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Magical Writing in Salasaca: Literacy and Power in Highland Ecuador. Westview Press, 2004.

Ethnography of an indigenous group in Ecuador, with chapters on witchcraft, Day of the Dead, weaving, etc.

Search entire book here. You can also listen to a podcast interview I did about this book.


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                                                Journal Articles:


·"Compliment Topics and Gender." Women and Language 29: 21-28, 2006. Co-author Christopher Parisi. An analysis of gender differences in American compliments on appearance, skill, personality, and/or possessions. Compliments_and_Gender.pdf


·"Audience Reception and Ethnographic Film: Laughing at First Contact." Visual Anthropology Review 22:14-33, 2006. An analysis of what college students find funny in a documentary film about first contact in the 1930s between Australian gold miners and Papua New Guineans.


·"Deep Hanging Out: Reflections on Fieldwork and Multi-sited Andean Ethnography." Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 11: 129-139, 2004. Commentary on Andean ethnographies that span multiple locations.


·"The Gun, the Pen, and the Cannoli: Orality and Writing in The Godfather, Part I." Anthropology and Humanism 28:155-167, 2003 (with David Sutton). An analysis of literacy and food symbolism in The Godfather, such as the famous offer he can't refuse ("either his brains or his signature would be on that contract"). Gun, Pen, Cannoli Article. Note: Sutton and I updated this analysis in our 2009 book, Hollywood Blockbusters.


·"Imagined Communities Reconsidered: Is Print-Capitalism What We Think It Is?" Anthropological Theory 1:403-418, 2001.

A critique of implicit notions of print and orality in Benedict Anderson’s Imagined Communities.


·"Magical Literacy: Encountering a Witch's Book in Ecuador," Anthropological Quarterly 71:186-202, 1998. Reprinted in Sacred Realms: Essays in Religion, Belief, and Society. Richard Warms, James Garber, Jon McGee, eds. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Describes a witch who kills people with a book of names, including my own run-in with the witch.


·"Perceptions of European Literacy in Early Contact Situations." Ethnohistory 41:407-29, 1994. Debunks the theory that Native Americans were in awe of 17th-century missionaries because of their books and writing.





Contact Information: Mail: Peter Wogan, Professor of Anthropology, Willamette University, Department of Anthropology, Eaton Hall, 900 State Street, Salem, OR 97301 (USA). Email: Tel.: 503-370-6032.

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