Course Listings

Studio Art

ARTS 496W Senior Studio (4)

The Senior Studio is the culminating experience in the Art major program. The course is devoted to all aspects of conceptualizing and preparing a major work or series of works, the thesis project, that demonstrates technical mastery, conceptual engagement and thematic coherence. Students work on their projects independently throughout the fall and early spring semesters with supervision of a studio faculty advisor. Successful theses are exhibited in the Hallie Ford Museum of Art. Coursework emphasizes productive staging of a major project. Special guest lectures and topics are presented. This is offered as a year-long double-credit course, 1 in the fall and 1 in the spring. Students must register each semester.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Writing-centered; Arts & Humanities
  • Prerequisite: Completion of 1 300-level ARTS course. Enrollment by instructor consent.
  • Offering: Every Semester
  • Instructor: Opie, Skillin-Brauchle

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