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Fred Agbo

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Headshot of Fred Agbo

Contact Information

Salem Campus

Ford Hall 209
900 State Street
Salem  Oregon  97301


Fred Agbo joined the School of Computing and Information Science, Willamette University in 2023 as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science. Before joining Willamette University, he worked as a University Lecturer at the School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland (UEF) in Joensuu, Finland. Fred completed his PhD degree from the same University of Eastern Finland in 2022, specializing in computing education and educational technology. Fred currently teaches computer science and data science courses, supervises undergraduate and graduate students, and lives in Salem with his family. Fred was born to a family of 5 among whom he is the last. He started his education in Nigeria and went on to obtain his bachelor's and master’s degrees in computer science from the University of Jos and the University of Ilorin, respectively.

Fred’s research interests include computer science education, human-computer interaction (HCI), software engineering, game-based learning, virtual and augmented reality technology, and persuasive technology for teaching and learning. Fred has co-designed virtual reality mini-games with students during his doctoral research in Finland and has published over 50 peer-reviewed articles. As a young scholar, Fred’s career goal is to create a niche in interactive technologies for learning and HCI in general; teach and mentor students in computing education research; and collaborate with professors and other colleagues for the scholarly advancement of science.


  • PhD, Computer Science, University of Eastern Finland, 2022
  • MS, Computer Science, University of Ilorin, 2018
  • BS, Computer Science, University of Jos, 2013

Research Interests

  • Computer Science Education
  • Computational Thinking Education
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Smart Learning Environments
  • Emerging Technology for Learning
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education
  • Machine Learning Education


  • CS 151 Intro to programming with Python
  • CS 399 Topic: Human-Computer Interaction
  • CS 599 Topic: Python for Data Science
  • Sustainability Engineering, UEF
  • Advanced Human-Computer Interaction, UEF

Grants and Awards

  • 2022: FinCEAL Plus BRIDGES research grant, University of Helsinki
  • 2019-2022: SCITECO Doctoral research grant, University of Eastern Finland


Peer-Reviewed Scientific Articles in Journals

Peer-Reviewed Scientific Articles in Conferences

Edited Book Chapters

  • Agbo, F. J. (2017). Semantic web-based model for intelligence gathering using thematic, spatial and temporal components. Master’s degree thesis, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.
  • Agbo, F. J. (2012). Design and implementation of a human resource management system- the case of CHAN, Nigeria. Bachelor’s degree thesis, University of Jos, Nigeria
Articles currently under review
1. How can Unplugged Approach Facilitate Novice Students’ Understanding of Computational
Thinking? An Exploratory study from a Nigerian University (undergoing review in Elsevier
journal of Thinking Skills and Creativity)