CS / Math Lilly Project

Promoting new areas of research and interdisciplinary learning in computer science and mathematics

The CS/Math Lilly project was granted in November 2009 for the academic year of 2010 to 2012 with a total budget of $20,000 to promote new areas of research and interdisciplinary learning in computer science and mathematics.

The project goals include:

  • Foster exploration of new research areas
  • Create an integrated research and learning environment
  • Promote close interaction between CS and Math department faculty through the development and exchange of teaching and research ideas.
  • Increase opportunities for students to apply their knowledge outside of the classroom

The funding will be mainly used for the following purposes by the CS and Math tenure track faculties:

  • Joint CS/Math faculty colloquium
  • Funds for faculty travel
  • Funds to invite other colleagues to campus for research purposes
  • Funds for faculty travel to pedagogy related workshops/conferences
  • Annual retreat to discuss pedagogy and ways of integrating math and computer science topics throughout the curriculum of our respective majors
  • Hold joint recruitment fair
  • Support for professional memberships

The online application is required for funding considerations.

Online Application

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