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Office of Student Affairs / Student Services

The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) provides comprehensive support for law students. This office is where students conduct most of their daily business -- turning in Legal Research and Writing assignments, registering for classes, scheduling rooms for student organization events, and rescheduling examinations -- just to name a few. The OSA also oversees registration for law courses, administering examinations, and Commencement in the spring.

Student Resources

Calendaring Resources

Upcoming Events


Class Attendance Tracking

The attendance is recorded weekly as we receive attendance sheets from the faculty; however, it is ultimately the student's responsibility to track attendance, as reporting may not always be up to date.

If you find a discrepancy in the records (for example, if you were marked absent on a day that you were in class), email or contact the professor to ask them to notify the OSA to correct the attendance date in question. We can only make a correction if the request is from the Professor. If you know you were absent on a certain date, but your record doesn't reflect it, please contact either the professor or the OSA to see if the attendance sheets have been turned in for the class in question.

The OSA notary services are limited to WUCL students and graduates for purposes of application to state bar examinations.

Willamette University

Office of Student Affairs

College of Law
Willamette University
245 Winter Street SE
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.