First-year Early Career/Career Change, MBA/JD, BA/MBA, Accelerated, exchange and non-degree students will be registered by the Atkinson School Recorder for their first semester courses.
Pre-registration for currently enrolled students for spring semester occurs during November. Pre-registration for returning students for fall semester occurs in April. Pre-registration for a course reserves a place in the class and helps the Atkinson School order an adequate supply of textbooks. All students will pre-register online on the Willamette WebAdvisor System.
Waitlists are established when a course has reached its enrollment capacity. Students on the waitlist will be moved from the waitlist to enrollment in the course based on the date and time at which the student ists added to the waitlist.
First-year students are automatically registered for 15 credits for fall semester of their first year of study. First-year students may pre-register for a maximum of 15 credits via the online registration system for spring semester of the first year.
Second-year students may pre-register for a maximum of 18 credits via the online registration system for fall semester of the second year of study and may pre-register for a maximum of 18 credits via the online registration system for spring semester of the second year of study.
Students needing to pre-register for more than 18 GSM credits must speak with Karen Arthur for assistance adding the additional credits.
Early career/career change, MBA/JD, BA/MBA, accelerated, exchange and non-degree students may not register for GSMPR courses of the MBA for Professionals program.
Although changes in registration may be made during the first week of a semester, students are encouraged to carefully consider their pre-registration choices.
A student is considered officially registered only after fees have been paid or arrangements have been made with the Business Office.
Course Waitlist Procedures
Waitlists are established when a course has reached its enrollment capacity. Prior to the beginning of classes, students on the waitlist will be moved from the waitlist to enrollment in the course based on the date and time at which the student was added to the waitlist.
Once the semester begins, students who are on a waitlist for a course are expected to attend the first session of the course to receive waitlist priority for enrollment if space becomes available. If space becomes available in the course during the first week of class, students will be moved from the waitlist to enrollment in the course based on their position on the waitlist of those students who attended the first class session of the waitlisted course. Waitlisted students who do not attend the first session of the course, may not be eligible to enroll in the course if a space becomes available.
Adding a Course During the First Week of the Semester
Students who are considering adding a course during the first week of the semester, must attend the class during the first week to be eligible to register for the course. Instructor approval is required. If you are considering two courses that meet at the same time, talk to the professor of each course for advice and instruction.
To add a course, contact Karen Arthur, Recorder/Records Analyst at, by 5:00 p.m., Friday of the first week of the semester. Students are responsible for initiating and completing the add process in a timely manner. Students on waitlists receive priority for registration in the waitlisted course.
Adding a Course After the First Week of the Semester
MBA courses may not be added after the end of the first week of the semester, unless approved by instructor of the course. To add a course after the end of the first week of instruction, contact Karen Arthur, Recorder/Records Analyst at Students are responsible for initiating and completing the add process in a timely manner.
The last day to add an MBA course without instructor permission for fall semester 2019 is 5:00 p.m. Friday, August 30, 2019. The last day to add an MBA course without instructor permission for spring semester 2020 is 5:00 p.m. Friday, January 17, 2020.
Auditing Courses is Not Allowed
Only students who are officially registered for a course may attend a course. Auditing a course (sitting in on a class without full participation, grades, and/or registration) is not an available option.
Dropping a Course
Students considering dropping a course are encouraged to talk to the professor, faculty advisor or the Associate Dean/Director of Admission prior to the decision. Students are responsible for initiating and completing the course withdrawal process in a timely manner.
To drop a course, email the Atkinson School Recorder, Karen Arthur, at and request to drop from the course. The email must be received by the Recorder before the deadline for dropping a course. Deadlines for dropping an MBA course are listed in the academic calendar. Deadlines for the 2019-20 academic year are:
- The last day to drop an MBA course without a "W" grade (withdrawal) showing on the transcript for fall semester 2019 is 5:00 p.m., Friday, October 25, 2019.
- The last day to drop an MBA course without a "W" grade (withdrawal) showing on the transcript for spring semester 2020 is 5:00 p.m., Friday, March 13, 2020.
Withdrawing from a Course
Students considering withdrawing from a course are encouraged to talk to the professor, faculty advisor or the Associate Dean/Director of Admission prior to the decision. Students are responsible for initiating and completing the course withdrawal process in a timely manner.
The deadline to withdraw from an AGSM course is prior to the last scheduled class session of the course. Withdrawal from a course is shown on the permanent transcript as a "W." A grade of "W" does not affect the grade point average, and no credit is granted
To withdraw from a course, email Atkinson School Recorder, Karen Arthur, at and ask to withdraw from the course. The email must be received by Karen Arthur before the deadline for withdrawing from the course. The deadline to withdraw from a course is prior to the last scheduled class session of the course.
Full-Time and Part-Time Course Loads
All Early Career/Career Change, BA/MBA, Accelerated, Exchange, JD/MBA (who are in their year of full-time enrollment in the NBA program) and non-degree students who are enrolled for at least nine (9) credits per semester are classified as full-time MBA students. The nine credit minimum applies to any semester of enrollment, whether it be fall semester, spring semester or the optional summer semester.
Although nine credits is the minimum requirement for full-time status in any given semester of the 60 credit MBA program, students generally complete 15 credits per semester (fall semester of the first year, spring semester of the first year, fall semester of the second year and spring semester of the second year) to complete the program in 21 months.
Full-time students enrolling for more than 18 credits will be charged additional tuition beyond the flat rate charge for 9 to 18 credits.
MBA students who are enrolled for less than nine (9) credits per semester are enrolled part-time. MBA students who are enrolled for 4.5 to 8 credits per semester meet the half-time enrollment requirement for federal loans.
Course Prerequisites
Students are required to meet the stated prerequisite for an Atkinson course prior to enrollment in the course.
Students who have successfully completed or waived the course(s) listed as a prerequisite are considered to have met the prerequisite.
Students who have not completed the stated prerequisite may request permission from the faculty member to enroll in the course. The student should discuss their qualifications for taking the course and present evidence as requested by the faculty member. If the faculty member approves the student's enrollment in the course, the faculty member will email Karen Arthur, Recorder and Records Analyst, who will register the student for the course.
Approval to take a course without the required prerequisite does not constitute the waiver of any course or curricular requirement of the Atkinson School.
Class Attendance
Active class participation and in-class discussions enhance the learning environment for all students. As such, students are expected to attend all classes and participate in all learning activities.
The professor of the course sets the attendance policy for the course and students are expected to adhere to the attendance policy. Attendance, preparation and participation in classroom discussions may be used by faculty in determining course grades.
Students who are aware of the need to miss an upcoming class should discuss their upcoming absence with the professor in advance of the absence and make alternative arrangements for completing any related class requirements.
When a student is unable to attend class due to an unpredictable illness or an immediate personal/professional commitment, they should email or telephone the professor in advance.
Whenever a student misses a class, the student is responsible for all material covered in the missed class and may be asked by the professor to complete additional work to make up for the missed class session. It is the student's responsibility to initiate, follow through, and complete all material and assignments related to a missed class.
Students who must miss more classes then the professor has outlined as acceptable to meet the requirements of the course, should withdraw from the course for the given semester and re-enroll in the course at a later date.
Discontinuing a Course
The University reserves the right to discontinue any course for which the enrollment is insufficient.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Willamette University is committed to the full access and inclusion of all qualified students in its programs. The Willamette University Accessible Education Services office facilitates reasonable accommodations for students with a qualifying disability or temporary medical condition while maintaining institutional standards. Students with a disability should contact Lori Fontaine at the Willamette University Accessible Education Services Office.
Immunizations Required to Attend Class
Willamette University Immunization Policy requires every entering student enrolled at least half time (4.5 credits) who was born on or after January 1, 1957, must provide the university with evidence of having received two doses of measles vaccine on or after the first birthday with a minimum of 30 days between doses. Graduate students must be in compliance prior to the first day of classes, and will not be able to attend classes until the requirement is met. For more information call the Bishop Health Center at 503-370-6062 or visit Health Services.
Repeating a Course
Students may not repeat a course previously completed unless the grade earned in that course was an "F." In the case of a core or required course, a course completed with a grade of "F" must be repeated. When a course is repeated, both the "F" grade and the grade received in the repeated course appear on the transcript, and both grades are calculated in the grade point average.
Complete Withdrawal from All Courses During a Semester
MBA students considering withdrawing from all courses during a semester are encouraged to talk to their professors, faculty advisor or Sr. Associate Dean Alex Subert.
MBA students choosing to withdraw from all courses during a semester must complete and submit the Willamette University "Complete Withdrawal Form" online.
Students are responsible for initiating and completing the withdrawal process in a timely manner. Submission of the online form will automatically email University administrators who need to know the information.
The student's official withdrawal date is the date the online form is submitted, the date the student began the institution's withdrawal process and officially notified the institution of intent to withdraw, or the midpoint of the period for a student who leaves without notifying the institution. The official date of withdrawal is the date used for any tuition adjustments. Information about university tuition refund policies is available in the financial policy section of the handbook.
Medical Withdrawal or Medical Incomplete
A medical withdrawal may be requested when a student has a documented medical or psychological condition preventing completion of the semester, or requiring a reduced course load. If approved, the student's transcript will reflect grades of "W" in all courses, and a comment of "Medical Withdrawal."
Normally, a student withdrawing from all courses under this situation will receive a tuition refund according to the University's published refund schedule, or a student may request a tuition credit in lieu of a refund by contacting the Controller in the University Business Office. Contact the Business Office for a copy "Policy and Procedure for Requesting a Tuition Credit Following Approval of a Medical Withdrawal."
If a student wants to complete his/her courses, but for documented medical or psychological reasons will need more time to complete one or more courses, a temporary grade of "Medical Incomplete" may be requested.
AGSM students requesting a medical withdrawal or medical incomplete are encouraged to contact Alex Subert, Sr. Associate Dean, or Karen Arthur, Recorder/Records Analyst, to discuss options. The Willamette University form for Medical Withdrawal is available at the University Registrar's Office.
Leave of Absence
Officially admitted students who have completed at least one semester of course work at the Atkinson School, and intend to enroll in less than one (1) Atkinson course for two (2) or more consecutive semesters should apply for a Leave of Absence. Students applying for a Leave of Absence must complete the following procedure prior to the end of the semester preceding the leave or within two weeks of the beginning of the semester on leave:
- Complete an exit interview with the Senior Associate Dean.
Request for Exception to Academic Policy or Procedure
Readmission Process for Students Who Leave the Program
Officially admitted students who enroll for less than one (1) Atkinson School course (three credits) for two (2) consecutive semesters must apply for readmission to the MBA program through the Sr. Associate Alex Subert.
Students who apply for readmission to the MBA program will be automatically readmitted by the Sr. Associate Dean if they meet the following six (6) criteria:
- The student applied for and received a Leave of Absence; and
- The student has submitted a letter to the Associate Dean/Director of Admission requesting readmission to the program; and
- The student has a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher; and
- The six (6) year completion date for the degree is feasible at the time of readmission; and
- There were no pending disputes, disciplinary actions, or appeals at the time of withdrawal; and
- The student has not previously applied for readmission.
Readmission status of students who do not qualify for automatic readmission will be determined by the Dean, who will consider the standards listed below in the evaluation of whether to grant the readmission request.
- The six (6) criteria listed for automatic readmission; and
- Quality of student's experience while absent from the program; and
- Performance in alternate classes attended while absent from the program; and
- Evidence of professional growth; and
- Assessment of ability to successfully complete the program; and
- Evidence of commitment to complete the program within the six (6) year completion requirement period.
Readmission requests involving an actual or predicted program completion date beyond the six (6) year completion period must include an appeal to the Dean for reinstatement of all course credit hours.
Final Exam Policy for First-Year Core Courses
Final exams for first-year core courses are scheduled by the Atkinson School Recorder and will occur during Finals Week. No more than one core course exam will be scheduled each day. Final exam dates for first-year core courses are shown on the schedule of classes for each semester.