Students requesting an exception to academic policies or procedures must submit a written request and rationale for the request. The proposal should be directed to the Sr. Associate Dean, Alex Subert, who will confer with the Dean for a decision. The following are required of all written proposals.

  • The student must explain the request in detail.
  • The student must provide information about any discussion or tentative agreements that may have occurred between the student and a faculty member (if any).
  • If a tentative agreement has already been made with a faculty member, the student must provide an email from the faculty member to the Sr. Associate Dean discussing the faculty member's level of support for the proposal and any other comments or suggestions.
  • The student must state a clear rationale for the request as to why it is the best alternative for their educational and career goals.

If the proposal is not approved by the dean, the Sr. Associate Dean will notify the student and Karen Arthur, Recorder and Records Analyst, via email.

If the proposal is approved by the dean, the Sr. Associate Dean will notify the student and Karen Arthur, Recorder and Records Analyst, via email.

In situations where the request and/or the approval is complex or the approval is conditional upon other requirements, the student may be required to complete an interview (in person or on the telephone) with the Sr. Associate Dean to discuss the implications and regulations governing the requested exception and any future implications of the exception. In these cases, the student must provide written documentation that they understand and accept the exception that has been made and the conditions and regulations governing the exception by the date indicated in the approval email. Failure to provide written documentation accepting the conditions and regulations governing an exception by the date stated in the email voids any tentatively approved exception to policy or procedures.

Students should note that the following basic requirements of the MBA degree are never modified:

  • Satisfactory completion of the minimum number of credits required for graduation.
  • Satisfactory completion of required courses (or substitute courses approved by the Dean).
  • Minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 in Willamette MBA course work.
Willamette University

Early Career and Career Change MBA

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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