Mission Statement: The Atkinson Graduate School of Management is committed to providing world class management education to U.S. and international students in all stages of their careers. We help our graduates acquire life-long learning skills and become outstanding leaders and managers in business, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide by offering an intimate learning and practice environment, an integrated, cross-sectoral approach to management education, and dedication to quality teaching, instructional development, basic and applied research, and exceptional, customized career services.

Values: The Atkinson Graduate School of Management (AGSM) maintains that the purpose of all managerial activity is to create value. "Value" is worth as judged by someone other than the manager. It necessarily entails respecting human dignity, improving the welfare of the community through integration, and acting with integrity and competence. We expect our curriculum, pedagogy, internal governance, service, teaching, research and modeling will lead our graduates to pursue these values.

  • Human Dignity: Treat people as ends and not means. Respect individuals, encourage participation, explore and resolve differences collaboratively.
  • Integration: Seek and synthesize diverse interests, backgrounds, and knowledge. Act in accord with the common good. Foster trust. Pursue social responsibility and sustainability on the part of the enterprise.
  • Integrity: Accept responsibility for our actions. Be transparent and act in accord with principles of substantive and procedural justice.
  • Excellence: Promote excellence, competence, and continuous improvement.

Read the complete AGSM mission and strategy statement.

Willamette University Mission, Values and Motto

Mission Statement: Willamette University provides rigorous education in the liberal arts and selected professional fields. Teaching and learning, strengthened by scholarship and service, flourish in a vibrant campus community. A Willamette education prepares graduates to transform knowledge into action and lead lives of achievement, contribution and meaning.

Values: Influenced by its historic roots in The United Methodist Church, Willamette University is an independent, nonsectarian institution that embraces:

  • the dignity and worth of all individuals;
  • a commitment to diversity, service, leadership, and sustainability in communities and professions;
  • the ethical and spiritual dimension of education; and
  • education as a lifelong process of discovery, delight, and growth, the hallmark of a humane life.

Motto: "Non nobis solum nati sumus — Not unto ourselves alone are we born"

Throughout Willamette’s history, our motto has meant much more than valuing community service. The motto asks us to develop our full potential and to use our talents and abilities to engage meaningfully with the world.

Our motto resonates deeply in the life of our community, across all campus programs and with generations of alumni. We focus our talents and resources on preparing students for meaningful lives of personal and professional achievement and civic contribution.

Willamette University

MBA for Professionals

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

Portland Center

200 SW Market Street, Suite 101
Portland Oregon 97201 U.S.A.

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