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Accessible Education Services

Willamette University is committed to accessible and inclusive programs. Accessible Education Services (AES) facilitates the accommodation request process and provides holistic support for students that experience disability or identify as disabled. AES honors disability as an important aspect of human diversity and seeks to foster social justice learning models.  AES determines student eligibility for academic and non-academic accommodations and serves as a resource on accessibility for students, faculty and staff for all academic programs for Willamette and PNCA.

Links to Important Information

  1. New to AES: Please check out how to get started
  2. Documentation Guidelines: Unsure of what documentation is needed when applying for accommodations? The provided guidance is a great place to start. 
  3. Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities: Are you a student coming to college for the first time who had a 504 or an IEP in high school and wonder how the accommodation process works in college? Check out this article from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights.
  4. Resources and Accessible Technology: There are a variety of resources that students can use to assist them in various areas of their academic careers. This page is a list of our off-campus resources that includes a variety of links to text-to-speech and speech-to-text apps, executive functioning apps, and more.

You are always welcome to contact AES with any questions or for further information.

  • Phone: 503-370-6737 (Willamette University and PNCA)
  • Office: Smullin 155 (Willamette University) and Office 270 (PNCA)

Beauty shot of Willamette University's Salem Campus.

New to AES? Register with us!

Are you a student at Willamette or PNCA who needs to set up accommodations? Please complete our online application to get started.

Complete the online application

Need to request your accommodations?

Willamette University and Pacific Northwest College of Arts (PNCA) students who are already registered with AES will be able to request their accommodations online at the start of each term by using our accessible information management system. Click the box below to request your accommodations! Law Students must contact the AES office to receive their accommodations at the beginning of each academic year.

Request your accommodations

Willamette University

Accessible Education Services

Salem Campus

Smullin 155
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6737 voice
503-370-6647 fax

Portland Campus

Room 270
Pacific Northwest College of Art
511 NW Broadway
Portland Oregon 97227 U.S.A.