This guide provides the latest updates for disposing of recyclable materials on campus.

Please familiarize yourself with recycling protocols to take part in Willamette's efforts to become a sustainable, zero-waste campus.

Mixed recycling includes clean and empty plastics and metals, paper and cardboard. Because broken glass can create safety issues for Facilities staff, we are not recycling glass on campus at this time.

Please visit Marion County's webpage for information about reuse options, recycling, composting and disposing of other materials and items.

Contact Facilities Services for on-campus recycling support.   


Please place clean and empty recyclable items into the blue "mixed recycling" bins.

Bottles Caps and pumps
Tubs Thin film/wrapping
Containers Grocery bags


Examples of blue "mixed recycling" bins

"Mixed recycling" bins found around campus in academic, office and residential buildings.


Please place clean and empty recyclable items into the blue "mixed recycling" bins

Aluminum and tin cans
Aerosol cans (empty and non-hazardous)
Most small scrap metal
Aluminum foil (please remove food scraps and lightly crumple)


Examples of blue "mixed recycling" bins

"Mixed recycling" bins found around campus in academic, office and residential buildings.

Paper and Cardboard

Please place recyclable items into the blue "mixed recycling" bins. 

"Mixed recycling" bins found around campus in academic, office and residential buildings.

Scrap paper
Junk mail
Paper bags
Paperback books
Greeting cards (NO foil/glitter)
Shredded paper (in paper bags)
Cardboard egg cartons


How to recycle corrugated cardboard

  • Flatten and remove plastic
  • Stack neatly next to the blue "mixed recycling" bin
  • Greasy cardboard (pizza boxes) is not recyclable and should be placed in the trash


Uneaten food placed at Goudy and Kaneko tray return areas is composted by Bon Appetit staff.

Please contact your Area Coordinator about composting options in residential buildings. 

Options for composting in other locations may expand in the future based on demand.

All food waste Liquids
Meats/proteins Grease/oils
Dairy products Compostable cups/lids
Fruits/vegetables Plastic-like compostable utensils
Coffee grounds
Tea bags
Food-soiled paper products (napkins, paper bags, paper towels, etc.)


Pilot compost bins in residence halls

Contact your area coordinator about composting options in your hall. Bins like the one below must be used with BPI-certified compostable liners.

Willamette University

Facilities Management

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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