All students enrolled half-time or more are required to submit a Health History Form and dates of Measles Vaccination. New Students will be receiving an email on their Willamette Email Account with Instructions on How to Access the Health History and Immunization Form.
Measles Vaccine Requirement
In compliance with Oregon state law, Willamette University requires all half-time or more students born on or after January 1, 1957, to have two doses of the Measles vaccine, show evidence of immunity to measles (Rubeola), or request a medical or non-medical exemption.
*Note: Under Oregon law, the first dose of the Measles vaccine must have been on or after the first birthday and at least 24 days must have passed between the first and second dose.
Undergraduate Domestic Students: Undergraduate Domestic students receive one grace semester (first semester of enrollment) to complete the Health History and Measles Vaccine Requirement. Undergraduate Domestic students who do not satisfy the Health History and Measles Vaccine Requirement before or within their first semester will have a registration hold placed on their account preventing future course registration.
Graduate Domestic Students: Graduate Domestic students must complete the Health History and Measles Vaccine Requirement prior to their first day of classes. Graduate Domestic students who don't complete the Health History and Measles Vaccine Requirement will be pulled from classes on the first day of the semester that they are registered.
International Students: International students must complete the Health History and Measles Vaccine Requirement prior to their first day of classes. International students who don't complete the Health History and Measles Vaccine Requirement will be pulled from classes on the first day of the semester that they are registered.
How to meet the Health History and Measles Vaccine Requirement
- Fill out the Health History and Immunization Information on our online portal.
- Obtain your vaccination records:
- Talk to a Family Member for record information.
- If you were vaccinated in the state of Oregon, call Oregon's ALERT Immunization Information System (IIS) at 1.800.980.9431.
- If you received vaccinations outside of the state of Oregon, call your doctor's office in that state or try contacting its registry.
- Talk to your medical provider for record information.
- Contact the most recent school you attended.
3. Get vaccinated, get a Titer, or complete the exemption form:
- Get a Titer blood test to show immunity.
- Get vaccinated or re-vaccinated.
- Complete the required steps for a Medical or Non-Medical Exemption.
- As of March 1, 2014, under the Oregon State Immunization Law, those claiming a non-medical exemption are required to either complete an online tutorial or seek consultation with a health care provider.
Other Recommended Vaccinations
The Oregon Health Authority also recommends the following vaccinations for new or returning college students:
- Varicella (Chicken Pox)
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Meningococcal ACWY
- Tdap
- Influenza
- Meningococcal B (Check with a health care provider to see if this vaccine is right for you)
Additional information about these vaccines can be found on the Vax to School Immunization information document.
Have Questions about the Health History or Measles Vaccine Requirement? Need Assistance?
Contacted the Bishop Wellness Center at (503) 370-6062 or email