
Baden-Württemberg is a state in southwestern Germany whose large size fosters cultural and natural diversity. For over 50 years this exchange program between the state of Oregon and the state of Baden-Württemberg has given several generations of Oregon students the opportunity to live and study in one of Germany’s most prosperous and scenic regions. This is a German language and culture experience. The program is run by IE3 Global, based at Oregon State University. They provide a Resident Director to support the students throughout their program. Minimum GPA required by host program: 2.75 GPA. 


Students take a four-week intensive German class on arrival and then can choose to take German language courses throughout their stay. This program is recommended for students who have taken two years or more of university level German. Students successfully complete a German language course in the semester prior to studying abroad. Many course and major options are available. If language ability permits, courses are available at the following universities located in Baden Württemberg: Freiburg, Heidelberg, Hohenheim, Karlsruhe, Konstanz, Ludwigsburg, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Tübingen, and Ulm. See this comparative guide to the participating universities of the Baden-Württemberg system.

Internship opportunities may be available, meet with an advisor for more information.


Students will live in single-room university housing equipped with kitchen facilities. Meals are also available in student cafeterias. Flat mates may be German or other international students.


Students can participate in the Baden-Württemberg program during the fall or spring semester or for a full year. The fall semester is available at the University of Mannheim, beginning in early August and ending in mid-December. Spring semester is available at specific BW universities and begins in mid-April, with an optional intensive language program beginning in March and ends in late July. All BW universities are available for a full academic year. Students are required to attend an all-day pre-departure orientation session conducted by IE3 Global. This session is held at the University of Oregon campus in Eugene, Oregon.


Please see the Willamette Sponsored Programs Cost Matrix for detailed explanation of the cost of each program.


Baden-Württemberg stipends: Every student on the exchange program is eligible for a monthly stipend provided by the education ministry of Baden-Württemberg. Amounts of these stipends are determined on an annual basis.

Pre-departure Resources:

Willamette University

Office of International Education

Global Learning Center
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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