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These resources are designed to aid you in forming and maintaining a successful student organization.


These resources will help keep your student organization running and active. Contact Student Engagement & Leadership for more information and additional leadership development resources.

  • Academic Status

    All club leaders must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA and be in good academic standing (not on probation or warning).

  • Advisor Policy

    All student organizations must have an advisor who is current faculty or staff at Willamette. The advisor may not be on leave or on sabbatical. If an advisor must end their service, the student organization is responsible for finding a new advisor (and submitting a Leader Advisor Agreement and Student Organization Update Form) to the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership within two weeks of the advisor's resignation.

  • Annual Requirements for Student Organizations

    Requirements include:

    • Leadership Attendance at a Student Organization Orientation
    • Leadership Attendance at an Anti-Racism Training
    • Submittance of a fall roster to the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership
    • Completion of a spring registration process, which includes: a leader reflection form, spring roster submission, registration materials for the following academic year, and constitution review
    • All processes and deadlines will be communicated to Club Presidents, Treasurers, and Advisors via club leader and advisor mail groups.
  • Housing Policy

    No off-campus facility shall be designated as a registered student organization, fraternity, sorority, or athletic team housing. All student housing shall be located on recognized university property. Any designation of an off-campus facility as a student organization, fraternity, sorority, or athletic team accommodation shall be subject to university disciplinary action.


Financial Resources that may be helpful for your student organization. Please reference the student organization handbook for more information. You may also contact the sitting ASWU Treasurer or contact Student Engagement & Leadership for additional help or information. View Money FAQs.

  • Requesting ASWU Funding

    Looking to Request ASWU Funds?

    Once your student organization has established a need for a purchase, whether it be an event or for regular club functions, you may request money from ASWU. ASWU funds requests using the mandatory student fees following the guidelines laid out in the ASWU Funding Precedents.

    Please review these precedents before submitting a request to ensure the best chance of any request being funded. Please note ASWU does hold the jurisdiction and discretion to fund outside or against these funding precedents when deemed necessary by the Senate. ASWU funding can be requested in any of three rounds each semester (Spring or Fall round 1, Spring or fall round 2, and Pre Fall or Pre Spring). The exact dates of these rounds will be sent out by the sitting treasurer at the beginning of each semester. Each funding round shall last a week and budget request forms will be sent out via email by the sitting treasurer at the beginning of each round.

    What the Process looks like for you:

    1. Your student organization meets all the requirements to receive funding. This includes the following:
      1. Attending a Student Organization Orientation
      2. Attending an Anti-Racism training
      3. Having an active Anti-Racism plan submitted to ASWU.
    2. Wait for a funding round to open and for a request form to be sent out via email. If you forget when the funding rounds take place, email the sitting ASWU Treasurer.
    3. Once a funding round has opened and a form has been sent out, fill it out during the week-long funding round and submit it to be reviewed by the senate. Please reference the ASWU Funding  Precedents below when making requests. In the form, please include specific Items, links, costs, descriptions, storage solutions, and reasonings for any and all items requested.The more descriptive you are the better.
    4. Please also include the precedent where ASWU will fund items of such items to help show where these items have been approved in the past.
    5. Once your request has been submitted, watch your email. ASWU may have questions in regards to your request that will be asked over email. Answering these questions in a timely manner before ASWU meets to vote on your request can increase your chances of receiving funding.
    6. ASWU Senate will meet the Thursday after the funding round closes to discuss and vote on all organizations requests. You are welcome to attend this meeting, email any member of the ASWU executive committee for location and time information.
    7. After the Senate has voted, you will receive an email with a link to a spreadsheet with information about your student club or organization’s allocation. If your request was denied or reduced, please contact the ASWU treasurer with any questions.
    8. Once you have been approved and allocated a certain amount of money (as outlined in the sent out spreadsheet) you are free to move on and spend your money. Please note that this money may take a while to show up in your student club or organization’s General Ledger as money moves slowly. You are still free to spend your approved money in any of the approved ways before the money physically shows up in your student organizations ASWU account.
    9. You’re done! Never be afraid to reach out to Student Engagement & Leadership staff (SEAL) or the sitting ASWU treasurer with any additional questions you may have.
  • ASWU Funding Precedents

    ASWU's guide on how to fund clubs. Includes details outlining what organizations can request money for.

  • Using ASWU Funding

    Confused on how to use your ASWU funds once approved? Check this guide on the different ways to spend your money.

    Looking to Use your ASWU Funds?

    Once your student club or organization’s budget request has been approved, you’ll want to spend those funds in the best way possible. There are a few ways to spend ASWU funds. The following options are in order of preference:

    1. Work with Samantha Bruce to complete the Purchase Request form
    2. A SEAL (Student Engagement and Leadership) Pro Staff can use their P-Card to purchase items
    3. An advisor who has a P-Card can also purchase items, if the other two options are not available.

    If at any time you have questions on spending your student club or organization’s funds, please work closely with the SEAL Office, your club or organization's advisor, and the sitting ASWU treasurer. Please keep in mind that ASWU funds can only be spent on pre approved items or events and cannot be repurposed without special permission from ASWU. Please also note that shall you fail to spend any approved funds in a given semester, you will need to re-request as ASWU funds do not carry over across semesters.

    Here are a few of the best ways to spend your funds

    Work with Student Engagement & Leadership to have them purchase Items for you:

    Samantha Bruce is your primary contact for purchase within the Student Engagement & Leadership office. Once your club or organization has been approved for the funding, please work with Samantha Bruce to complete the Purchase Request form. Email Samantha Bruce and/or the sitting ASWU treasurer to start this process.

    SEAL professional staff also have access to P-cards (university credit cards) and can make purchases for you. These purchases can be shipped to the university (in the case of an item) for pick up and will be charged straight to your student club or organization’s account. This is the best and most preferred way for student clubs or organizations to spend their money. Just email Samantha Bruce <ssbruce> and/or the sitting ASWU treasurer to have a purchase made on your behalf.


    Spending your own money should always be a last resort! Always exhaust all the steps prior to spending your own money for your club or organization. In the case you need to spend your own money for club or organization items, you may be eligible for reimbursement. Only purchases made for pre approved items and amounts requested shall be reimbursed. Never make a purchase expecting reimbursement if your request has not yet been approved by ASWU. When purchasing to seek reimbursement be sure to keep all receipts and proofs of purchase. To begin processing and to receive your reimbursement, please follow this Reimbursement Process. A reminder that all reimbursement requests must be made within 30 days of a purchase to be eligible.


    Some events and professionals involve contracts that need to be signed by a Willamette representative. If your student club and organization requires a contract, DO NOT sign a contract on behalf of your organization. Contact for guidance on navigating the contract signing process and next steps.

    If you are ever unsure how to best purchase an item or service using ASWU funds please reach out and work with SEAL staff or the sitting ASWU treasurer. It is our job to help you and make this process as easy and seamless as possible.


    • Contact Samantha Bruce to make purchases for your club via the Purchase Request form.
    • SEAL Professional staff are able to also make purchases for your club if Samantha Bruce is unable or unavailable.
    • DO NOT spend your own money for your club or organization unless it is the last resort
    • You should NEVER sign a contract for your club or organization. If your club or organization requires a contract, please contact
  • Reimbursement Process

    Looking to be Reimbursed?

    Once you have made a pre approved purchase with your own money on behalf of your student organization you will want to request reimbursement. All reimbursement requests must be made within 30 days of purchase and be accompanied by all receipts and proof of purchase to be considered. Shall any questions arise during this process, please contact Samantha Bruce from student activities or the sitting ASWU treasurer.

    What the Reimbursement Process looks like for you:

    1. Have requested and had a funding request approved by ASWU (or other source if applicable).
    2. Make purchase of requested and approved items at or below approved cost and save all receipts or proof of purchase.
    3. Make sure you have direct deposit set up through accounting.
    4. Fill out both Request Payment and Expense Report Addendum forms with all the relevant information.
    5. Submit forms and receipts/proof of purchase to either Samantha Bruce or the sitting ASWU Treasurer within 30 days of relevant purchase.
    6. Watch your email for additional communication shall edits need to be made to either form.
    7. Watch email for a docusign prompt. You will need to sign a section of the form digitally to receive reimbursement.
    8. You're done! The forms may take a few days to process after this point, but you can expect to receive a reimbursement to your bank account attached to the direct deposit.

    As always, if you have any questions or need assistance along this process never be afraid to reach out to Samantha Bruce or the sitting ASWU Treasurer.

  • Request Payment

    Use this form to request payment for a performer or other provider of services. Note that this form must be accompanied by a 1099 or W9 tax form and a contract for services.

  • Request Payment

    Both of the following forms are used to request reimbursements on purchases. Forms must be submitted within 30 days of any purchase and be accompanied by all relevant proofs of purchase.

  • Tax Form for Performers or Service Providers

    Any paid performers or service providers must submit a 1099 or W9 tax form for their payment to be processed.


Useful Resources for being an effective leader for your organization. Contact Student Engagement & Leadership for more information and additional leadership development resources.

  • Leadership Strategies

    This resource has some important tips for how to be an effective student leader, complete with information about goal setting, effective meeting strategies, delegating responsibility, and more!

  • Transitioning Guidelines

    This resource outlines the best practices for officer transition meetings and retreats.

  • Student Organization Update Form

    New Executive leadership? New advisor? New club name? Complete this online form to update us of changes.

    • (This information will go to Student Engagement & Leadership, Accounting, Scheduling, and others.)
    • Updates are required to keep your org receiving important notifications on email and to be eligible for funding.
  • Leader/Advisor Agreement

    Have a new advisor? After you've submitted the online Student Organization Update Form (see above), please download the Leader/Advisor Agreement (PDF). Review this document with your new advisor, sign it, and submit it to the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership (2nd floor of the Putnam University Center).


All programming Resources should be consulted when planning an event or activity either on or off-campus. For additional information please reference the student organization handbooks or contact Student Engagement & Leadership.

  • Guide to Programming

    Program Planning Checklist

    Over the course of time, your student organization will most likely plan a program of some kind. Programs can range from social to educational, for a cause or simply for fun. When planning a program, there are many factors to consider: The who, what, when, where, why, and how factors:


    It is important to stay organized when planning an event or program. There are usually many details to remember and tasks to complete. Use the checklist below to make your event extraordinary.

    • Title of the Event:
    • Brief Description of the Event:
    • Date of the Event:
    • Time of the Event:
    • Reserved Location (Rain location if outdoors?):
    • Contact Person with Email and Phone Number:

    1. Brainstorm and Choose an Event Idea

    With a committee or by yourself, brainstorm a list of ideas you would like to provide to the campus community. Remember that there are no bad or outrageous ideas when brainstorming. Review your brainstorm list and discuss the feasibility of each idea. Then choose the program you want to work on as a committee or organization.

    2. Develop Program Goals

    What is the purpose of our program? What are our goals? Why are we doing this? How does this program support the vision and scope of our group?

    Who is involved with the program?
    Who will be involved with planning and implementing the program (hall council members, RAs, students, etc.)? Are committees appropriate and who will be on them? Who needs to approve the program?

    What--description of the program
    What will the program accomplish? Is it necessary? What is your target population (immediate community, local community, city, etc.)? How many people do you estimate attending?

    What are the costs involved with the program?
    Consider food, supplies, advertising, tickets, prizes, transportation off campus, security, etc. Should the program be cosponsored with another group – RHA, Hall Councils, other clubs/student organizations, WEB, GRAC, etc.?

    When will the program happen?
    Does the date conflict with major exams, holidays, or other important events around campus?

    Where will the program be held?
    You need to reserve any space you use, even if it’s an outside area like Jackson Plaza or Brown Field. Locations include spaces inside and outside, such as classrooms, rooms in the University Center, residence hall common areas, etc.

    How will people know about the program?
    What needs to be done to advertise the program— posters, social media, digital signage, e-mail, personal contact? When does the advertising need to go out? Who will be in charge of coordinating ads?

    Have you considered the following?
    Gender bias and gender-neutral language; religious backgrounds, rituals and traditions; diverse racial and/or ethnic populations; needs of students with disabilities; economic limitations faced by some residents; heterosexual bias and diverse sexual orientations.

    Who is your target audience?

    • Undergraduate Students
    • Graduate Students
    • Faculty & Staff
    • Community Members

    What are the Goals of the Program?


    3. Communicate with the Performer/Presenter (if Applicable)

    Take some time to contact the performer or their agent to discuss cost, availability, needs, and other important information. Do not confirm or offer anything at this point in the planning. Students, regardless of their position, cannot sign contracts.

    4. Reserve a Location (as soon as possible)

    Determine which space on campus would work best for the program and then reserve it through the Scheduling office sure to wait until you receive confirmation before you continue the process.

    5. Create a Budget

    Establishing a budget will assist you in using student funds appropriately and will help determine if you need to seek additional funding. Use the list below to help determine all of your expenses for the event. For fundraising information see the last page of this handout.

    • Artist’s Fee
    • Lodging
    • Transportation
    • Catering
    • Decorations
    • Equipment Rental
    • Advertising
    • Security

    6. Design and Create/Order Publicity Materials

    All publicity should be designed to include necessary information relevant to the event. Interesting forms of publicity are good ways to attract people to your event. SEAL has an assortment of supplies for your organization to use to make publicity. Remember to include all the sponsors’ names (ASWU, etc.) on the publicity. Always be sure to include contact information with your <email> so that your publicity is not taken down.

    7. Contract Performers

    All performers should be contracted, regardless of whether or not they are receiving payment. All contracts need to be reviewed and signed by the Vice President of Student Affairs to be official. Any performer that will be paid will also need to complete an IRS 1099 form from the Finance and Accounting Office.

    8. Reserve Guest Lodging

    Some performers need lodging (may be written in the contract). A list of typical lodging locations is available on the Willamette website. Remember to consider transportation to and from the hotel, airport, or train station when arranging lodging.

    9. Order Catering

    Food and beverages are often a nice addition to a program or event. If you would like to have any food or beverages at an event on campus, it must be obtained through Bon Appetit catering. No outside catering companies are allowed to service the campus without approval from Bon Appetit. To order catering, visit . Remember to place your order at least 2 weeks in advance!

    10. Purchase Supplies, Decorations, etc.

    Use this form to request supplies and other purchases are made using a University credit card. Purchases are made by a university staff member so students do not have to use their personal funds.

    11. Reconfirm that everything has been ordered/reserved and arrival time (2 weeks prior)

    • Rooms
    • Volunteers
    • Catering
    • Security
    • Technical Support
    • Insurance
    • Set-up

    12. Distribute Publicity Materials

    Make sure that you follow the poster distribution route, available on the SEAL website.

    13. Enjoy Your Program

    14. Evaluate Your Program

    It is important to evaluate your program’s successes and areas for improvement. Not only will this give you and your organization a time to debrief and reflect, but it is an opportunity to take notes for transitioning and the future of your student organization.


    Scheduling Rooms

    Where you hold your program is very important. The available facilities can determine audience size, date, and time. It can set the mood for formal, informal, workshop or auditorium style. Rooms get booked on campus quickly. You must reserve them early, through the Scheduling & Events Office. You must be a registered organization to reserve space on campus. This process will also start other processes such as requesting amplified sound, technology such as a projector, or other set-up considerations. Stop by the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership (SEAL) to learn how to become a registered organization if your group is not already one.

    Establishing a Budget

    You’ll want to consult the ASWU Finances website to learn how and when you can request money for your event or program. How much money do you have to work with? Will revenue need to be generated? What kind of resources do you have at your disposal to raise money and/or cover costs? If you plan on charging admission, it is important to consider what this fee will cover as well as how much participants will pay. Other funding sources include CAFES and RHA. Student organizations are also permitted to fundraise within the guidelines of the policy.


    Many program planners find it helpful to make a timeline working in reverse: start at the day of the event and fill in publicity deadlines, facility agreements, etc. This is called a backwards calendar and it can help you see if you have a realistic time frame or if you are setting yourself up to be unable to meet your obligations.


    Another thing to consider is that any time you are going to pay a performer or speaker, you will need to use a contract. Sometimes the performer will provide the contract, sometimes they want to use Willamette’s contract. Students are not permitted to sign contracts because then they can be held financially and legally responsible for the event. To initiate a contract, contact


    There are many different ways to publicize an event – posters, flyers, banners, etc. Refer to the publicity policy and poster distribution route for information about how and where to publicize. Don’t forget about the Toilet Paper and Today@Willamette. Willamette’s social media accounts will share your event information if you tag them in your post. The Collegian provides an events calendar and so does the Willamette website. You can also buy advertising in the Collegian.

    Program Details

    Be sure to make a list of what needs to be done before, during, and after the event and who will do them. What are your equipment needs, like a projector and screen? Do you need registration tables or table cloths? Special power hook-ups for speakers? Be sure to ask your guest speakers or performers what materials or equipment they need in order to provide a quality program; this is usually found on the contact rider.

    Inclusive Programming

    When programming, it is important to be mindful of the differences of the people in the community. Individuals striving to create, and maintain, inclusive communities must ask the following question: “Whose perspectives, experiences, viewpoints, and voices are included?” Check out the Accessible Education website for more information on creating inclusive spaces.

    Little Extras

    As event planners we usually get caught up in the major elements of the program; publicity, bills to be paid, room reservations, and presenter information. Adding some finishing touches to your event can turn a great event into a fantastic event. How wonderful would it be if the people who attend your event left feeling excited and looking forward to your next program? The little things count.

    • Have someone greet participants when they come through the door.
    • Print name tags if the event involves people meeting and interacting for the first time.
    • Purchase an item from the Willamette Store as a gift for your guest performer(s) or speaker(s).
    • Provide the audience with programs or event schedules.
    • If handouts are to be used, make sure there are enough for everyone.
    • Choose someone who enjoys public speaking to read a prepared announcement to introduce the program.
    • Evaluate the program, and make suggestions for improvements next time.
    • If appropriate, write thank you notes or find a way to show your appreciation for helpers.
    • Create a shared drive with notes to pass on to the person who will work with the program in the future.
  • Publicity Basics

    Publicity is very important to any organization. Good publicity allows organizations to attract new members, raise money and awareness, announce programs and services, and educate the community. Careful thought and planning should be put into your campaign. Start early!

    The most effective publicity allows the reader to quickly grasp all of the important facts of the program within several seconds, while being creative and eye-catching at the same time. Promotional materials should be clearly printed with a message designed to evoke a response from the viewer. It is not necessary to be extremely artistic, but your message should be clear and understandable. Remember when creating your publicity: who, what, when, where, why, and how.

    Things to consider before you begin:


    Determine how much you can realistically spend on publicity. Have you received any donations? What has ASWU allocated to your organization?


    Who do you want to reach and how? Is there a pre-selected market available? Take into account age groups, audience's likes and dislikes, academic interests, etc. Publicizing something for professors or non-students may be entirely different than publicizing the same event for students. You may have to create more than one type of publicity for the same event.


    Make sure that your publicity materials contain all of the important information. Try to publicize the aspect of your program that is most familiar to the audience. Make sure you include correct names and logos of all co-sponsors.


    What or who are your resources? Are people in your groups skilled at art or graphic design?


    Where will your materials get the most attention? Choose high traffic areas and give thought to placing your advertisement in different and unusual places. Utilize the Poster Distribution Route on the SEAL website.


    Advertising for the event should start 2-3 weeks prior to the event. If you advertise too early, people may forget about your event because they will become used to seeing your publicity, but if you advertise too late you won’t be reaching all of your intended audience.


    Is there something new that can be done other than posters? Think about how you can make your event more sustainable.

    Essential items to include in all publicity:

    • Name of attraction or event
    • Date of event
    • Time: beginning and ending
    • Location of event
    • Admission price (if applicable)
    • Deadline for applying (if applicable)
    • Contact information of the sponsoring organization
    • Any co-sponsoring organization names
    • Accessibility statement: "If you require disability accommodations for this event, contact [insert name and email of event planner, organization leadership, or advisor here]."
    • Color Contrast Checker – Use TPGi's free color contrast checker to optimize your content - including text and visual elements - for individuals with color-blindness or low vision impairments.

    A few other suggestions:

    • Always use spell check and have someone else look over it before mass producing or sending.
    • Use various colors and shapes to avoid the bulletin board blur of all white, rectangle paper.
    • Balance light and dark space on your page.
    • Do not use more than three different fonts in your publicity.
    • Using all capital letters IS VERY HARD TO READ FROM LONG DISTANCES.
    • Utilize electronic advertising such as social media, and your student organization's website.
  • Risk and Liability Waiver

    If you are planning an event that requires students to participate in any activity that includes risk or liability, participants and leaders will need to fill out a waiver. Contact Student Engagement & Leadership for help on obtaining and completing the waiver.

  • Movie Screening FAQS

    The following information will help determine whether or not you need to obtain the rights to a movie before playing it for your club or organization.

    Do I need to pay for screening rights?

    Short answer: Yes. There are exceptions, but they are very limited and very specific.

    What is public domain?

    A public domain film is one that is not protected by copyright and therefore you do not need to purchase rights to show it.

    What if I am showing the film for educational purposes?

    Contrary to popular belief, the policy that allows people to show films for educational purposes does not pertain to clubs. The policy shares that screening media in the context of face-to-face teaching in the service of regular curricula, not just in an educational student club meeting. 17 U.S.C. § 110(1) permits the performance or display of legally licensed/purchased works, for strictly and directly pedagogical purposes relevant to the course, in face-to-face classes at nonprofit educational institutions.

    Are there any other exceptions to having to pay screening rights?

    If the movie comes with an express license specifically authorizing you to show the movie in the manner you intend to show it in. That will be abundantly clear when you purchase the film.

    Okay, how do I go about purchasing film rights?

    Once you have secured funding from ASWU or another funding source, work with Jodi Santillie in the Student Engagement and Leadership office. We primarily use the companies Swank and Criterion. You can peruse their websites ( or to see if they have the rights for the film you’re looking to show. If they don't, more research can be done.

  • Poster Distribution Route

    Permission is required to hang posters around campus. This document has all the contact information for the different buildings and where to get permission to hang stuff up from. All posters must include date, time, location, contact information (phone number or email), sponsoring organization, and Accessibility Statement.

  • Alcohol Policy

    The University Alcohol Policy must be followed when planning for Alcohol at any Event.

  • Food Policy

    Please reference page 12 of the Student Organizations Handbook for information on Willamette's Food Policy before planning an event with food.

  • Fundraising Policy

    Before Planning any event involving fundraising, please reference the University Student Organization Fundraising Policy.

  • Willamette Events Calendar

    Check the Willamette Events Calendar when planning your event to avoid overlapping with other events on campus.

    Once you have an event planned add it to the calendar.

  • Candle/Open Flame Policy

    If your organization is planning to have any candles or other open flames at an event, you must reference the university's Candle/Open Flame Policy and complete the relevant forms.

Travel Information

  • Qualifications

    In order to serve as a driver for travel in a University or leased vehicle, a person must meet the following qualifications:

    • Be a current Willamette University employee or student
    • Possess a valid driver's license
    • Have passed the online training test, available at: Safe Driver Program
    • Completed a Trip Information Form. The Trip Leader will ensure that the form is completed and filed in Campus Safety prior to departure. Any trip deviations must be reported to Campus Safety immediately in writing or by phone. Trip Information Form is available online at: Campus Safety.

    Travel Emergency Action Binder: Required for all clubs and organizations who are leaving the Salem-Keizer Area.

    • Binder needs to be completed 1 week prior to departure
    • A new binder must be completed for each trip
    • Access to the binder template will be given after club exec members attend an Student Club and Org Orientation
  • Best Practices and Policies
    • Automobile Transportation Policy
    • Vehicle Use Policy
    • Meal and Rest Periods Policy
    • Motor Pool and Vehicle Rental Policy
    • All University Policies
    • No driver should drive more than three (3) hours per shift and each driver should take at least a two (2)-hour break between driving shifts.
    • Trips that include travel to and/or through wilderness areas, mountain ranges or inclement weather require the use of a transponder (Spot Tracker) or satellite phone. This equipment may be checked out at Campus Safety or the Outdoor Program upon completion of the trip form.
    • Travel should be interrupted, postponed, or cancelled if the schedule does not allow adequate rest for the driver(s), there is bad weather, or the budget is inadequate for overnight accommodations when needed.
    • Groups are not permitted to travel or return to campus after 1:00 AM without prior approval of the department head (i.e., Director of Student Engagement & Leadership, Director of Athletics, Department Chair, etc.).
    • No vehicle that holds more than 12 passengers may be used.
    • No person under 21 years old may drive a vehicle that holds more than 7 passengers.
    • Are the drivers capable and comfortable driving the desired vehicles?
    • Who is driving and who are the backup drivers?
  • Housing while Traveling

    Please communicate with SEAL staff or ASWU before you book any housing for your trip

Additional University Policies

Willamette University

Student Engagement and Leadership

Putnam University Center, Second Floor
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.