6 Outstanding

The papers receive consistently “strong” ratings for all criteria. Moreover, the writer comes across as interested, imaginative, authoritative. The portfolio demonstrates that the writer can manipulate organization, support, and style depending on the purposes of the paper. Readers are rarely, if ever, distracted by errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or word choice.

5 Very good

The papers will, by the end of the semester, have received “strong” ratings for all criteria and will have generally been strong throughout the semester. The portfolio may demonstrate slightly less confidence or competence in accommodating the demands of different essays for changes in organization, support, and style. Readers are seldom, if ever, distracted by errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or word choice.

4 Adequate/Acceptable

The papers will, by the end of the semester, be judged “adequate” for all criteria. The portfolio will convince its readers that this student is clearly comfortable now in producing basic academic arguments based on careful reading. However, the writer may not develop the arguments offered as thoroughly as one would expect from a 5 or 6 portfolio. While there may be errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation, they are nevertheless few and consistent.

3 Borderline/ Fair

The papers will receive a mixture of “adequate” and “weak” ratings throughout the semester. The portfolio will suggest to readers that this student is able to succeed at college level writing beyond World Views with serious effort and commitment. The papers are weakly argued, offering little support and development. There are enough errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation to distract the reader.

2 Weak

The papers will receive more “weak” ratings than “adequate” ones throughout the semester, and will probably not show significant improvement from paper one to paper three. The portfolio will suggest to readers that this student should enroll soon in additional 100 and 200-level writing-centered courses and to seek help in the Writing Center. Papers are likely to be short and to feature repeated examples at the same level to achieve their length. The writer probably doesn’t consider the needs of the reader for following the argument (e.g., by referring to events the reader isn’t assumed to have been present for, providing transitions). Errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and word choice provide a genuine distraction to the reader.

1 Poor

The papers consistently receive mostly “weak” ratings and suggest to the reader that the student will have serious difficulties writing in college. Papers will lack focus, support, argumentation, and apparent organization. Numerous errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and word choice provide serious distractions to the reader.

Writer Number:

Portfolio Rating:

Reader Number:

Willamette University

Writing Center

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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