Netfiles: Personal Storage
Students, faculty and staff have access to personal storage space on Willamette's network file server. This space is automatically created when your network account is made. The NetFiles storage space can be used to store and back up data for classes, projects and academic research. The file servers themselves are backed up regularly and data can be recovered in cases of local hard drive failures or accidental file corruption or deletion. All members of the community are strongly encouraged to save any files that cannot afford to be lost to their NetFiles storage space.
The file server may be accessed from any computer that has network connectivity. It is similar to DropBox or other on-line storage services - and it's completely free.
- Space: 20GB of storage are allotted to each personal share.
- Connecting On-Campus: Map your NetFiles storage space as a network drive to access it easily from your computer on campus
- Windows - Drive Mapping for Windows
- MacOS - Drive Mapping for MacOS
- Connecting from Off Campus
- Faculty, Staff, and Students are able to access NetFiles and GroupFiles folders by connecting to our network using VPN. First, connect to VPN, then map your network folders. It's that simple.
- Personal website: You can also set up a personal website on your NetFiles directory.
- Backups: NetFiles makes daily copies of each stored file, called snapshots. These snapshots are user-accessible so you can retrieve your own files from a previous version. Some basic instructions on accessing the Snapshot folders is available here.
Groupfiles: Department-specific Storage
Every campus department (administrative & academic) has a shared department drive. This is a space to store and collaborate with co-workers and other people across campus. Many departments heavily use this storage system for all of their mission-critical work files.
- Space: 20GB of space are allotted to each department share.
- Instructions for checking available space on your department share -TBA
- Connecting On-Campus: Groupfiles department share mapping
- Connecting Off-Campus: First Connect to VPN, then use the On-Campus instructions linked above.
- Most department shares are populated automatically with department members. If other membership is required (i.e. adding non department members) please submit a WITS Service Request with the following information:
- Designation whether people are to be ADDED or REMOVED
- The Willamette Usernames of the people to be added/removed
- If multiple people are being added/removed please separate the groups by ADD and REMOVE
- List the usernames only and separate each with a ';'
- Special Folders:
- _In folders are automatically created for each department.
- Restricted & Expanded folders can be created by request - TBA