These are some of the day-to-day questions that students may need to know in no particular order.

  1. How do I get my student loans deferred?
  2. How do I check my attendance?
  3. How do I get a locker?
  4. How do you calculate the GPA?
  5. Can you email me a copy of my transcript?
  6. How do I know what courses I need to take?
  7. Where can I get advice on what courses to take during my second- and third- years?
  8. What are the deadlines for adding or dropping a course? And how do I do that?
  9. When are grades available?
  10. Degree Verification

1. How do I get my student loans deferred?

Willamette University reports Student Status each semester on a monthly basis to the National Student Clearinghouse. Most lenders will request verification from the the Clearinghouse and will receive this information automatically. However, if you have a private loan, your lender will likely require you to print a deferment form and have it completed by your institution. If that is the case, bring your deferment form to the OSA to process on your behalf.

2. How do I check my attendance?

Log into SAGE to view your attendance records. These records are updated as we receive the attendance sheets from the faculty on a weekly basis. If you do not see any absences reported, and you know you were absent for the class, the professor may not have turned in the attendance sheet. Please check with them. Conversely, if you were present for class and were inadvertently marked absent, email your professor to ask them to contact the OSA to correct the absence. The attendance policy in the WUCL Student Handbook requires attendance of 75% of regularly scheduled classes.

Please be aware that some faculty may have a stricter attendance policy, students should always refer to the course syllabus if they have questions.

3. How do I get a locker?

All first year law students (1Ls) are assigned a locker. 2Ls and 3Ls may request a locker during the first week of class from the OSA. Lockers are first come, first serve. Lockers are assigned for the academic year, and must be cleaned out every summer. Students taking summer law classes at WUCL may keep their lockers until mid-July.

4. How do you calculate the GPA?

Any letter-graded class that you take will count towards your GPA. Make note of the "For GPA" and "Grd Pts" columns on your transcript. The "For GPA" column is total number of letter-graded credits that you have taken and completed. The "Grd Pts" column is the total of quality points you earned for each of your letter-graded credits. Each letter grade carries quality points assigned (see Section 3 of the Handbook).

Grade Quality Pts Grade Quality Pts
A+ 4.3 C+ 2.3
A 4.0 C 2.0
A- 3.6 C- 1.6
B+ 3.3 D+ 1.3
B 3.0 D 1.0
B- 2.6 D- 0.6
F 0.0

The calculation is straightforward: "Grd Pts" divided by "For GPA" = GPA.


Civil Procedure (4 cr), Grade earned: B+ | Grade Points: 4cr x 3.3 = 13.20
Contracts I (3 cr), Grade earned: C- | Grade Points: 3cr x 1.6 = 4.80
Criminal Law (3cr), Grade earned: C+ | Grade Points: 3cr x 2.3 = 6.90
Torts (4cr), Grade earned: A | Grade Points: 4cr x 4.0 = 16
Legal Research & Writing (2cr), Grade earned: B | Grade Points: 3cr x 3.0 = 9.00
Total Grade Points for the semester: 49.90
Total letter-graded credits completed: 16 credits
49.90 Grade Points divided by 16 letter-graded credits completed = 3.12 GPA

On each transcript you will see the GPA for each semester and the cumulative GPA.

5. Can you email me a copy of my transcript?

No, we cannot email you a copy of your transcript. We recommend for you to scan a copy of your most recent transcript to have accessible for job applications. Effective Spring 2013, electronic official transcripts ARE available from Transcript Plus on the University Registrar's Office webpage.

If you are a current student, you can get an unofficial transcript from SAGE. If you are a graduate, and the next semester is already in session, you must go through Transcript Plus on the University Registrar's Office for an official transcript.

6. How do I know what courses I need to take?

This information can be found in the Law Student Handbook. The handbook goes over first year curriculum as well as upper class required courses.

7. Where can I get advice on what courses to take during my second- and third- years?

You can ask your faculty advisor. You can also ask the advice of the faculty who teach in an area of interest to you.

8. What are the deadlines for adding or dropping a course? And how do I do that?

Students can add and drop courses through SAGE until 4 p.m. on the Friday of the second week of the semester. Adding or dropping a course after the deadlines requires the approval of the faculty member of the course and the Associate Dean for Student Affairs.

9. When are grades available?

All grades from fall semester will be available online before the beginning of spring semester. Grades from the spring semester are available in the OSA for graduating third-year students on the Friday before graduation. Grades for first and second-year students are available online the second or third week of June.

10. Degree Verification

Willamette University has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide enrollment and degree verifications to outside agencies, such as employers or companies doing background checks. The National Student Clearinghouse may be contacted at:


Mail: National Student Clearinghouse

2300 Dulles Station Blvd. Ste. 300

Herndon, VA 20171

Willamette University

Office of Student Affairs

College of Law
245 Winter Street SE
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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