Art History
ARTH 267 Renaissance Visual Culture (4)
This course will cover important topics related to the production, reception and circulation of artworks, as well as other typologies of images, from the fourteenth century to the beginning of the seventeenth century, in the attempt to analyze significant problems connected to the making of Renaissance visual culture. By following recent methodological approaches such as Postcolonial criticism, Semiotics, and Gender Studies, this course will intentionally extend the geographic boundaries usually adopted by Renaissance scholars in order to explore the world of art and the increasing process of visual dissemination on a more global scale. The objects of the historical investigations, therefore, will not be exclusively centered in the forms of art produced in Europe, but also centered in the visual culture present in different colonial areas.
- General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Arts & Humanities; World Engagement: CV
- Prerequisite: Recommend a 100-level art history course
- Offering: Alternate years
- Professor: De Mambro Santos