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Elliot Maltz

Emeritus Professor of Marketing

Headshot of Elliot Maltz

Contact Information

900 State Street
Salem  Oregon  97301


Elliot Maltz received his MBA from the University of California at Davis and his Ph.D in Marketing from the University of Texas at Austin. Prior to coming to the Atkinson School he taught for 6 years at the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. His teaching and research currently focuses on creating business models that create "shared value." That is they create value for the firm and the broader society in which the firm operates.

His research has been highlighted in Harvard Business Review, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Business Logistics, Long Range Planning and Sloan Management Review.

He has consulted and conducted workshops for a variety of concerns including: Texas Instruments, Hewlett-Packard, Johnson and Johnson, 3M, The Samsung Corporation, The Monitor Group, The Society for Competitive Intelligence Professionals, The Sony Corporation, Weyerhaeuser, and The Center for Telecommunications Management.


"Every organization exists to create value. Value must be defined in terms of multiple stakeholders. If the organization benefits one set of stakeholders at the expense of others it is not creating value, It is simply "robbing Peter to pay Paul." Value must also be defined beyond the next quarter. Short term thinking destroys value creation."


  • Ph.D., University of Texas
  • M.B.A., University of California, Davis
  • B.A., Trinity University

Areas of Instruction

Sustainability Management

Research Interests

Sustainability, corporate social responsibility and marketing management and strategy with particular emphasis on acquisition and dissemination of market information for strategic decision making.

Honors, Awards and Distinctions

Faculty Award for Outstanding Scholarship, Atkinson Graduate School of Management (2003-2004)

United Methodist Award for Exemplary Teaching and Service, Willamette University (2004-2005)

Faculty Award for Service to the School, Atkinson Graduate School of Management (2004-2005)

Faculty Award for Teaching, Atkinson Graduate School of Management (2005-2006)

Jerry E. Hudson Award for Excellence in Teaching Willamette University (2007-2008)

Selected Professional Activities

Academy of Marketing Science, American Marketing Association; Product Development Management Association.

Editorial Board: Journal of Product Innovation Management, Sustainability.

Ad Hoc Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Journal of Production and Operations Management; Sustainability.

Selected Publications

Maximizing corporate social innovation to enhance social and shareholder value: A systems thinking model of industry transformation (with Kawika Pierson), Journal of Business Research, vol 138, pp 12-25, 2022.

Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in Conflict Zones: A Biosocial Gender Perspective, (with Jay Joseph and Razhan Halabjay), Journal of the International Council for Small Businesses, 2022.

Overcoming equivocality on projects in the fuzzy front end: Bringing social networks back in. (with Rizova, Polly S., Samir Gupta, and Robert W. Walker), Technovation, vol 78, pp 40-55, 2018.

Benchmarking sustainability performance: the next step in building sustainable business models (with Henry H. Bi, and Mark Bateman) Journal of Public Affairs, 2016.

Interdependency, dynamism, and variety (IDV) network modeling to explain knowledge diffusion at the fuzzy front-end of innovation (with Samir Gupta). Journal of Business Research, 68.11, 2434-2442. 2015.

Transformative Subsistence Entrepreneurship: A Study in India, (with Srinivas Sridharan, Madhubalan Viswanathan and Samir Gupta), Journal of Macromarketing, (online), pp. 1-19. 2014.

Willamette University

Atkinson Graduate School of Management

Salem Campus

Portland Center