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Liu-Qin Yang

Contributing Assistant Professor

Headshot of Liu-Qin Yang

Contact Information

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem  Oregon  97301


Associate Professor Portland State University, Portland, OR Sept. 2015- present
Assistant Professor Portland State University, Portland, OR Sept. 2009- Aug 2015
Research Associate Human Resources Research Organization June 2006- Aug 2006
Teaching Associate University of South Florida, Tampa, FL Aug 2004- Aug 2009
& Research Associate


Ph.D. University of South Florida (USF), Tampa, Florida
(May 2009) Major: Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology

Minor: Occupational Health Psychology & Quantitative Methodology

M.A. Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
(May 2004) Major: Industrial/Organizational Psychology
B.S. Beijing Normal University (BNU), Beijing, China
(May 2001) Major: Psychology

Minor: English Language and Literature

Competitive Awards:
Society for I/O Psychology Scholar, 2014
Early-Career Grant Development Award, I-CASS, Portland State University, 2014
Provost Development Award, Portland State University, 2012
Faculty Enhancement Award, Portland State University, 2010, 2011, 2013
Excellent Poster Presentation, the University of South Florida Health Research Day, 2009
Lee Hakel Scholarship for the best dissertation proposal, Society for I/O Psychology, 2008
Dean’s Excellence Award, University of South Florida, 2004-2008.
Honor of Excellent Graduate Student, Beijing Normal University, 2002-2004.
Award for Best Academic and Extracurricular Performance, Beijing Normal University, 1996-2000
National Honor of Excellent Student in China, 1997

Research Experience
Research Interests:
Workplace relationships and employee well-being, Work affect and motivation, Quantitative

Publications and Presentations [*Student Author # Equal Contribution]
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles in English:
#Yang, L.-Q., #Zheng, X., *Liu, X., Lu, C., & Schaubroeck, J. (In press). Abusive supervision, thwarted belongingness, and workplace safety: A group engagement perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology.

Chang, C.-H., Yang, L.-Q., & *Lauricella, T. K. (In Press). Social support exchange and nurses’ musculoskeletal injuries in a team context: Anger as a mediator. Work & Occupations.

Zhang, Y., *Liu, X., *Xu, S., Yang, L.-Q., & Bednall, T. (2019). Why abusive supervision impacts employee OCB and CWB: A meta-analytic review of competing mediating mechanisms. Journal of Management, 45, 2474-2497. DOI: 10.1177/0149206318823935

Yang, L.-Q., Sliter, M., *Cheung, J., Sinclair, R. & Mohr, C. (2018) The dark side of helping: Does returning the favor from coworkers hurt employee work engagement? Journal of Business and Psychology, 33, 741-760.

Liu, C., Nauta, M.M., Yang, L.-Q., & Spector, P.E. (2018). How do coworkers ‘make the place’? Examining coworker conflict and the value of harmony in China and the United States. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 67, 30-60. doi: 10.1111/apps.12119

Yang, L.-Q. & *Caughlin, D. E. (2017). Aggression-preventive supervisor behavior: Implications for workplace climate and employee outcomes. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 22, 1-18.

*Wang, R., Jiang, J., Yang, L.-Q., & Chan, D. K. S. (2016). Chinese employees’ psychological responses to abusive supervisors: The role of gender and self-esteem. Psychological Reports, 118, 810–828.

Yang, L.-Q., #Simon, L., Wang, L., & Zheng, X. (2016). To branch out or stay focused?: Daily affective shifts differentially predict organizational citizenship behavior and task performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101, 831-845.

Yang, L.-Q., Liu, C., Nauta, M. M., *Caughlin, D. E., & Spector, P. E. (2016). Be mindful of what you impose on your colleagues: Implications of social burden for burdenees’ well-being, attitudes, and counterproductive work behavior. Stress and Health, 32, 70-83. [Editor’s Choice]

Li, Y., Wang, Z., Yang, L.-Q., & Liu, S. (2016). The crossover of psychological distress from leaders to subordinates in teams: The roles of abusive supervision, psychological capital and team performance. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 21, 142-153.

Spector, P. E., Yang, L.-Q., & Zhou, Z. (2015). A longitudinal investigation of the role of violence prevention climate in exposure to workplace physical violence and verbal abuse. Work & Stress, 29, 325-340. (Published in October 2015)

Zhou, Z., Yang, L.-Q., & Spector, P. E. (2015). Political skill: A proactive inhibitor of workplace aggression exposure and an active buffer of the aggression-strain relationship. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 20, 405-419. (Published in October 2015)

*Wright, R., Mohr, C., Sinclair, R., & Yang, L.-Q. (2015). Sometimes less is more: Directed coping with interpersonal stressors at work. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36, 786-805. (Published in March 2015)

Yang, L.-Q., *Caughlin, D. E., *Gazica, M. W., Truxillo, D. M., & Spector, P.E. (2014). Workplace mistreatment climate: A review of contextual influence from the target’s perspective. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 19, 315-335.

Yang, L.-Q., *Bauer, J., Johnson, R.E., Groer, M.W., & Salomon, K. (2014). Physiological
mechanisms that underlie the effects of interactional unfairness on deviant behavior: The role of cortisol activity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99, 310-321.

Liu, C., Yang, L.-Q., & Nauta, M.M. (2013). Examining the mediating effect of supervisor conflict on procedural injustice-job strain relations: The function of power distance. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 18, 64-74.

*Liao, F-Y., Yang, L.-Q., Wang, M., *Drown, D., Shi, J. (2013) Team-member exchange and work engagement: Does personality make a difference? Journal of Business and Psychology, 28, 63-77.

Yang, L.-Q., Johnson, R.E., Zhang, X., Spector, P.E., & Xu, S. (2013) Relations of interpersonal unfairness with counterproductive work behavior: The moderating role of employee self-identity. Journal of Business and Psychology, 28, 189-202.

Yang, L.-Q., Spector, P. E., Chang, C-H., *Gallant-Roman, M., & *Powell, J. (2012). A longitudinal examination of workplace violence against nurses: Physical consequences and psychosocial precursors. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 49, 1091-1102.

Yang, L.-Q., Spector, P. E., Sanchez, J. I., Allen, T. D., Poelmans, S., Cooper, C.L., ... & Woo, J-M. (2012). Individualism-collectivism as a moderator of the work demands-strains relationship: A cross-level and cross-national examination. Journal of International Business Studies, 43, 424-443.

Yang, L.-Q, Xu, X., Allen, T. D., Shi, K., Zhang, X.C., & *Lou, Z.Y. (2011). Mentoring in China: Enhanced understanding and association with occupational stress. Journal of Business and Psychology, 26, 485-499.

Levine, E. L., Xu, X., Yang, L.-Q., Ispas, D., Pitariu, H.D., Bian, R., Ding, D., Capotescu, R.. Musat, S. & Che, H.S. (2011). Cross-national explorations of the impact of affect at work using the State-Trait Emotion Measure (STEM): A coordinated series of studies in the United States, China and Romania. Human Performance, 24, 1-38.

Nixon, A. Yang, L.-Q., Spector, P.E., & Zhang, X.C. (2011). Emotional labor in China: Examining moderators and consequences of the emotional labor process. Stress and Health, 27, 289-305.

Brannick, M., Yang, L.-Q. , & Cafri, G. (2011). Comparison of weights for meta-analysis of r and d under realistic conditions. Organizational Research Methods, 14, 587-607.

Johnson, R.E., Chang, C.H., & Yang, L.-Q. (2010). Commitment and motivation at work: Therelevance of employee identity and regulatory focus. Academy of Management Review, 35, 226-245.

Yang, L.-Q., Levine, E. L., Xu, X., & Lopez Rivas, G. E. (2009). Surveying via the net versus hard copy: A cautionary note. Ergometrika, 16, 20-39.

Bauer, J., Cho, E., Saboe, K., Yang, L.-Q., Johnson, R. E,. Erol, H. T., Göncü, A., & Tan, J. A. (2009). How prevalent are the different types of organizational justice research? Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 196-198.

Yang, L.-Q., Che, H.S., & Spector, P.E. (2008). Job stress and well-being: An examination from theview of person-environment fit. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 81, 567-587.

Yang, L.-Q., Levine, E.L., Smith, A. M., Ispas, D. & Rossi, M.E. (2008). Person-environment fit or person plus environment: A meta-analysis of studies using polynomial regression analysis. Human Resource Management Review, 18, 311-321.

Chang, C.H., Johnson, R.E., & Yang, L.Q. (2007). Emotional strain and organizational citizenship behaviors: A meta-analysis and review. Work & Stress, 21, 312-332.
Peer-Reviewed Commentary (# Equal Contribution):*McAbee, S., King, E., Allen#, T. D., Converse#, P., Eby#, L., Leslie#, L., Meyer#, R., Oswald#, F., Rogeblerg#, S., Stark#, S. & Yang#. L.-Q. (2014). Including Science Advocacy in I-OCurriculum. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 7, 65-69.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles in Chinese:

Zhang, X.C., Yang, L.-Q., Xu, X.F., & Che, H.S. (2006). The mechanism of the effect of negative affectivity on work stress. Psychological Science, 29, 967-969.

Jiang, J., Yang, L.-Q., Xu, Y., & Che, H. (2004). Reliability and validity of work locus of control scale. Journal of Mental Health, 18, 628-630.

Lian, H., Che, H., & Yang, L.-Q. (2004). The analysis of individual stock investors’ behaviors in China. Economic Management, 6, 85-91.

Wang, L., Che, H.S., Yang, L.-Q., & Lin, X. (2004). The hierarchical taxonomy of leadership personality traits, Psychological Science, 27(3), 677-681.

Che, H.S., Yang, L.-Q., Zhu, M., & Wang, X.(2002). Investigating the latent categories of the individual stock investors: A psychological perspective. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 5(5), 23-29.

Chen, H., Che, H.S. & Yang, L.-Q. (2002). The trend of research in human resource management. GuangXi Social Sciences, No.6, 192-195.

Chen, H., Yang, L.-Q., & Che, H.S. (2002). Individual stock investors’ attitudes towards big dealers and their decision to follow big dealers’ investment strategies. Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (Social Sciences Edition), 4(4), 9-12.

Yang, L.-Q., Che, H.S., & Feng, J.P. (2002). Chinese stock investors’ expectations. Economic Management, No.18, 75-82.


Other Publications [*Student Author]:

Daus, C., Cronpanzano, R., Martinez-Tur, V., & Yang, L.-Q. (Accepted). Emotion at Work: From the “Leaner Years” to the “Affective Revolution”. In Liu-Qin Yang, Russell Cropanzano, Catherine Daus, Vicente Martinez-Tur (Eds.). Cambridge Handbook of Workplace Affect. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Yang, L.-Q., Martinez-Tur,V., Cronpanzano, R., & Daus, C. (Accepted). Looking into the Future: Integration of Research on workplace Affect. In Liu-Qin Yang, Russell Cropanzano, Catherine Daus, Vicente Martinez-Tur (Eds.). Cambridge Handbook of Workplace Affect. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Yang, L.-Q., Cronpanzano, R., Daus, C., & Martinez-Tur,V. (Eds). The Cambridge Handbook of Workplace Affect. Cambridge Handbook Series of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Yang, L.-Q., *McMahon, K., & *Zhen, F. (Accepted). A review of quantitative methods in measuring workplace affect. In Liu-Qin Yang, Russell Cropanzano, Catherine Daus, Vicente Martinez-Tur (Eds.). Cambridge Handbook of Workplace Affect. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

*McMahon, K., *Park, L, & Yang, L.-Q. (2019) Workplace aggression in nursing: Antecedents and solutions. In R. J. Burke & A. M. Richardsen (Eds.) Increasing Occupational Health and Safety in Workplaces: Research and Practice. (pp. 158-195). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

*Cyr, L, Yang, L.-Q., & Yragui, N. (2019). Aggression-preventive supervisor behavior toward patient aggression: a scale cross-validation. In Ronald Burke and Cary Cooper (Eds) Violence and abuse in the workplace. London, UK: Gower.

*Ma, J., Meltzer, D., Yang, L.-Q., & Liu, C. (In press). Motivation and presenteeism: The whys and whats. In Luo Lu and Cary Cooper (Eds) Presenteeism at work (pp. 97-122). Cambridge University Press.

*Liu, W., *Cyr, L., & Yang, L.-Q. (In press). History of industrial and organizational psychology in Asia. In Steven G. Rogelberg, Kristen M. Shockley, & Scott Tonidandel (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2nd ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Yang, L.-Q., Chang, C-H., & Lim, V. K. G. (2016). An introduction to the special issue of new methods on work and organizational health psychology. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 65, 185-189.

Yang, L.-Q. (2004). Assessment center. In Hongsheng Che (Eds). Personnel selection. Beijing, China: Tuanjie Press. [In Chinese]


Technical and Research Reports [*Student Author]:

Zheng, X., *Liu. X., & Yang, L.-Q., (2018). A technical report to XX Airline: Evaluations of Pilot Stress and Engagement. Unpublished technical report.

*McGeathy, J., *Nguyen. A., *Coughlin, J., Simon, L., & Yang, L.-Q., (2016). A technical report to XX: Evaluations of a Positive Management Program. Unpublished technical report.

*Garcia, A., *Novak, K., *Coughlin. J., *Green-Healy, C., *Hoang, H., & Yang, L.-Q., (2014). A technical report to XX Health & Services: Nurses study on aggression prevention. Unpublished technical report.

*Hoang, H., *Caughlin, D. E., & Yang, L.-Q., (2014). Research report on affect, motivation, and performance to the Faculty Development Committee (Portland State University). Unpublished research report.

*Caughlin, D. E., & Yang, L.-Q. (2012). Technical report on Nurses Study on Aggression Prevention (N-SAP) for Oregon Nurses Association. Unpublished technical report.

Yang, L.-Q. (2011). Research report on developing and validating a new measure of aggression preventative supervisor behavior to the Faculty Development Committee (Portland State University). Unpublished research report.

*Powell, J., Yang, L.-Q., Spector, P.E., Chang. C.H., *Housman, S., *Cadenas, J., & *Blloshmi, E.(2009). A technical report to Bayfront Medical Center: Workplace aggression against nurses and nursing injuries. Unpublished technical report.

*Roman-Gallant, M., Yang, L.-Q., Spector, P.E., Chang. C.H., *Cullen, S., *Berry, C., & *Dreyer, J. (2009). A technical report to Martin Memorial Hospital System: Workplace aggression against nurses and nursing injuries. Unpublished technical report.


Manuscripts under Review [*Student Author]: (Article titles are modified to ensure anonymity of the peer review process)

Wang, L., *Huang, CH., Zheng, X., & Yang, L.-Q. (2nd Revised and Resubmitted). The implications of off-job learning for on-the-job prosocial behavior: A multiple-study examination. Journal of Management.

Zhou, Z., *Liu, W., & Yang, L.-Q. (To Revise and Resubmit). A latent profile analysis of self-regulatory foci: A multiple-study examination. Journal of Organizational Behavior.

Lyons, B., Baldridge, D., Yang, L.-Q., & Dirmyer, R. (Under review). Professional isolation and career outcomes among workers with disabilities. Journal of Applied Psychology.

*Wang, X., Yang, L.-Q., Zhou, F & Yan, J. (Under review). The relationships between power (in)stability and different types of unethical behavior: A multiple-study examination. Journal of Business and Psychology.

Yang, L.-Q., *Li, C., Wang, X.-H.. & Johnson, R. E. (Under review). Antecedents and consequences of affective shift: A daily-diary study. Journal of Applied Psychology.

*Zhang, H., Li, W., & Yang, L.-Q. (Under review). Relationships of change in regulatory focus with change in leadership behavior and employee voice: A longitudinal study of newcomers. Academy of Management Journal.

Projects in Progress [*Student Author]:
Yang, L.-Q., Wang, W., Huang, P.-H. & *Nguyen, A. N. [Manuscript in preparation]. How reliable is your diary?: Examinations of reliability methods based on a systematic review and Monte Carlo simulations. Target Journal: Journal of Applied Psychology.

*Zike, N., Yang, L.-Q., & Baldridge, D. [Manuscript in preparation]. Incivility from the supervisor versus coworker: The roles of identity and emotions. Target Journal: Journal of Applied Psychology

*Fox, S., *McMahon, K., Yang, L.-Q., Liu, X. & Zheng, X. [Manuscript in preparation]. Uncertain, yet thriving: Need uncertainty in work relationships and worker health. Target Journal: Journal of Organizational Behavior

*Cyr, L, Yang, L.-Q., *Liu, W. & Zhou, Z. [Manuscript in preparation] Insufficient effort responding in Mturk research: Evidence-based quality control. Target Journal: Organizational Research Methods

*McMahon, K. & Yang, L.-Q. (Data collection ongoing). Nurses can’t even: Daily uncivil events, affective shift and procrastination at work. Target Journal: Journal of Management.

*Nguyen, A. N., Yang, L.-Q., & Zhou, Z. [Data analysis ongoing] A longitudinal investigation of interpersonal capitalization and mistreatment. Target Journal: Journal of Organizational Behavior

Ford, M. & Yang, L.-Q. [Data analysis ongoing] Helping and incivility from coworkers versus supervisors: Examining emotional shift in two diary studies. Target Journal: Academy of Management Journal

Zhou, Z., Yang, L.-Q., & *Liu, W., [Manuscript in preparation] Not all incivility is created equal: A weekly diary study. Target Journal: Journal of Applied Psychology.

*Wiese, C., *Batz, C., Tay, L., & Yang, L.-Q. [Manuscript in preparation]. Worker well-being: The ultimate criterion. Target Journal: Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice (as a Focal Article).

Wipfli, B., *Cyr, L. & Yang, L.-Q. [Manuscript in preparation]. Psychosocial and physiological effects of active and passive commuting: A daily diary study. Target Journal: Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.

Refereed Conference Presentations [*Student Author # Equal Contribution]:
*Fox, S., *McMahon, K., Yang, L.-Q., Liu, X. & Zheng, X. (April 2020). Uncertain, yet thriving: Need uncertainty in work relationships and worker health. Paper submitted to the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Austin, TX.

*Fox, S., *Zhen, F., Nguyen, A., Yang, L.-Q., & Zang, Zh. (April 2020). LMX and SES: Relational and physical resources to reduce employee burnout. In Jennifer Dimoff & Timothy Oxendahl (Co-Chairs). From the Workplace to Wellbeing: Exploring the Intersection between Work and Health. Symposium submitted to the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Austin, TX.

*McMahon, K. & Yang, L.-Q. (April 2020). Is that how you really feel?: Alternative methods to measuring workplace affect. IGNITE session submitted to the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Austin, TX.

*Wang, X., *Zike, N., Yang, L.-Q., Zhou, F & Yan, J. (April 2020). When the powerful behave unethically: The interactive effect between power stability and intended beneficiary. Paper submitted to the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Austin, TX.

*Nguyen, A. N., Yang, L.-Q., Wang, W., & Huang, P.-H. (November 2019). Is Your Diary “Reliable”?: A Review of Current Measurement Practices in ESM Research. Paper to present at the Biennnial conference of Conference of Work, Stress, and Health, Philadelphia, PA.

*Li, C., Yang, L.-Q., Wang, X.-H.. & Johnson, R. E. (August 2019). How to incite the power of affective shift?: Stressors, self-regulatory foci, and employee behavior. In Wendong Li & Liu-Qin

Yang (Chairs). It’s about time: A dynamic perspective in affect and work motivation. Symposium to present at the Annual conference of Conference of Academy of Management, Boston, MA.

Yang, L.-Q., Wang, W., Huang, P.-H. & *Nguyen, A. N. (August 2019). How reliable is your diary?: Computing level-specific reliability in organizational experience sampling research. Paper to present at the Annual conference of Conference of Academy of Management, Boston, MA.

*Nguyen, A., Yang, L.-Q. & Simon, L. (April 2018). Overqualification among the contingent workforce: A self-determination perspective. In Tina W. Thompson (Chair). Examining new frontiers and boundary conditions in overqualification research. Symposium to present at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.

*Cyr, L., *Currans, K., Yang, L.-Q., & Wang, L.-M. (June, 2017). The influence of work and family demands on commute behavior. In Liu-Qin Yang & Bradley Wipfli (Co-Chairs). Integrating multi-disciplinary perspectives on commuting, stress, and wellbeing. Symposium to present at the biennial conference of Work, Stress, and Health, Minneapolis, MN.

*Nguyen, A., *McGeathy, J. Yang, L.-Q. & Simon, L. (June 2017). Antecedents to Affective Shift that Predict Engagement. Paper to present at the biennial conference of Work, Stress, and Health, Minneapolis, MN.

Wipfli, B., Yang, L.-Q., *Cyr, L. & Olson, R. (June, 2017). Psychosocial and physiological effects of active and passive commuting. In Liu-Qin Yang & Bradley Wipfli (Co-Chairs). Integrating multi-disciplinary perspectives on commuting, stress, and wellbeing. Symposium presented at the biennial conference of Work, Stress, and Health, Minneapolis, MN.

*Cyr, L, Yang, L.-Q., *Liu, W., & *Bardwell, T. (April 2017). Insufficient effort responding in Mturk research: Evidence-based quality control. Paper presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, FL.

*Durban, C., Baldridge, D., Houston, L., & Yang, L.-Q. (April 2017). Withheld disability
accommodation requests, perceived integration, and desire to stay. In Santuzzi, A. M. (Chair). Removing Barriers and Supporting Success for Workers with Disabilities. Symposium presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, FL.

*Liu, W., Zhou, Z., & Yang, L.-Q. (April 2017). A Latent Profile Analysis of Promotion and Prevention Foci. Paper to present at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, FL. Sinclair, R., Yang, L.-Q., Sliter, M., *Cheung, J., & Mohr, S. (April 2017). Returning the favor this or next week? The implications for work engagement. In Courtney Bryant, Chu-Hsiang (Daisy) Chang, and Anita C. Keller (Co-chairs). Providing Social Support- Helping or Harming the Provider? Symposium to present at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, FL.

*Hutchinson, D., Yang, L. -Q., *Zhou, Z., & Spector, P. E. (Nov, 2016). Moderation Effect of Political Skill on the Relationship between Aggression-Preventive Supervisor Behavior, Verbal Assaults, and Job Tenure. In Pamela Perrewe & Paul E. Spector (Chairs). Advances in Occupational Stress Research. Symposium presented at the biennial conference of Southern Management Association, Charlotte, NC.

Yang, L.-Q., #Simon, L., #Wang, L., & *Coughlin, J. (Aug, 2015). To branch out or stay focused?: Daily affective shifts differentially predict organizational citizenship behavior and task performance. Paper presented at the Annual conference of Conference of Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

*Garcia, A., & Yang, L. -Q. (May, 2015). Aggression preventive supervisor behaviors and employee outcomes: the mediational roles of psychological safety and violence prevention climate. Paper presented at the biennial conference of Work, Stress, and Health, Atlanta, GA.

*Hutchinson, D., *Zhou, Z., Yang, L. -Q., & Spector, P. E. (May, 2015). Workplace incivility’s relationship with perceptions of workplace safety and safety behavior. Paper presented at the biennial conference of Work, Stress, and Health, Atlanta, GA.

Liu, C., *Ilic, T., &Yang, L. -Q. (May, 2015). Emotional intelligence moderates the relations between interpersonal conflict and organizational citizenship behaviors: A cross-national examination. Paper presented at the biennial conference of Work, Stress, and Health, Atlanta, GA.

Sliter, M., *Jones, M. D., &Yang, L.-Q. (May, 2015). It is time for a measurement clean-up! Differentiation across scales on different types of mistreatment. In Liu-Qin Yang, Michael Sliter, & Morgan D. Jones (Chairs). Methodological and Measurement Advances in Workplace Mistreatment. Symposium to present at the biennial conference of Work, Stress, and Health, Atlanta, GA.

Yang, L.-Q., Liu, C., & Bodner, T. (May, 2015). Are you using a good measure of mistreatment? It depends on your choice of measurement scaling anchors and/or source of reporting. In Liu-Qin Yang, Michael Sliter, & *Morgan D. Jones (Chairs). Methodological and Measurement Advances in Workplace Mistreatment. Symposium to present at the biennial conference of Work, Stress, and Health, Atlanta, GA.

Yang, L.-Q. (May, 2014). Preventing Workplace Aggression: Research Evidence and Implications for Management Practices. In Helen Moss. Evolving approaches to workplace aggression. Workshop presented at the Annual National Labor and Employment Relations Association Meeting, Portland, Oregon.

Yang, L.-Q., *Bauer, J., Johnson, R., Groer, M. & Salomon, K. (May, 2014). Effects of interactional unfairness on deviant behavior through cortisol activity. In Allison S. Gabriel & Jessica E. Dinh (Chairs). Let’s Get Physiological: Incorporating Physiological Assessments in Well-Being Research. Symposium presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Liu, C., *Kainth, R. S., *Gebhardt, S. T., Yang, L. -Q., Nauta, M. M., & Spector, P. E. (May, 2014). Coworker conflict in cross-cultural settings: the moderating effect of harmony. Paper presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Yang, L.-Q., *Caughlin, D. E., *Novak, K., *Garcia, A., *Do, P., & *Hoang, H. (May, 2014). Aggression preventive supervisor behaviors: Good for climate and employee outcomes? Paper presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Yang, L.-Q., *Caughlin, D. E., *Gazica, M. W., Truxillo, D. T., & Spector, P.E. (May, 2014).
Workplace mistreatment climate and potential target outcomes: A meta-analysis. In Liu-Qin Yang & Stacey R. Kessler (Chairs). Workplace Mistreatment Climate: Nipping Mean Behavior Before It Starts. Symposium presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

*Yonce, C., Truxillo, D. T., Bauer, T., & Yang, L.-Q. (May, 2014). Effects of privacy perceptions, explanations, and control on fairness perceptions. In Michael A. Baysinger (Chair). Understanding Applicant Fairness Perceptions: Moderators, Mediators, and Contextual Influences. Symposium presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Spector, P. E., *Zhou, Z. E., & Yang, L.-Q. (November, 2013). A longitudinal study of the link between climate and workplace violence. In Josh W. Allen (Chair). Advances in Workplace Mistreatment. Symposium presented at the Annual conference of Southern Management Association, New Orleans, LA.

Spector, P. E., *Zhou, Z. E., & Yang, L.-Q. (August, 2013). Political skill as a buffer of physical and nonphysical violence. In Pamela Perrewe (Chair). Political skills: Integrating new perspectives. Symposium presented at the Annual conference of Academy of Management, Orlando, FL.

Yang, L.-Q., *Caughlin, D. E., Yragui, N., & *Novak, K. (May, 2013). Aggression Preventative Supervisor Behavior: A Scale Cross-Validation. Paper presented at the biennial conference of Work, Stress, and Health, LA, CA.

Yang, L.-Q., Liu, C., Nauta, M.M., *Caughlin, D. E., & Spector, P.E. (May, 2013). Be mindful of what you impose on your colleagues: Social burden in the workplace. In Liu-Qin Yang & Robert Wright (Chairs). Let all social partners in the social support process count: New perspectives on classical theory. Symposium presented at the biennial conference of Work, Stress, and Health, LA, CA.

*Wright, R., Mohr, C., Sinclair, R. & Yang, L.-Q. (May, 2013). An intro- and inter-personal examination of coping strategy variation and effectiveness. Paper presented at the biennial conference of Work, Stress, and Health, LA, CA.

*Caughlin, D. E. & Yang, L.-Q. (April, 2013). Investigating group affect from a dual-processing perspective. Poster presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational
Psychology, Los Angeles, CA.

Spector, P. E., *Zhou, Z. E., & Yang, L.-Q. (October, 2012). A longitudinal study relating workplace abuse to physical and psychological strains. In Paul E. Spector (chair). Employee responses to workplace abuse. Symposium presented at the Annual Conference of Southern Management Association, Ft Lauderdale, FL.

*Caughlin, D. E., & Yang, L.-Q. (August, 2012). The roles of implicit and explicit group affect in predicting motivational processes and outcomes. In Ruth Kanfer (chair) New developments in motivating teams. Symposium presented at the Annual Conference of Academy of Management, Boston, MA.

Spector, P. E., *Zhou, Z. E., & Yang, L.-Q. (August, 2012). Violence prevention climate and violence exposure in new nurses. In *David E. Caughlin, Liu-Qin Yang, & Chu-Hsiang Chang (chairs) Employee and organizational consequences of aggression prevention climate. Symposium presented at the Annual Conference of Academy of Management, Boston, MA.

Yang, L.-Q., & *Caughlin, D. E. (August, 2012). Aggression Preventative Supervisor Behavior: Scale Development and Validation. In *David E. Caughlin, Liu-Qin Yang, & Chu-Hsiang Chang (chairs) Employee and organizational consequences of aggression prevention climate. Symposium presented at the Annual Conference of Academy of Management, Boston, MA.

Liu, C., Yang, L.-Q., Nauta, M.M., Khan, S., & Shahani-Denning, C. (April, 2012). The relation between procedural injustice and conflict with supervisor. Paper presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Yang, L.-Q., Zhang, X.C., & *Caughlin, D.E. (May, 2011). Emotional labor and burnout: Implications for organizational commitment. In Stefano Toderi & Liu-Qin Yang (Chairs) Individual differences and different forms of commitment and identification. Symposium to be presented at the Annual conference of European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

*Liao, F.-Y., Yang, L.-Q., Wang, M., Drown, D., & Shi, J. (April, 2011). TMX and work engagement: Do personality make a difference? Paper to be presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.

*Liao, F.-Y., Yang, L.-Q., Wang, M., & Shi, J. (April, 2011). Linking LMX to performance via work engagement: Moderated mediation effect. Paper to be presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.

*Liao, F.-Y., Yang, L.-Q., & Shi, J.Q. (October, 2010). Social exchange relationships and job satisfaction: Do employees' personality and engagement level matter? Paper presented at the Northwest Occupational Health Conference..

*Bauer, J., Yang, L.-Q., & Johnson, R.E. (April, 2010). Justice and OCB: Do emotions and self-esteem matter? Poster presented at the annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta, GA.

Yang, L.-Q., Spector, P.E., & Chang, C.H. (April, 2010) Positive and negative social exchanges and nurses’ well-being. Michael Ford & Liu-Qin Yang (Chairs) Beneficial forms of social support and implications for employee well-being. Symposium presented at the annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta, GA.

Chang, C.H., Spector, P.E., Eatough, E., & Yang, L.-Q. (November, 2009). Exposure of violence and aggression with employee strains: Work-based regulatory focus as a moderator. In Kathi Miner-Rubino & Mindy Bergman (Chairs). A new look at workplace mistreatment and health/well-being. Symposium presented at the annual conference of Work, Stress, and Health, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

*Kawamoto, C. Yang, L.-Q., Levine, E.L. (November, 2009). Relationship among person-vocation fit, person-group fit and job satisfaction: Do the beholders' primary needs matter. Paper presented at the annual conference of Work, Stress, and Health, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Yang, L.-Q. & Spector, P.E. (November, 2009). Aggression and Its Safety Consequences in Nursing: The Role of Negative Emotions. In Liu-Qin Yang & Chu-Hsiang Chang (Chairs) Linking occupational health and safety: Evidence from High-Risk Populations. Symposium presented at the annual conference of Work, Stress, and Health, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Yang, L.-Q., Nixon, A., Zhang, X.C., & Spector, P.E. (April, 2009). Is Perceived Organizational Support Really Supportive for Employees Who Experienced Incivility? In Alyssa McGonagle, Jessica A. Gallus, & Vicki J. Magley (Chairs) Rude awakenings: New research on experiences of workplace incivility. Symposium presented at the annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

Yang, L.-Q., Zhang, X.C., Spector, P.E. & Lin, X.H. (April, 2009). Stress among Chinese Service Workers: The Role of Workplace Incivility. In Ying Liu & Cong Liu (Chairs). Using both qualitative and quantitative approaches to study job stress in China. Symposium presented at the annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

Cho, E., Yang, L.-Q., Allen, T.D., Spector, P.E., Poelmans, S. A. Y., Cooper, C. L., Lapierre, L. M., O’Driscoll, M., Sanchez, J. I., Lu, C.-Q., & Siu, O. L. (August, 2009). A Cross-National
Comparative Study of Work-family Conflict: Gender Egalitarianism. In Ellen Kossek and Sigmar Malvezzi (Chairs). Work and family. Symposium presented at the 69th Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, IL.

*Maher, C. Yang, L.-Q., Zhang, X.C., Spector, P.E., & *Willoughby, J. (August, 2008). Incivility and core self-evaluations in the workplace: A comparison of the U.S. and China. In Ashley Nixon & Liu-Qin Yang (Chairs). The individual and international context: New frontiers in social stressors research. Symposium presented at the 68h Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA.

Nixon, A. Yang, L.-Q., Spector, P.E., & Zhang, X.C. (August, 2008). When emotions hurt. Paper presented at the 68h Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
Yanover, T., Himes, S., Yang, L.-Q., & Sperry, S. (May, 2008). A meta-analysis of the relationship between binge eating and depression. Poster presented at the Academy for Eating Disorders International Conference, Seattle, WA.

Brannick, M.T., Yang, L.-Q., & Cafri, G. (April, 2008). Comparison of weights in meta-analysis under realistic conditions. Paper presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Francisco, CA.

Jackson, E., Rossi, M., Rodopman, O.B., Taylor, A., Lopez-Rivas, G., Hoover, R., Yang, L.-Q., & Johnson, R.E. (April, 2008). Justice and morale: How leader reward behaviors affect employee performance. Paper presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational
Psychology, San Francisco, CA.

*Maher, C., Yang, L.-Q., Zhang, X.C., Spector, P.E., *Thorp, S. & *Conklin, M. (April, 2008). Workplace incivility in Chinese employees: The role of core self-evaluations. Paper presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Francisco, CA.

Yang, L.-Q., Johnson, R.E., Zhang, X.C., & Spector, P.E. (April, 2008). When self-identity meets occupational stress : Consequences for counterproductive work behaviors. Paper presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Francisco, CA.

Yang, L.-Q., Xu, X., Allen, T.D., Shi, K., Zhang, X.C., & Lou, Z.Y. (April, 2008). Mentoring
relationships in China: Stress less or stressful? Paper presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Francisco, CA.

Xu, X., Yang, L.-Q., Levine, E.L., Pitariu, H., Musat, S., Ding, D., Bian, R., & Che, H.S. (April, 2008). Exploring the relationship between affect and OCB across three countries. In Dan Ispas & Edward L. Levine (Chairs). Affect and performance: Recent findings and new directions for research. Symposium presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Francisco, CA.

Yang, L.-Q. & Spector, P.E. (March, 2008). Person-Environment fit approach applied to research of occupational stress. In James A. Meurs & Pamela L. Perrewe (Chairs), New Developments in Theoretical and Conceptual Approaches to Job Stress. Symposium presented at the 7th International Conference on Occupational Stress & Health by American Psychological Association,
Washington D.C.

Yang, L.-Q., Zhang, X.C., Spector, P.E. & Lin, X.H. (March, 2008). What exactly is uncivil in the workplace: A qualitative study with a Chinese sample? Paper to be presented at Work, Stress, and Health, Washington D.C.

Johnson, R.E., Chang, C.H., & Yang, L.-Q. (August, 2007). Motivation and Organizational
Commitment: Support for a Four-Factor Model. In Russell E. Johnson & Dan Ispas (Chairs), Taking measure of organizational commitment. Symposium presented at the 67th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Yang, L.-Q., Spector, P. E., Zhang, X. C., Johnson, R. E., Rodopman, O. B., & Li, H. Y. (August, 2007). The roles of negative emotion and sensitivity to injustice in the justice-CWB relationship. In Liu-Qin Yang & Paul. E. Spector (Chairs), The antecedents of voluntary work behavior: Stepping further. Symposium presented at the 67th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Yang, L.-Q., Spector, P. E., Sanchez, J., Allen, T. D., Poelmans, S., Cooper, C.L. et al. (August, 2007). Putting workload-strains relationship into “Context”. In Steve M. Jex (Chair). Organizational constraints at work: New findings regarding well-being and performance. Symposium presented at the 67th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Yang, L.-Q., Smith, M., Levine, E.L., Ispas, D. & Rossi, M. (April, 2007). P-E Fit or P + E: Second Order vs. Linear Terms in PRA: A meta-analysis. In Mark A. Smith (Chair). State-of-the-Art Uses for Regression Analysis in I/O Psychology. Symposium presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New York City.

Yang, L.-Q., Xu, X., Ding, D., Bian, R., Levine, E.L., & Che, H.S. (April, 2007). Validation of the State-Trait Emotion Measure (STEM) in China. Paper presented at the Annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New York City.

Burke, J., Prewett, M., Gray, A.A., Yang, L.-Q., Stilson, R., Redden, E., Elliott, L., & Coovert, M. (November, 2006). Comparing the effects of visual-auditory and visual-tactile feedback on user performance: A meta-analysis. In Proceedings of the ACM 8th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, Banff, Canada.

Prewett, M., Gray, A.A., Burke, J., Yang, L.-Q., Stilson, R., Redden, E., Elliott, L., & Coovert, M. (November, 2006). The benefits of multimodal information: A meta-analysis comparing visual and visual-tactile feedback. In Proceedings of the ACM 8th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, Banff, Canada.

Yang, L.-Q., Levine, E.L., Xu, X., & Lopez Rivas, G. (October, 2006). Affect, Job Satisfaction and Counterproductive Work Behavior. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of Southern Management Association, Clearwater, FL.

Levine, E. L., Yang, L.-Q., Xu, X., & Lopez Rivas, G. E. (August, 2006). Surveying via the net vs. hard copy: A cautionary note. In Don Kluemper (Chair), Self-report Measurement Issues in Micro Organizational Research. Symposium presented at the 66th Academy of Management meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Yang, L.-Q. (August, 2006). Work locus of control scale and the scale of optimism: A perspective of ideal point model. Paper presented at the 66th Academy of Management meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Yang, L.-Q., Che, H.S., & Spector, P.E. (March, 2006). The role of coping in specific stressor-strain relationship, The 6th International Conference on Occupational Stress & Health by American Psychological Association, Miami, FL.

Yang, L.-Q., Che, H.S., & Spector, P.E. (August, 2005). Job stress and well-being: An examination from the view of person-environment fit. Paper presented at the 65th Academy of Management Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Yang, L.Q., Zhang, X.C., & Che, H.S. (August, 2004). The mechanism of work stress: What kind of role does NA play here? Paper presented at the 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China.

Yang, L.-Q., Che, H.S., & Wang, X.H. (June, 2002). Investigating the latent categories of the individual stockinvestors: A psychological perspective. Paper presented at the 9th Global Finance Conference, Beijing, China.

Yang, L.-Q., & Che, H.S. (November, 2001). Chinese stock investors’ investment expectations. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Psychology, Guangzhou, China.

Yang, L.-Q., & Wu, X.C. (May, 1999). A meta-analysis of the gender difference of Chinese university students’ psychological health. Paper presented at the first Conference of Chinese Society for Counseling Psychology, Zhangjiajie, China.

Teaching Experience
Graduate Level Courses:
Portland State University, offered every other year
- Work Motivation (PSY510/610)
Portland State University, offered every other year
- Introduction To Psychological Measurement (PSY595/695)
Portland State University, 1 session
- Introduction To Psychological Measurement (PSY410/510)
Portland State University, 2 sessions
- Univariate Quantitative Methods (PSY521/621)

Undergraduate Courses:

Portland State University, 4 sessions
- Personnel Psychology (PSY361)
- max 48 undergraduate students

Portland State University, 2 sessions
- Organizational Psychology (PSY362)
- max 48 undergraduate students

Portland State University, 18 sessions
- Motivation (PSY345)
- 55-88 undergraduate students

University of South Florida, Summer 2007

- Motivation
- 60 undergraduate students
Thesis and Dissertation Committees Chaired/Chairing: 7 graduate students
Thesis and Dissertation Committees Served/Serving: 22 graduate students
Comprehensive Exams Committees Served/Serving: 22 graduate students
McNair Scholar Advised: 1 undergraduate student
EXITO Scholar Advised: 1 undergraduate student
Honor’s Thesis Advised: 3 undergraduate students
Practicum Advised: 2 undergraduate students
Research Sessions Supervised/Supervising: 23 undergraduate students

Professional Experience

Editorial Experience:
- Associate Editor: Applied Psychology: An International Review [2016-]
- Guest Co-Editor: A 2016 special issue titled "Novel Methods in Work and Organizational Health
Psychology" for Applied Psychology: An International Review
- Editorial Board: Journal of Applied Psychology [2020-], Journal of Occupational Health Psychology [2013-],
Journal of Business and Psychology [2011-], Occupational Health Science [2016-]

Review Experience:
- Ad Hoc reviewer of grant proposals for the National Science Foundation, the US
- Ad Hoc reviewer of grant proposals and reports for the National Institute for Transportation and
Communities, the U.S.
- Ad Hoc reviewer of grant proposals and reports for Research Secretariat of WorkSafeBC, Canada
- Ad Hoc reviewer for Journal of Applied Psychology
- Ad Hoc reviewer for Journal of Management
- Ad Hoc reviewer for Journal of Organizational Behavior
- Ad Hoc reviewer for European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
- Ad Hoc reviewer for Journal of Vocational Behavior
- Ad Hoc reviewer for Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
- Ad Hoc reviewer for Journal of Management Studies
- Ad Hoc reviewer for Journal of Managerial Psychology
- Ad Hoc reviewer for Journal of Health Psychology
- Ad Hoc reviewer for Stress and Health
- Ad Hoc reviewer for Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
- Ad Hoc reviewer for Quality of Life Research
- Ad Hoc reviewer for Journal of Educational Administration

Ad Hoc reviewer For International Journal of Educational Policy, Research and Practice
- Ad Hoc reviewer for Worth Publishers
- For the annual conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2008 -
- For Research Methods Division, annual conference of Academy of Management, 2008 -
- For Organizational Behavior Division, annual conference of Academy of Management, 2006 -

Conference Discussant or Panelist (Invitation Only):

Symposium presented at the annual conference of South Management Association October 2015
- Symposium Title: New Methods in Occupational Health and Management
- Symposium Discussant: Liu-Qin Yang, Ph.D.

Panelist for the Junior Faculty Consortium on the Tenure Process (Research Track)

April 2014
- Annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Symposium presented at the annual conference of Academy of Management

August 2013
- Symposium Title: Work and Family in a Multicultural World
- Symposium Discussant: Liu-Qin Yang, Ph.D.

Invited Talks/Workshops:
- Dynamic Shifts in Affect and Regulatory Foci: Studies on Change
Oregon State University, College of Business Fall or Winter 2019
- Let’s Get Emotional?: The Role of Affective Shift in Motivating Work Performance
PSU, Department of Psychology, Psi Chi, February 2019
- I/O psychology and US-China cultural differences
For the Chinese public online university STEC (Science, Technology, Education, & Culture, equivalent to the US TED talks), part of the 5-speaker series hosted by PSU Summer 2018
- Let’s Get Emotional?: The Role of Affective Shift in Motivating Work Performance
Xiamen University, Fujian Providence, China School of Management December 2017
- Let’s Get Emotional?: The Role of Affective Shift in Motivating Work Performance
Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China Department of Psychology December 2016
- Nipping Mean Behavior Before It Starts: A Preventive Perspective
Summer Institute for Occupational Health Psychology, OHSU/PSU, Oregon July 2016
- Let’s Get Emotional?: The Role of Affective Shift in Motivating Work Performance
Renmin University of China, Beijing, China School of Business December 2015
- Let’s Get Emotional?: The Role of Affective Shift in Motivating Work Performance
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China School of Economics and Management December 2015
- Let’s Get Emotional?: The Role of Affective Shift in Motivating Work Performance
Peiking University, Beijing, China Department of Psychology December 2015
- Let’s Get Emotional?: The Role of Affective Shift in Motivating Work Performance
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL. Department of Psychology November 2015
- At least try not to be mean?: Antecedents and consequences of workplace mistreatment
University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway Department of Psychological Science September 2015

Workshops: Preventing Workplace Aggression: Research Evidence and Effective Practices
Providence Health & Services (Oregon) January-June 2015
- Antecedents and Consequences of Interpersonal Mistreatment: A Multi-Method Perspective
University of Central Florida, Tampa, Florida Department of Psychology December 2014
- Managing and Preventing Interpersonal Mistreatment: A Multi-Method Perspective
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia Department of Psychology November 2014
- At least try not to be mean?: Antecedents and consequences of workplace mistreatment
National University of Singapore, Singapore School of Business October 2014
- At least try not to be mean?: Antecedents and consequences of workplace mistreatment
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore School of Business October 2014
- Unfairness and deviant behavior: The role of cortisol activities
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China School of Economics and Management June 2014
- Workshop: Preventing Workplace Aggression: Research Evidence and Effective Practices Annual Meeting of National Labor and Employment Relations Association May 2014
- Aggression Prevention: Supervisor and Peer Practices Matter
Providence Health & Services Oregon Nursing Leadership Consortium April 2014
- Aggression Prevention: The Role of Organizational Climate and Management Practices
Providence Health & Services Nursing Grand Rounds December 2013
- Aggression Prevention: The Role of Organizational Climate and Management Practices
Providence Health & Services Oregon Nursing Leadership Consortium December 2012
- Aggression and Its Prevention: Research and Practices
Oregon Nurses Association Aug 2010, Sept 2010, Feb 2011, Jun 2011, Sept 2011, Dec 2011, Jan 2012
- Occupational Stress and Beyond: The Roles of Person-Environment Fit and Affect
Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China Department of Psychology December 2011
- Person-Environment Fit and Work Outcomes: Meta-Analytical Evidence
Renmin University of China, Beijing, China School of Labor and Human Resources December 2009

Grant Activities:
Funded (Funding Transfer Pending)

Yang, Liu-Qin (Co-Investigator), Nicolaidis, Christina (Principal Investigator), Raymaker, Dora (Co- Investigator), Taylor, Julie Lounds (Co-Investigator), Baker-Ericzén, Mary (Co-Investigator), Horner-Johnson, Willi (Co-Investigator), & Edwards, Todd (Co-Investigator). “Measuring
Health, Function, and Social Well-being in Adults on the Autism Spectrum”. R01 Proposal
recommended for funding by the National Institute for Mental Health. External (total budget of $3,653,838).

Yang, Liu-Qin (Principal), Wang, Liming (Co-Investigator), Golub, Aaron (Co-Investigator). “Do travel costs matter?: Using psychological and social equity perspectives to evaluate the effects of a low-income transit fare program on low-income riders” Proposal recommended for funding at the National Institute for Transportation & Communities/Transportation Research and Education Center, external (total budget of $20,000).

Under Review and To Revise and Resubmit
Yang, Liu-Qin (Program Director), Hammer, Leslie (Associate Director). Renewal Application for a Training Grant in Occupational Health Psychology and Total Worker Health at Portland State University. Proposal submitted to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health/CDC, external (approximate total budget of $741,965).

Yang, Liu-Qin (Co-Principal, PSU Principal Investigator), Yragui, Nanette (Principal), Hammer, Leslie (Co-Principal), Olson, Ryan (Co-Principal), McCurry, Susan (Co-Principal), Wipfli, Brad (Co-Principal). “Evaluating a Supervisor Support Intervention to Promote Employee Aggression Prevention and Work-Nonwork Effectiveness (PASS)”. R01 Proposal to revise and resubmit to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. External PSU Budget: $642,336 (Total budget at $1,260,319).


Yang, Liu-Qin (Principal), Wang, Liming (Co-Investigator), Golub, Aaron (Co-Investigator). “Do travel costs matter?: Using psychological and social equity perspectives to evaluate the effects of a low-income transit fare program on low-income riders”. Research contract funded by TriMet, Oregon, external (total budget of $20,000).

Yang, Liu-Qin (Principal), & Wang, Liming (Co-Investigator). “How Do Stressed Workers Make Travel Mode Choices?” Faculty Enhancement Grant, Portland State University, internal (2017-2019). Budget: $14,732


Yang, Liu-Qin (Principal), Wang, Liming (Co-Investigator), Wipfli, Brad (Co-Investigator). “How Do Stressed Workers Make Travel Mode Choices That Are Good For Their Health, Safety, and Productivity?” Funded by the National Institute for Transportation & Communities/Oregon Transportation Research and Education Center, external (Jan 2016 – June 2017). Budget: $14,960

Yang, Liu-Qin (Co-Principal), Wang, Lei (Principal), "Individual Differences, Employee Motivation, Well-Being, and Innovative Performance," Funded by the Chinese Equivalent to National Science Foundation, external (2014 - 2016). Budget: $34,305 (¥200,000).

Yang, Liu-Qin (Principal), "Understanding How Supervisors’ Practices and Peer Support May Help Manage Workplace Aggression towards Nurses," Faculty Enhancement Grant, Portland State University, internal (2013-2016). Budget: $14,760

Yang, Liu-Qin (Principal), "We May or May Not Know How We Feel: Implications of Explicit and Implicit Affect for Employee Performance, Motivation, and Well-being," Faculty Enhancement Grant, Portland State University, internal (2011-2014). Budget: $8,672

Yang, Liu-Qin (Principal), "Aggression Preventative Supervisory Behavior: Validating A New Measurement in Healthcare," Faculty Enhancement Grant, Portland State University, internal (2010-2012). Budget: $7,790

Yang, Liu-Qin (Co-Principal), Bauer, Jeremy (Principal), "The Role of Self-Concept in Reaction to Injustice: Both Psychological and Physiological Perspectives," Sponsored by National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health/ERC at USF, Federal. (2009 - 2010). Budget: $3,961.14

Yang, Liu-Qin (Principal), "Workplace Aggression, Health, and Safety in Nursing: A Longitudinal Examination (Pilot Grant)," Sponsored by National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Federal. (2008 - 2009). Budget: $12,268.14

Yang, Liu-Qin (Principal), "Six-Company-Wide Survey of Employee Morale and Occupational Health in China," Sponsored by Founder Co. Ltd. Beijing, China. (2004). Budget: $1,250

Not Funded
Yang, Liu-Qin (Principal), Wang, Liming (Co-Investigator), Golub, Aaron (Co-Investigator). “Do travel costs matter?: Using psychological and social equity perspectives to evaluate the effects of a low-income transit fare program on low-income riders” Proposal submitted to the National Institute for Transportation & Communities/Transportation Research and Education Center, external (total budget of $102,899).

Yang, Liu-Qin (Co-Investigator), Raymaker, Dora (Principal), Nicolaidis, Christina (Co-
Investigator). “Community based participatory research to explore the relationship between suicidality and burnout in adults on the autism spectrum”. R21 Proposal submitted to the National Institute for Mental Health. External. (total budget of $275,000).

Yang, Liu-Qin (Co-Pincipal), Bian, Ran (Principal), Zhang, Xichao (Co-Principal), Xu, Jianping (Co-Principal), & Sun, Xiaomin (Co-Principal). “Person-environment Fit and Regulatory Fit in Organizational Settings: Toward an Integrated Model.” Proposal to revise and resubmit to the Chinese Equivalent to National Science Foundation. External. Budget: $88,230 (¥600,400)

Consulting Researcher Dec. 2014 - May 2016
Providence Park, Portland, Oregon
- Led a 17-month long project to evaluate the effectiveness of the organization’s “positive management program”

Consulting Researcher Dec. 2012 - April 2014
Providence Health & Services, Oregon
- Led a 16-month long project to assessing employee stress, morale and engagement.

Consultant for Grants June - Aug. 2009
Psychology Department, Grant funded by NIOSH and ERC at USF

Academic Advisor May 2009 -
Chinese Leadership Consortium (CLC)

Academic Advisor May 2007 – May2010

Summer Associate June 2006 - Aug. 2006
Research Associate at Human Resource Research Organization (HumRRO)

Worked on theoretical model-building for a military project on turnover
- Analyzed both qualitative and quantitative data for FBI-ACES training project
- Participated in most of the process of FAA-SLD assessment project

Trainer of Managerial-Level Program Jan. 2004
A managerial-level training program in Hebei province, China
- Presented the program session on job analysis
- Prepared materials for the entire training program

Project Lead Jan. 2001 – June 2003
Personnel selection projects, Beijing, China
- Negotiated budget with clients,
- Designed structured interview and assessment center,
- Coordinated the entire process of selection
- Served for clients like Personnel Department of Ministry of Education, China,
and ChinaLife Insurance Co. Ltd., the leading insurance company in China Summer Associate Summer 2001

R&D department, Huaxia Psychological Co. Ltd. Beijing, China
- Proposed a competency model for a personnel selection system
- Designed a study to test this model via interview and survey

Professional Affiliations:
- Professional affiliate of the International Association of Chinese Management Research, China
- Professional affiliate of the Association for Psychological Science, U.S.
- Professional affiliate of the Academy of Management, U.S.
- Professional affiliate of the Society for Industrial and Organization Psychology (SIOP), U.S.
- Professional affiliate of the Society for Occupational Health Psychology, U.S.
- Student affiliate of the Southern Management Association, U.S. (2005-2009)

Service Committee member Fall 2019-
Member of the PSU Diversity Action Council committee
Search committee Chair Fall 2019- Summer 2020
Chair of the job search committee to hire an assistant professor in I/O psychology to start in Fall 2020

Director Fall 2019- Summer 2020
Director for the Occupational Health Psychology doctoral training grant at PSU that is funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health/CDC

Associate Director Fall 2018- Summer 2019
Associate director for the Occupational Health Psychology doctoral training grant at PSU that is funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health/CDC
Post-Tenure Review sub-committee Chair Fall 2016- Winter 2018
Chair of a 3-member post-tenure review subcommittee.

Committee member Fall 2018-Summer 2020
Member of the workshop committee for the Society for Occupational Health Psychology (SOHP)

Committee member Fall 2017-Summer 2018
Member of the small grant committee for the Society for I/O Psychology (SIOP)

Committee Co-Chair Spring 2016 -Winter 2017
As one of the two co-chairs of the Education & Training committee, for SOHP
- Lead and/or supervise the coordination of various education, training and outreach-related events

Committee Member Fall 2012 - Summer 2014
Serve on the Scientific Affairs Committee, SIOP
- Being involved in various science advocacy activities

Co-Editor Fall 2012 -Summer 2013
As one of the two co-editors of a new column on grant opportunities, for TIP
- TIP is the only quarterly newsletter of SIOP

Symposium Organizer Spring 2012 - Fall 2012
Chair of the Steering Committee for the U.S. Pacific Northwest symposium on workplace aggression
- Leading the planning of 4 presentation topics
- Inviting an internationally prominent scholar as the symposium keynote speaker
- Coordinating the symposium agenda
- Coordinating the pre- and post-symposium activities

Committee Member Fall 2011 - Fall 2012
Serve on the Institutional Review Board Committee, Portland State University
- Reviewing research protocols from different disciplines

Committee Member Spring 2011 - Spring 2012
Member of the Friday Seminars Committee of the 2012 conference, SIOP
- Participating in the planning of the seminar topics
- Coordinating one session titled "Quasi-experimental Methods"

Committee Chair Spring 2010 - Spring 2011
Chair of the Friday Seminars Committee, SIOP 2011 conference
- Chairing the planning of the seminar topics
- Coordinating 4 seminar sessions

Committee Member Spring 2009 -Spring 2010
Serve on the Friday Seminars Committee of the 2010 conference, SIOP
- Participating in the planning of the seminar topics
- Coordinating one session titled "When Begging is Not Enough: Detecting and Dealing With Nonresponse Bias to Organizational Surveys "

Committee Member Fall 2008 - Spring 2009
Member of the Psychology Diversity Student Committee (PDSC), USF
- Planning events for graduate students on behalf of PDSC
- Co-sponsoring some voluntary events for the community (e.g., Giving Tree)

President Fall 2007 - Spring 2008
Graduate Student Association of Sunshine Education and Research Center at USF
- Plan and organize meetings/events consistent with the agenda of the center
- Facilitating cross-disciplinary research collaboration among students

Committee Member Spring 2007 - Spring 2008
Member of the Making Connection Committee (MCC) for Organizational Behavior Division, AOM
- Participating in MCC website maintenance
- Primarily help new OB members get connected with old members at AOM conferences

Brownbag Organizer Sept. 2005 - May 2006
The program of Industrial and Organizational Psychology at USF
- Coordinated the speakers from inside and outside the program (e.g. alumni)
- Publicized the brownbag through flyers and e-mails

Research Lab Manager July 2003 - June 2004
A 16-member Industrial and Organizational Psychology research lab at BNU
- Responsible for decisions on project implementation
- Responsible for decisions on budget, information and administration
- Coordinated the management of projects, budget and information

Vice President Sept. 2002 - Sept. 2003
Graduate student union of the school of psychology at BNU
- Organized academic paper contests
- Organized academic brownbags


Willamette University

Atkinson Graduate School of Management

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Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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200 SW Market Street, Suite 101
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