A community message from President Thorsett

by President Steve Thorsett,


Dear Willamette community,

I am grieving for our country and for the members of the Jewish Community of Pittsburgh, most especially for members of the Tree of Life Synagogue.

As a community of engaged teachers and learners, we must continually renew our resolve to speak and act in ways that reflect our shared commitment to inclusive community, our dedication to liberty, and our respect for the diversity of belief in our neighborhoods, our region and our world.

Ignorance and intolerance that feed and incite hate have no place in our society or our nation, and I urge us to stand up for one another, to speak out against hatred and xenophobia, and to be committed to ensuring that all communities are able to gather in safety and security.

May the memory of those who died this weekend be a blessing; may those who are injured be healed; may all of us find comfort and solace in community and in our efforts stem violence and promote peace.

Steve Thorsett


Willamette University

University Communications

Waller Hall, Fourth Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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