Willamette Debate Starts Strong

by Cassidy Brennan,

In the first two tournaments of the year, Willamette won speaker awards and a first-place trophy!

The 9th-annual Oregon State Penitentiary Debate Tournament, attended by Cassidy Brennan ('21), Natalie Lyell ('20), and Christopher Monheit ('20), is a unique opportunity to debate along-side and against inmates at OSP. Brennan & Lyell took home the first place trophy for this event. Additionally, the first big tournament of the college season in the PNW opened this weekend at the Lewis & Clark British Parliamentary Debate Tournament in Portland, attended by Natalie Lyell ('20), Jennifer Truong ('21), Grace De Lee ('21), Steven Lua ('23), and Jesse Peone Lippold ('21). Lua & Lippold placed 4th in the novice division, Lippold won 5th place novice speaker, and Lua won 10th place novice speaker. Let's congratulate debate!

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