Student Academic Grants and Awards

Welcome, students! In these pages we will introduce you to a myriad of opportunities, and provide a range of resources to help you decide where you are going and how to get there. Here you'll find information on a variety of competitive grants and scholarships, links to scholarship foundation home pages, and plenty of practical advice from programs and past applicants to help you put together an outstanding application.

Welcome, faculty! Here you will find advice about writing recommendation letters, and samples of letters that can help you understand what specific programs look for in applicants and recommendations.

External Scholarship Awardees

2019-20 Awardees of External Scholarships

Ellen Blezinsky '21, PPIA Junior Summer Institute fellowship

Amanda Fong '19, Fulbright U.S. Student Program

Nicole Kates '20, Coro Fellowship in Public Affairs

Gabrielle Klein '15, Fulbright U.S. Student Program

Abigail Lahnert '18, Luce Scholars Program

Carrie Moore '18, Fulbright U.S. Student Program

Mariana Navarro '18, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship

Ellen Rumley '18, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship


Claire Verstrate '20, Fulbright U.S. Student Program

Shelby Weisburg '20, Fulbright U.S. Student Program

Internal Scholarship Awardees

2021-22 Presidential Scholarship

Rowan Barton

Madolyn Kelm


2020-2021 Carson Undergraduate Student Research Grants

Cristina Chapa

Lily Clancy

Rose-Marie Crawford

Jack Garver

Camille Gibney

Thomas Gray

Kela Iwata

Emilia Kaldis

Yewon Na

Aliya Schwartz


2020-2021 College Colloquium Student Research Grants

Rou Rou Hutchinson

Matthew Mahoney

Keelin Rice

Erika Figueroa Rico (continued from 2019-20)


Willamette University

Student Academic Grants and Awards

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.