Directed by Dr. Qinqing Qian
The Willamette University Chamber Orchestra offers students of any major an opportunity to participate in an orchestral performance ensemble. Through the musical preparation of repertoire for performance, students explore the cultural, historical, and musical backgrounds of the composers whose music is being performed.
The University Chamber Orchestra presents one full concert each semester, at the annual Family Weekend concert, and special holiday performances. One or two soloists, chosen from the yearly Willamette University Concerto Competition, perform with the orchestra in its spring concert. The orchestra also collaborates with choral ensembles and participates in theatre departments projects each year.
Though no competitive audition is required for participation, each person enrolled in the course will perform an informal playing and a piece of short sight-reading music for a demonstration before the first rehearsal. These demonstrations give the director awareness of individuals’ musical backgrounds and the overall performance potential of the orchestra.
In spring 2024 the Orchestra was invited to perform at the Oregon Youth Symphony Festival in Newport, Oregon.