- Reshef Agam-Segal (Auburn University) Secondary Senses: Self-Legislation and Other Figurative Dramas
- Ignacio Moya Arriagada (Universidad Central de Chile - La Serena):The Extended Self as a Centre of Gravity
- Lauren Ashwell (Bates College): Knowing Our Desires
- Camille Atkinson (Oregon State University): Class, Culture and The Self
- H. E. Baber (University of San Diego): What, Me Worry?: Selves, Cohabitation, and the Problem of the Many
- James Blackmon (San Francisco State University): Minds and Material Composition
- Stephen Blackwood (Wilfrid Laurier University): Expressivism, Self-Knowledge, and Critical Rationality
- Stephan Blatti (University of Memphis): Another Argument for Animalism
- Tony H. Y. Cheng (CUNY Graduate Center): Self-Identification and a Puzzle about Mental Ownership
- Elijah Chudnoff (University of Miami): Gettier Cases
- Scott Clifton (University of Washington-Seattle): Branching vs. Non-branching Models and Moderate Moralism
- Cynthia D. Cole (Central Washington University): One's Place in the Sun: Gender, Sovereignty, and Agency
- Therese Scarpelli Cory (Seattle University): Reflexivity and Self-Awareness in Aquinas
- Charles Debord (University of Kentucky): Kant, Fichte, and the Act of the I
- David Demoss (Pacific University): The Empty and Extended Self
- Aaron P. Elliott (San Diego State University): Continuity but not Connectedness:An Examination of the Requirements of the R-relation
- David Ellis (Boston College): Life as a Looking-Glass: The Ambiguity of Self and Language in Plotinus
- Emily Esch (College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University): Reconceiving the Self
- Ty Fagan (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign): Self-ignorance and Self-improvement: Sketching a Reevaluation
- Jeremy Fischer (University of Washington): Pride and the Desire for Self-Sufficiency
- J. M. Fritzman (Lewis & Clark College):Nussbaum On Cosmopolitanism Versus Patriotism
- Jeff Gauthier (University of Portland): Just Bargains: When is Consent Coerced?
- Adam Green (Saint Louis University): Mindreading and Self-Knowledge
- Carl Hammer (Baruch College, CUNY): Constructivist Publicity of Reasons
- Avram Hiller (Portland State University): Identity Problems for Narrative Selves
- Benjamin Visscher Hole IV (University of Washington): Nussbaum on Moral Perception and the Priority of the Particular
- Robert J. Howell(Southern Methodist University): The Hard Problem of the Self
- Ramona Ilea and Susan Hawthorne (Pacific University and Mount Holyoke College): Beyond Service Learning: Civic Engagement in Philosophy Classes
- Peter Jaworski (Bowling Green State University): Ownership, Guardianship & Stewardship. Or: Ownership, duty-free
- James Jeffries (The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign): Owning and the Creation of Individual Selves
- Justin Kalef (Vancouver Island University): A 'Parallel Arguments' Response to Harman's Case for Appraiser Relativism
- David Kaspar (University of Nevada, Reno): The Unreal Future
- Uriah Kriegel (University of Arizona): Entertaining as a Propositional Attitude
- David Krueger (University at Albany, SUNY): Hume's Fictional Impression of Self
- David Kuttruff (San Diego State University): The Socratic Soul - A Defensible Paradox
- Daniel Lim (Cambridge University): Conceivability, Property Individuation, and Strong Necessities
- Patrick Lippert (North Idaho College): The Human Self: A Mare's Nest
- Jacob Longshore (University of Portland): Pierce, The Self, and the Self-Dialogue of Thought
- Fauve Lybaert (University of Leuven, Belgium): An exposition and evaluation of Edmund Husserl's answer...
- Bertha Manninen (Arizona State University): Cloning, Identity, and Human Dignity: A Response to Callahan and Kass
- Tuomas Manninen (Arizona State University): Constitution View and the Ontological Uniqueness of Persons
- Thomas Metcalf (University of Colorado, Boulder): Must Hypothetical Counterexamples be Possible?
- Steven Methven (Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge and the Faculty of Philosophy, Cambridge): The Self in the Tractatus and the Philosophical Investigations
- Michelle Montague (University of Bristol): Conscious Occurrent Thought
- Kevin Morris (Northern Arizona University): Brute Facts, Knowledge, and Senses of Understanding
- Kate Padgett Walsh (Iowa State University): Is Hegel an Unwitting Humean?
- Nicholas Parkinson (Stony Brook University): The Fragmentation of Self in Photography: Gadamder and Milja Laurila's Images of Forgetting
- Saja Parvizian (San Francisco State University): An Analysis of the Relationship between the Meditations and the Passion of Generosity
- Jessica Pepp (McGill University): Reference, Semantic Reference, and Determination
- Joshua Rasmussen (University of Notre Dame): A Theory of Correspondence
- Caryolyn Richardson (University of Toronto): Learning Belief from Assertion
- Aaron Rodriguez (University of Oregon): Hanging by a Narrative Thread: Dewey and Rorty on Aesthetic Self-Creation
- Luke Roelofs (University of Toronto): Consciousness in Spinoza: What is it like to be God?
- William A. Rottschaefer (Lewis and Clark College): Extending the Extended Mind: The Phenomenon of WE-ness
- Dan Ryder (University of British Columbia, Okanagan): Teleosemantics and Swampman: Defanging an Intuition
- Walter Thomas Schmid (University of North Carolina Wilmington): Self and Soul in Plato's Phaedo
- John Schwenkler (Mount St. Mary's University): Mirrors, Misidentification, and the Sense of the Self
- Jeff Snapper (University of Notre Dame): Some Remarks on the Vagueness Argument
- Robert D. Stolorow (Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis): Individuality in Context: The Relationality of Finitude
- Galen Strawson (CUNY and Reading): Radical Self-Awareness
- Joseph Thompson (Simon Fraser University): The Empirical Investigation of Mental Representations and their Composition
- Hayden Thornburg (University of Cincinnati): Emergent Dualism and Personal Origins
- Janna van Grunsven (The New School for Social Research): Two Forms of Deliberation - McDowell and Dreyfus on Responsibility in Aristotelian Phronesis
- Margot Wielgus (University of Kentucky): The Technological Viewpoint: Its Pernicious Effects and the Possibility of Self-Help
- Joshua Wretzel (Central Washington University): How to Speak With the Dead: Brandom and Gadamer on the Dialogical Relation between Past and Present
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