Professor Koger received her B.A. degree from Kean College (in New Jersey) and her Ph.D. in physiological psychology from the University of New Hampshire. She joined Willamette University in the fall of 1993, and teaches Biopsychology, Psychology of Learning, and Psychology for Sustainability, among other courses. Her scholarship focuses on the effects of toxicants such as pesticides on brain development and function, and the role of psychology in environmental studies. Sue is the coauthor of Psychology for Sustainability, 4th Edition, The Psychology of Environmental Problems (2010, Taylor and Francis), and Teaching Psychology for Sustainability: A Manual of Resources. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking with her family -- her partner Kris, her dogs Daphne, Peanut, and Kahlua, and contra dancing.
Read Koger's articles:
"Beyond the roots of human inaction: Fostering collective effort toward ecosystem conservation." Amel, et al. (2017), Science, 356(6335), 275-279.
"Teaching Psychology for Sustainability & The Why and How*" (from Psychology Teaching and Learning, Vol 15, No. 3, 2016)
"Climate Change: Psychological Solutions and Strategies for Chanage" (from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., Vol. 3, No. 4, December 2011)
"Environmental Toxicants and Developmental Disabilities [PDF] (from American Psychologist, April 2005)