Learning By Creating Curriculum Grant

Spring 2018 Grant Applications Due December 15, 2017, by 5:00 pm

Solo or Group Curriculum Projects: Revision, new approaches, equipment, travel to do with hands-on learning including bringing creative hands-on experiences in Sciences though primarily focused on increasing those experiences in the Arts and Humanities. Have you always wanted to add a photographic/video/audio element to a course? Apply for equipment and/or training. Do you want to take your students to an archive? Want to publish your students' creative work? Apply.

Grants can be as stipend or reimbursement for expenses up to $2,500 per faculty member. Smaller budgets are encouraged and priority will be given to faculty not recently funded.

Supports curricular innovation and revision such as:

  • introducing hands-on or creative learning
  • enhancing hands-on or creative learning
  • designing collaborative or interdisciplinary learning experiences
  • purchase of equipment for use in courses
  • supplies/travel/materials for courses involving creative production or analysis of creative products

Examples of possible uses (among many):

  • Fund travel for senior seminars or other classes to visit archives, etc.
  • Mini-master classes to bring creative production approaches into humanities or humanistic social sciences course through introduction of, for example, photographic, audio, video, storytelling, podcasting.

All expenses must be turned in by April 1 for Spring 2018 grants.

Examples of Past Proposals

Apply Now
Willamette University

Learning by Creating

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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