Course Listings

International Studies

INTST 340W Everyday International Relations (4)

This course provides an opportunity for students to critically interrogate orthodox theories of international relations by shifting the focus of analysis away from the large-scale “structures” and institutions to everyday acts and everyday people. Traditional theories of international relations analyze world affairs in terms of entities such as international organizations, military alliances, states, and governments. Often missing from these analyses are individual human beings, who through their actions both affect and are affected by the actions of other individuals throughout the world. Through readings, in-class discussion, and extended writing students will investigate how everyday international relations constitutes an important aspect of global relations. An integral element of the course will involve regular opportunities during class sessions to discuss the everyday acts of people as they take place in the contemporary world.

  • General Education Requirement Fulfillment: Writing-centered; Social Sciences
  • Prerequisite: INTST 214
  • Offering: Alternate years
  • Instructor: Marks

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