• hiking at ZenaFest

    A Living Laboratory

    Our 305-acre Zena property is used by many faculty, students and staff in academic courses, for faculty- and student-led research projects, club activities, and for restorative recreation. Visit soon and come back often!

  • Zena wayfinding system

    Go for a Hike!

    With our maps and wayfinding signs first-time visitors can confidently explore the miles of gravel roads and trails at Zena. Please check back when COVID-19 restrictions ease.

    Zena Trail & Road Map
  • Springtime at Zena

At a Glance

  • 305 acres of ecologically diverse and historically significant land
  • Part of the largest remaining contiguous block of forest land in the Eola Hills west of Salem
  • Habitats include oak and mixed species woodland, riparian areas, grassland areas, wetlands, freshwater aquatic areas and forest plantations

Our Mission and Goals

Zena is a unique and significant asset, and Willamette manages the property as an educational resource. Our management guidelines include:

  • Protecting, restoring, managing and enhancing the natural resources and ecosystem services of Zena, following an adaptive ecosystem management model in conjunction with a range of partners.
  • Implementing our educational mission and advancing the university's sustainability goals.

A Brief History

In 2008, Willamette University purchased this land from the Trust for Public Lands. As part of this purchase, Willamette University entered into a conservation easement which protects the property from development into other land uses (such as viticulture), promotes conservation efforts and supports economically viable sustainable forestry practices.

Prior to acquisition by Willamette University, this property was managed under German scientific forestry principles, including elements of uneven-age management and selective cutting. During this 20 year time span, the current Willamette University property was managed as part of the entirety of Zena Forest, approximately 1,640 acres total.

Read the full history

Willamette University

Willamette University Sustainability Institute


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