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Become a philanthropic trailblazer by joining a Leadership Circle at Willamette. Below are the different levels; discover the right one for you.

Presidents Circle

President's circle ($50,000+)

President’s Circle members are vital to bringing the vision of the President, and our University, to life. They make it possible for Willamette to fully realize our vision of being the leading institution in the Pacific Northwest to life, helping President Thorsett make strategic investments in the faculty, staff and students who are shaping education in the 21st century. Joining the President’s Circle is an opportunity to play an active role in supporting dynamic, forward thinking action in higher education.


Columbia ($25,000-49,999)

Members at the Columbia level are a mighty force for students. Membership helps support the deans and provost make investments in the academic initiatives that keep Willamette at the forefront of a quality education. New courses, programs, initiatives, and ideas can be nurtured thanks to Annual Fund support at the Columbia level.


Umpqua ($15,000-24,999)

Like the region and the people before it, Umpqua members bring vibrancy to shaping the educational experience at Willamette. Member support helps ensure that the organizations and programs that make up the rich tapestry of the Willamette experience for students remains strong. Umpqua members have the vision Willamette relies on to continue serving our students for years to come.


Multnomah ($5,000-14,999)

Like the falls it is named for, Multnomah members are a visible statement of dedication to a competitive and vibrant education at Willamette. You are the champions our students need, you enable students and professors to have the absolute best experience at Willamette. Member support helps ensure that the organizations and programs that make up the rich tapestry of the Willamette experience for students remains strong. 


Magnolia ($2,000-4,999)

An evergreen in Oregon, The Magnolia level represents our University’s trendsetting spirit and commitment to thoughtful growth and ensuring a blossoming future for each student. Member support plays an important role in supporting the financial support of students, helping an exceptional education be accessible.


DESCHUTES ($1,000-1,999)

Like the river it is named for, Deschutes members lay the course of possibility for students. Member support is invested in the highest-priority needs of the University, shaping lives and helping to carry each student to their own successful future. Joining this community breaks ground and sets an example for others.

Willamette University
