Holy Beauty: Northern Renaissance Prints Discovered in an Early English Bible

February 10 – April 29, 2018

Study Gallery, Print Study Center and the Maribeth Collins Lobby

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Organized by Professor Ricardo De Mambro Santos, the exhibition features as its centerpiece the Hexham Abbey Bible, a rare 17th-century English Bible printed in Cambridge, England in 1629. The Bible includes 110 16th-century Dutch and Flemish prints that were interpolated into the volume after it was printed.

Prints within the Bible include works attributed to Philip Galle (Dutch, 1537-1612), after Maarten van Heemskerck (Dutch, 1498-1574); Hieronymus Cock (Flemish, 1518-1579), Jan Sadeler (Flemish, 1550-1600), and Maerten de Vos (Flemish, 1532-1603), among others.  

The Bible recently came to light when it was purchased by Bruce Martin, President of Historic Bibles & Engravings in Albany, Oregon, who contacted Professor De Mambro Santos to learn more about his intriguing discovery. 

Bruce Martin says, "What makes this particular Bible remarkable is that it represents the only known English Bible with engravings dating from the 16th century."

The Bible has been dubbed "The Hexham Abbey Bible" due to internal evidence that links the creation of the Bible to George Ritschel, Sr., who was a Lutheran turned Anglican, and a lecturer at Hexham Abbey in Northumberland, UK. 

Visitors will have an opportunity to scroll through the Bible via touch screens in the Study Gallery. In addition, the exhibition will include 35 16th-century Dutch and Flemish printssome like those found in the Bible and others of the periodon view in the Print Study Center and the Maribeth Collins Lobby.

Online Exhibition Catalogue

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Hallie Ford Museum of Art
Members and museum invited guests only

Museum members and museum invited guests: complimentary
New Members: are welcome to join at the event or online


Or by phone at 503-370-6855 or by email at museum-art@willamette.edu


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Financial Support

Financial support for the exhibition, lectures, and film presentation have been provided by funds from the Verda Karen McCracken Young Art Exhibition Fund of the Department of Art History at Willamette University, and by general operating support grants from the City of Salem's Transient Occupancy Tax funds and the Oregon Arts Commission.

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Jan Sadeler (Flemish, 1550-1600), after Maerten de Vos (Flemish, 1532-1603), "The Separation of Light and Darkness" (detail), 1587

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