Oregon Supreme Court

Opinions Filed in April 2020

Linn County v. Brown

Under Article XI, section 15(2)(c), of the Oregon Constitution, a “program” is “specific ‘services’ that a ‘local government’ is to ‘perform’ for ‘persons, government agencies or the public generally’” and does not include a statutory policy enacted by the legislature.

Area(s) of Law:
  • Constitutional Law

Multnomah County v. Mehrwein

Under Article 1, section 8 of the Oregon Constitution, laws restricting speech are facially unconstitutional only if "written in terms directed at the substance of [speech]" unless "within some historical exception." State v. Robertson, 293 Or 402, 412 (1982).

Area(s) of Law:
  • Constitutional Law

Pike v. Cain

“[T]he issue was the constitutional adequacy of counsel’s investigation to support his strategy choice at the petitioner’s sentencing, at which the state would urge the court to sentence the petitioner as a dangerous offender.” See Richardson v. Belleque, 362 Or 236, 258 (2017).

Area(s) of Law:
  • Post-Conviction Relief

Citizens for Resp. Devel. in The Dalles v. Walmart

Under Morse v. Oregon Division of State Lands, 285 Or 197, 204 (1979), while issuing a permit pursuant ORS § 196.825, “public need” for the proposed project only needs to be weighed when the project “unreasonably interferes with the paramount policy of the state,” however, the “unreasonably interferes” standard always applies.

Area(s) of Law:
  • Land Use

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