
  1. Reporting Hours: On Campus
  2. Reporting Hours: Off Campus
  3. Paychecks
  4. Taxes
  5. Change of Address
  6. Correcting Mistakes
  7. Advances

1. Reporting Hours: On Campus

Students employed on campus should fill out their hours on JASON.

2. Reporting Hours: Off Campus

Students employed off campus report their hours via Time Sheet. On each time sheet please include the position description, work site, and the student's Willamette ID number.

Employees should write in the actual times they arrive and leave each day; they should not wait until the end of the pay period to complete the form. Hours cannot be reported for time "on call," travel time or costs, meals, or other miscellaneous purposes. The total number of hours worked each pay period should be converted to tenths of an hour for payroll purposes. To convert minutes worked to a decimal amount, divide minutes worked by 60. (Example: 20 minutes divided by 60 = .33)

Employers should determine how precise they wish the recording of hours to be (e.g., exact time, rounded to nearest five minutes, or rounded to nearest fifteen minute period). Pay periods are four weeks long with one time sheet filled out per pay period, regardless of the number of days worked. If a student did not work for an entire week of a pay period, that week should be left blank on the time sheet.

Please be sure to write the correct date in the "pay period" section at the top of each time sheet. Do not collect several time sheets for one student and process them at once.

3. Paychecks

Students are paid monthly on the last working day of the month. There is a two week delay between the end of a pay period and the receipt of the check for that pay period. If a student does not receive the check when expected, verify that the time sheet was forwarded on time to the Student Payroll Office.

4. Taxes

Work-study earnings are taxable by both the state and federal governments. The Student Payroll Department mails W-2 forms to students in January. The student should contact Student Payroll directly if no W-2 is received before February 1st.

5. Change of Address

There are two main offices where an address change should be made: The Registrar's Office and Mail Services. Changing the address with the Registrar automatically changes it with Financial Aid and the Student Payroll Office. Students should be reminded that writing an address on their time sheets will not affect any Payroll records.

6. Correcting Mistakes

If the correction involves a retroactive payment, employers should send a corrective memo to the Student Payroll Office. Please contact Debbie Cuccia, Student Payroll Clerk, 503-370-6188 with any other questions.

7. Advances

Willamette University does not issue pay advances. No hours should be reported for a student before the work is performed.

Willamette University

Office of Financial Aid

1st Floor Waller Hall
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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