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Stuart Read

Professor of Strategic Management

Headshot of Stuart Read

Contact Information

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem  Oregon  97301



Professor Read's research is focused on effectuation. Derived from practices employed by expert entrepreneurs, effectuation is a set of heuristics that describe how people make decisions and take action in situations of true uncertainty. As uncertainty is pervasive across all aspects of firms, markets and organizations, his work on effectuation applies to, and has been published in a variety of disciplinary areas.

  • Strategy: Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings
  • Marketing: Journal of Marketing
  • New ventures: Journal of Business Venturing
  • Innovation: Technovation, European Journal of Innovation Management
  • Finance: Journal of Private Equity, Journal of Business Venturing
  • Organizational Behavior: Organization Studies, Financial Times
  • Policy: Research Policy
  • Economics: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Evolutionary Economics

Professor Read has nearly twenty years of industry experience, having participated in the creation of six high technology start-up firms. Four of those firms were acquired by industry leaders including Sun Microsystems and Lotus Development Corporation. Two are publicly traded. He also spent six years with enterprise database software provider, Oracle Corporation.


  • Ph.D., University of Washington
  • A.B., Harvard University

Selected Publications

Dew, N., Sarasvathy, S. D., Read, S. &; Wiltbank, R. (2018) Microfoundations for the Management of Market Development Processes. International Review of Entrepreneurship, Forthcoming.

Brinckmann. J., S. Read, N. Dew, K. Mayer-Haug & D. Grichnik (2018) Of those who plan: A meta-analysis of the relationship between human capital and business planning. Long Range Planning, Forthcoming.

Ranjan, K. R. & S. Read. (2016) Value co-creation: concept and measurement. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Vol. 44, Iss. 3, p. 290-315.

Read, S., Sarasvathy, S. D., Dew, N., & Wiltbank, R. (2016). Response to Arend, Sarooghi, and Burkemper (2015): Cocreating effectual entrepreneurship research. Academy of management Review, 41(3), 528-536.

Dew, N., S. Read, S. Sarasvathy & R. Wiltbank (2015) Entrepreneurial Expertise and the Use of Control. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Vol. 4, p. 30-37.

Wiltbank, R., N. Dew, & S. Read (2015) Investment and Returns in Successful Entrepreneurial Sell-outs. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Vol. 3, p. 16-23.

Grichnik , D., N. Dew, K. Mayer-Haug , J. Brinckmann & S. Read (2015) Situated Entrepreneurial Cognition, International Journal of Management Reviews, Vol. 17, Iss. 2, p. 143-164.

Haug, K., S. Read, J. Brinckmann, N. Dew & D. Grichnik (2013) Entrepreneurial talent and venture performance: A meta-analytic investigation of SMEs, Research Policy, Vol. 42, Iss. 6–7, p. 1251–1273 (Top 5 most downloaded article)

Read, S., & S. Sarasvathy (2012) Co-Creating a Course Ahead from the Intersection of Service Dominant Logic and Effectuation. Marketing Theory. Vol. 12, Iss. 2; p. 225-229

Dew, N., S. Sarasvathy, S. Read & R. Wiltbank (2011) On the Entrepreneurial Genesis of New Markets: Effectual Transformations versus Causal Search and Selection. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 21, Iss. 2, p. 231-253

Dew, N., S. Sarasvathy, S. Read & R. Wiltbank (2009) Affordable Loss: Behavioral Economic Aspects of the Plunge Decision. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol. 3, Iss. 2, p.105 – 126

Read, S., M. Song & W. Smit. (2009) A meta-analytic review of effectuation and venture performance. Journal of Business Venturing. Nov 2009. Vol. 24, Iss. 6; p. 573

Dew, N., S. Read, S. Sarasvathy, R. Wiltbank (2009) Effectual versus predictive logics in entrepreneurial decision-making: Differences between experts and novices. Journal of Business Venturing. Jul 2009. Vol. 24, Iss. 4; p. 287

Read, S., S. Sarasvathy, M. Song, N. Dew & R. Wiltbank (2009) Marketing Under Uncertainty: A Knock on the Door. Journal of Marketing. Vol. 73, Iss. 3; p. 1 (Lead article)

Wiltbank, R., S. Read, N. Dew & S. Sarasvathy (2009) Prediction and Control Under Uncertainty: Strategy in Angel Investing. Journal of Business Venturing. Vol. 24, Iss. 2; p. 116

Dew, N., S. Sarasvathy, S. Read & R. Wiltbank (2008) Immortal firms in mortal markets; An entrepreneurial perspective on the "innovator's dilemma. European Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 11, Iss. 3; p. 313 (Emerald Literati Award)

Dew, N., S. Read, S. Sarasvathy & R. Wiltbank (2008) Outlines of a behavioral theory of the entrepreneurial firm. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. Apr 2008. Vol. 66, Iss. 1; p. 37

Sarasvathy, S., N. Dew, S. Read, & R. Wiltbank (2008) Designing Organizations that Design Environments: Lessons from Entrepreneurial Expertise. Organization Studies. 2008. Vol. 29, Iss. 3; p. 331

Dew, N., & S. Read (2007). The more we get together: Coordinating network externality product introduction in the RFID industry. Technovation. Vol. 27, Iss. 10; p. 569

Wiltbank, R., N. Dew, S. Sarasvathy & S. Read (2006) What to do next? The case for non-predictive strategy. Strategic Management Journal. Vol. 27, Iss. 10; p. 16

Read, S., & S. Sarasvathy (2005) Knowing what to do and doing what you know: Entrepreneurship as a form of expertise. The Journal of Private Equity Vol. 9, Iss. 1; p. 45

Selected Presentations

Ramesh, A., Dew, N., S. Read & S. Sarasvathy (2018) The Ask: A Basic Unit of Deliberate Practice in the Accumulation of Entrepreneurial Expertise. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 6-9, Waterford Ireland

D. Grichnik, N. Dew, S. Read, & C. Siren (2016) Towards an Interaction-Learning Nexus in Entrepreneurship: The Mediating Role of Boundary Objects. Academy of Management Meeting, August 5-9 in Anaheim, California

D. Grichnik, N. Dew, S. Read, & C. Siren (2016) Towards an Interaction-Learning Nexus in Entrepreneurship: The Mediating Role of Boundary Objects. Strategic Management Society Meeting, June 5-7, Rome, Italy

Ramesh, A., S. Sarasvathy & S. Read (2016) Cognitive and Social Approaches to Perspective Taking: An Experimental Investigation of Co-founder Equity Split Decisions. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 8-11, Bodø Norway

Brinckmann. J., S. Read, N. Dew, K. Mayer-Haug &; D. Grichnik (2015) Of those who plan:A meta-analysis of the relationship between human capital and business planning. Academy of Management Meeting, August 7-11, Vancouver Canada

Wiltbank. R., N. Dew & S. Read (2015) Investment and Returns in Successful Entrepreneurial Sell-outs. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 10-13, Boston, MA

Brinckmann. J., S. Read, N. Dew, K. Mayer-Haug & D. Grichnik (2015) Of those who plan:A meta-analysis of the relationship between human capital and business planning. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 10-13, Boston, MA

Ramesh, A., N. Dew & S. Read (2014) Mental Accounting in the Entrepreneurial Plunge, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 1-5

Brinckmann. J., K. Mayer-Haug, D. Grichnik, N. Dew & S. Read (2013) How does Human Capital Drive Performance? Evidence on a Missing Link in SMEs. Academy of Management Meeting, August 9-13, Orlando, Florida

Mayer-Haug, K. D. Grichnik, N. Dew, J. Brinckmann & S. Read (2013) Extended Mind: Uncovering Entrepreneurial Interactions and Cognitive Dynamics with Boundary Objects. Academy of Management Meeting, August 9-13, Orlando, Florida.

Silberzahn, P., J. Kraanbrink, S. Sarasvathy, & S. Read – organizers (2013) Second Effectuation Research and Teaching conference, Lyon France, June 3-4 (52 participants)

Read, S. (2013) Invited research presentation (effectuation), Warwick Business School, June 15

Read, S. with S. Sarasvathy & R. Wiltbank (2013) Invited doctoral seminar (effectuation), Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 25-29

Ramesh, A., N. Dew & S. Read (2012) Inputs of Entrepreneurial Supply, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston MA, August 3-7

Grichnik, D., N. Dew, K. Haug, J. Brinckmann & S. Read (2012) The Extended Mind at Work: From Bounded Rationality to Unleashed Cognition, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston MA, August 3-7

Brinckmann, J, S. Read, K. Haug, N. Dew & D. Grichnik (2012) Does Human Capital Drive Performance? In Search of Missing Links, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Fort Worth, Texas, June 6 – 9

Schuman, J., Michel, S. & S. Read (2012) Reconceptualizing Pricing in the Context of Co-Creation, AMA Summer Educators Conference, Boston MA, August 4-8

Dew, N., Ramesh, A. & S. Read (2012) Inputs of Entrepreneurial Supply, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Boston MA, August 3-7

Read, S. with S. Sarasvathy & R. Wiltbank (2012) Invited doctoral seminar (effectuation), IIM, Bangalore, June 4-8

Silberzahn, P., S. Sarasvathy, & S. Read – organizers (2011) First Effectuation teaching and research workshop. Lyon, France December 5-6.

Read, S. with S. Sarasvathy & R. Wiltbank (2011) Invited doctoral seminar (effectuation), IIM, Bangalore, January 11-15

Ramesh, A., N. Dew & S. Read (2010) The Market for Entrepreneurs, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Syracuse, NY, June 8 - 11

Read, S. with S. Sarasvathy & R. Wiltbank (2010) Invited doctoral seminar (effectuation), IIM, Bangalore, January 11-15

Read, S. (2009) Effectuation research seminar, Palo Alto, December 15-16

Read, S. (2009) Effectuation teaching materials workshop, Vlerick University, Gent, December 7-8

Read, S. (2009) Invited research presentation (effectuation), DuPont, November 10

Dew, N., Margery, P. & Read, S. (2009) Internal markets for innovation: a meta analysis, Istanbul: International Entrepreneurship Forum, 2009, 39 p.

Read, S. (2009) DREAM doctoral seminar (effectuation), Aarhus, October 15-16

Read, S. (2009) Invited research presentation (effectuation), Vlerick October 12

Read, S. (2009) Invited research presentation (effectuation), UC Berkeley, September 28

Wiltbank, R., Sudek, R. & Read, S. (2009) The role of prediction in new venture investing, Wellesley: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, 2009, 14 p.

Read, S. (2009) Invited research presentation (effectuation), The Darden School at the University of Virgina, April 2

Smit, W. & S. Read (2008) Trouble Ahead While Being Blinded by the Rear-View Mirror American Marketing Association’s Summer Educator’s Conference in San Diego, CA, August

Smit, W. & S. Read (2008) Why Look Back? Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 2008, Anaheim, CA, August (AOM “Best Paper” Award)

Smit, W. & S. Read (2008) Framed by Yesterday KAMS Global Marketing Conference at Shanghai (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R China), March

Read, S. (2008) DREAM doctoral seminar (effectuation), Sonderberg, September 7-12

Read, S., & W. Smit (2007) When You Have a Hammer: Corporate Managers Respond to Uncertainty 36th Annual EMAC Conference Reykjavik, Iceland, May 2007

Dew, N., S. D Sarasvathy, S. Read, and R. Wiltbank (2006) The Effectual Creation of Markets Atlanta Competitive Advantage Conference (ACAC) -- June 15 to 17, Atlanta Georgia

Dew, N., S. Read, S. D Sarasvathy & R. Wiltbank (2006) On the entrepreneurial genesis of new markets: effectual transformations versus causal search and selection ISS Conference "Innovation, Competition and Growth: Schumpeterian Perspectives Nice/Sophia-Antipolis, France June 21-24

Sarasvathy, S., N. Dew, S. Read, & R. Wiltbank (2006) Firm Euthanasia Invited presentation, Lorenzo Sacconi Milan University Milan-Bicocca

Wiltbank, R., N. Dew, S. D Sarasvathy & S. Read (2005) What to do next? The case for non-predictive strategy Academy of Management Meeting, Honolulu, HI

Read, S. & Sarasvathy, S. (2004) Marketing in the Absence of Markets Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Glasgow, Scotland

Read, S., R. Wiltbank & S. Sarasvathy (2003) What Do Entrepreneurs Really Learn From Experience? Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Babson Park, MA

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