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Steven Maser

Emeritus Professor of Public Management and Public Policy

Headshot of Steven Maser

Contact Information

900 State Street
Salem  Oregon  97301


I taught courses on negotiation and conflict management. I also taught courses about politics. To me, politics isn't something restricted to public elections, legislatures, or bureaucracies. It's a form of conflict, more difficult in some situations than in others, but just as much a part of business as government. Managers who know how to identify, structure and resolve conflict are managers who can best serve the interests of their organizations.


Steve Maser was Professor of Public Management and Public Policy at Willamette University’s Atkinson Graduate School of Management. During his 35 years at Willamette, Steve served as professor, interim dean, associate dean, and the director of the Executive Development center.

He was a visiting professor of Political Economy at the Olin School of Business at Washington University, a visiting Professor at Tokyo International University and a visiting scholar at Yale Law School. His research has appeared in the Journal of Public Affairs Education, International Public Management Review, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy and the Journal of Business and Management, among others.

Steve also served on numerous local and regional boards and commissions – including the citizens’ task force that was assigned to study bringing professional soccer to the city of Portland.

Following his retirement, Steve become a fellow and a partner at Social Venture Partners in Portland, where he is a team lead and strategic planner for nonprofits engaged in early childhood education. SVP matches seasoned professionals with nonprofits in need of professional expertise and builds powerful relationships to tackle our communities’ social challenges.

Personal Interests

Hiking, biking, jazz and musical theater, movies, reading


  • M.A., Ph.D., University of Rochester
  • S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Selected Publications

Why Does Anyone Mediate if Mediation Risks Psychological Dissatisfaction, Extra Costs and Manipulation? Three Theories Reveal Paradoxes Resolved by Mediator Standards or Ethical Practice. 29 Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, 2, 223-260, 2014 (with Samuel Imperati).

Dispelling Fear and Loathing in Government Contracting: A Proposal for Cultivational Governance in DOD Source Selections. 13 Journal of Public Procurement, 2, 245-270, 2013 (with Fred Thompson).

The Bid-Protest Mechanism: Mitigating Governmental and Third-Party Opportunism? International Public Management Review (with Vladimir Subbotin and Fred Thompson) 2012.

Organizational Economics and Lessons from Administrative Appeals in U.S. Department of Defense Contracting, Global Business and Economics Anthology, 2011.

Mitigating Spirals of Conflict in DOD Source Selections, Defense Acquisition Research Journal (with Fred Thompson), 2011.

Public Administration Competencies for Students in the 21st Century” (with Jeff Raffel and Crystal Calarusse) in The State of Public Administration: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities, Donald Menzel and Harvey White, Editors (M.E.Sharpe: 2011)

The Fox and the Henhouse: On the Wisdom of GAO Audits of the Federal Reserve, (with Fred Thompson) The Economists' Voice: Vol. 7: Iss. 4, 2010.

Willamette University

Atkinson Graduate School of Management

Salem Campus

Portland Center