Confidential Support Options

Bishop Wellness, the Chaplains office, the confidential advocate, and SARAs have capabilities to confidentially give support to anyone seeking help. 
Students may obtain confidential assistance and access campus resources at the following entities:


 Confidential Advocate (503)370-6728

  • Confidential in-person appointments are available.
  • Offers crisis intervention, safety planning, resource referrals, academic remedies, assistance with housing (on and off), and navigating medical/counseling options

Bishop Wellness Center-Counseling Services (503) 370-6471

  • Confidential counseling by appointment
  • Emergency appointments available for urgent needs
  • Offers crisis intervention and academic remedies
  • Support for survivors, friends, and partners

The Chaplain & Assistant Chaplain (503) 370-6213

  • Confidential spiritual guidance and counseling (religious affiliation is NOT REQUIRED to access this resource)

​WUTalk 24/7  Telephone Crisis Counseling Support (503) 375-5353

  • Trained counselors are on call who have access to and information about all of Willamette's resources and relevant resources off-campus



Salem Hospital Emergency Department

  • Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE Program)
  • Medical exams for injury and forensic evidence collection post-assault
  • Medications for possible STI exposure and pregnancy prevention offered to survivors at no cost
  • A trained advocate offered to support survivors during visit
  • Reporting to law enforcement is NOT REQUIRED to access care

​Center for Hope & Safety 24-hour hotline (503) 399-7722

  • Provides support for people of any gender (LGBTQ advocate available)
  • Off-campus resource
  • 24 Hour crisis line
  • Can assist with the criminal justice process and offer continued support

​Psychiatric Crisis Center (503) 585-4949

  • 24/7 telephone support and assessments at agency​

SARA is not currently running a chat function. If you would like to chat with an advocate, here are some resources:

RAINN Online Chat

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Other Support Options

In addressing sexual misconduct, Willamette policy employs a civil rights model that empowers, to the greatest extent feasible, the recipient of sexual misconduct to retain control of the information and process after a disclosure is made to the university. If a student reports sexual misconduct but does not wish to pursue, through the student conduct process, resolution of any potential violations of the Sexual Misconduct Policy by filing a formal complaint, university policy limits its activity to support the student’s well-being.

However, the university is required to follow up on disclosures of sexual misconduct regardless of the impacted person's wishes if there is evidence of a pattern of behavior that is potentially detrimental to the community.


Willamette University’s Title IX Coordinator (503) 370-6447

  • Oversight and monitoring compliance of Title IX university-wide.

Marion County District Attorney’s Office (503) 588-5253

  • Victim Assistance Division
  • 24- hour on-call response for the victims of sexual assault regardless of survivors intention to report to law enforcement (often responds to Salem Hospital)
  • Ongoing support and advocacy throughout the investigation and prosecution of cases brought to the District Attorney’s Office

Campus Safety (503) 370-6911

  • Non-confidential reporting of sexual assault and other policy violations
  • Writes, delivers, and enforces Restricted Contact Letters
  • Will assist in referral to Salem Police Department if requested
  • Officers dispatched twenty-four hours a day

Willamette Emergency Medical Services (WEMS) (503) 370-6911

  • Student organization of trained EMTs and First Responders
  • Responds to medical emergency calls made to Campus Safety 24 hours a day Friday through Sunday
  • Because you must call Campus Safety first, WEMS is not confidential, but when they arrive they can request Campus Safety leave.​

Salem Police Department 

  • 911 (emergency) or (503) 588-6123 (for any situation where the crime has already occurred and the alleged perpetrator is not present)

Housing and Community ​Life (503) 370-6212

  • Area Coordinators and Community Mentors are on call 24 hours a day to respond to emergencies and offer support and resources
  • Can change residential assignment (temporary or permanent) if the alleged assailant lives in the same residential area. It is not necessary to file a formal report in order to pursue this option.

Office of the Dean, College of Arts & Sciences (503) 370-6285

  • May modify a survivor’s academic schedule as necessary in order to avoid having class with the assailant

Human Resources (503) 370-6210

  • Oversees and monitors compliance with Title IX for employees at Willamette University.

The Students Organizing for Access to Resources (SOAR) Center (503)-370-6472

  • Bearcat Pantry - The pantry has both perishable and non-perishable food items, as well as personal hygiene supplies, such as shampoo and razors.
  • Clothing Share - Provides support for WU students seeking professional attire for jobs, internships, conferences, and other similar events and opportunities that advance their present and future endeavors.
  • All resources at the SOAR Center are free of charge and available for all students at Willamette University.
Willamette University

Gender Resource and Advocacy Center (GRAC)

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