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Requirements for the Philosophy Major (36 semester hours)

  • PHIL 140 Symbolic Logic (4)
  • PHIL 230 History of Philosophy: Ancient Greece (4)
  • PHIL 231 History of Philosophy: Modern (4)
  • One capstone course, taken in combination with PHIL 498W*
  • 20 semester hours in Philosophy, 12 semester hours at the 200 level or above (20)**

* Philosophy Capstone (PHIL 498W) must be taken jointly with a 300- or 400-level Philosophy course, with approval from the joint course instructor and the student's major advisor. Students successfully pass PHIL 498W who (i) complete a substantial term-paper in the joint course and (ii) make a presentation to the class on the topic of the term-paper. Alternatively, with departmental approval, students may take PHIL 498W jointly with Independent Study (PHIL 490). Students who wish to pursue the option of an independent study in this context should apply to the department and submit a prospectus. Ordinarily, PHIL 498W will be taken in the student's senior year and after successful completion of both PHIL 230 and PHIL 231. A student must have declared a Philosophy major before enrolling in PHIL 498W.

** HUM 497W Humanities Senior Seminar may be used as one of these credits with departmental approval.

With departmental approval, students may satisfy this requirement by taking PHIL 490 Independent Study (4 semester hours). Students who wish to pursue the option of an independent study in this context should apply to the department and submit a prospectus.

Requirements For The Philosophy Minor (20 semester hours)

  • Twelve semester hours in Philosophy at the 200 level or above (12)
  • Eight additional semester hours in Philosophy (8)

Willamette University
