Tuesday, September 7

10:00 am-11:45 am
"Willamette University: News and Strategic Planning and Vision for the future.," Dr. Carol Long [Tom Hibbard], ZOOM
Carol Long Dr. Long will be talking about: What is different this year on campus?; New leaders on campus; the Vision for Willamette of the 21st Century; Building a University culture: Contributions of PNCA, CST, TIU; and Strategic Planning.

Carol S. Long is the provost and Senior Vice President of Willamette University.
11:45 AM-12:00 PM
"In Memorial," ICL Members [Vernelle Judy], ZOOM

Tuesday, September 14

10:00 am-11:00 am
"Rimsky-Korsakov - 'The Golden Cockerel'," Dr. Robert Greenberg [Solveig Holmquist], ZOOM

Robert GreenbergMusicologist Richard Taruskin, the most important scholar of Russian music of his generation, had this to say about Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: "His contribution [is] simply staggering. Excepting only Tschaikovsky [and Shostakovich], virtually the whole Russian opera repertory is Rimsky's creation. He is perhaps the most under-rated composer of all time." In this lecture, we'll examine Rimsky-Korsakov's 15th and final opera, "The Golden Cockerel."

11:00 am-12:00 pm
"Rimsky-Korsakov's 'Scheherazade, op.35.," Solveig Holmquist [Solveig Holmquist], ZOOM
holmquist_solveig.jpg Solveig will focus on Rimsky-Korsakov's 'Scheherazade, op.35. The Sultan Schariar, convinced that all women are false and faithless, vowed to put to death each of his wives after their first nuptial night. But the Sultana Scheherazade saved her life by entertaining her lord with fascinating tales, told serial-style, for a thousand and one nights. The Sultan, consumed with curiosity, postponed from day to day the execution of his wife, and finally repudiated the bloody vow altogether. Considered Rimsky-Korsakov's most popular work, Scheherazade combines two features typical of Russian music in general and of Rimsky-Korsakov in particular: dazzling, colorful orchestration and an interest in the East, which figured greatly in the history of Imperial Russia, as well as orientalism in general and of Rimsky-Korsakoff in particular: dazzling, colorful orchestration and an inte3rest in the East, which figured greatly in the history of Imperial Russia, as well as orientalism in general. The name "Scherazade" refers to the main character of One Thousand and One Nights. We will listen to the work, which is divided into four sections, in its entirety.

Tuesday, September 21

10:00 am-12:00 pm
"Dismal Science," Economics Group [WUICL], ZOOM
Tom Hibbard  Mark Kasoff  Roz ShirackMark and Tom welcome Roz to our "dismal science" presentation group. Tom will utilize Federal government resources to document Covid impacts on the U.S. macro economy to date. Roz will draw on her experience as an economist with the Oregon Legislative Fiscal Office to describe the Covid impacts on the Oregon economy, how the Oregon State government has addressed this challenge thus far, and what further policy responses might be appropriate. Finally, Mark will provide analysis-based descriptions of how economic behavior and economic outcomes will be different in a post-Covid world.

Thomas Hibbard, Roz Shirack, Mark Kasoff

Tuesday, September 28

10:00 am-11:00 am
"Talk to your Dr. About Deprescribing," Professor Woodall [GwenEllyn Anderson], ZOOM
Tasha Woodall Geriatric clinical pharmacist Tasha Woodall will discuss the growing problem of polypharmacy, the use of more medications than are appropriate. Polypharmacy, or "medication overload," places older adults at increased risk for adverse drug interactions, and other potentially harmful outcomes. Dr. Woodall's primary focus will be to address the issue through the process of "deprescribing." When deprescribing is undertaken as an informed consumer, and especially in partnership with your prescriber, deprescribing has been proven to reduce the risk of problematic outcomes from excessive medication use. Dr. Woodall is a Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner with MAHEC Geriatrics and a clinical faculty member with INC Eshelman School of Pharmacy.

Tasha Woodall is an Associate Director of Pharmacotherapy at Mountain Area Health Education Center based in Asheville, North Carolina.
11:00 am-12:00 pm
"Introduction of the Class of '21.," Vernelle Judy, ZOOM
judy_vernelle.jpg Last year we were unable to accept new members because of the uncertainties we faced from the pandemic. This fall, we are thrilled to welcome 26 new members and Vernelle with introduce each one with an introductory statement.

Willamette University

Institute for Continued Learning

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Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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