Tuesday, March 1
10:00 a.m. | "Death of a Salesman", Ford 122 Susan Coromel, Associate Chair of the Department of Theater, WU, and Rod Ceballos, Guest Director, will discuss the process of producing "Death of a Salesman”, the last production of the season. They will be in the first week of rehearsal, so we will get an over-view of the work in its initial stages. |
11:00 a.m. | Tour of the New WU Theatre Playhouse, Theatre Playhouse We will have the privilege of joining Andrew Toney, Theatre Manager of the newly remodeled Playhouse, for a tour of this beautiful new facility. We will be divided into small groups for a close-up look at the newest Willamette addition. |
1:00–3:00 p.m. | The Bomb, Ford 122 This will be a joint presentation by Roger Gillette and Ken Panck. Roger will begin by briefly describing the ferment in the field of physics in the 1930s, which was worldwide, but at its peak in Germany. It was also field-wide, but peaked in the sub-field of nuclear physics and the effects of particle bombardment on nuclei. The conduct of such research was complicated by social and political developments, which were leading to a diaspora of physicists, especially those of Jewish ancestry, from Germany, and later Italy, to Sweden, England, and eventually, the United States. Roger will describe how all of this led to the experimental observation and theoretical explanation of nuclear fission and the exploration of possibilities for chain reactions, controlled and explosive, followed by the political decision to develop nuclear fission weapons. Ken will then continue by outlining the spread of power and weapon technology from the United States to its allies, and also to the Soviet Union and its allies, resulting in the Cold War. Ken will describe the technical background that provides a basis for the detection of development, test, and deployment activities, and the US and other test programs, surveillance possibilities and programs, and attempts to limit the expansion and proliferation of weapon development programs while encouraging power development programs. The presentation will conclude with statements by Roger and Ken regarding long-term geopolitical effects of nuclear weapon development and deployment, beginning before the first bomb detonation at Alamagordo (NM) and continuing for the foreseeable future. These statements will be followed by audience participation in the discussion. |
Thursday, March 3
10:00 a.m–12:00 p.m. | Classic 1925 Film Documentary: Grass–A Nation's Battle for Life , Ford 122 Come experience this remarkable 1925 silent film documentary on the incredible yearly migration of the Persian Bakhtiari people and their herds in today's western Iran. It is one of the earliest ethnographic documentaries and the footage, music, and story are captivating. ICL presenter: Janet Adkins |
1:00–3:00 p.m. | The Population of Oregon: A Socioeconomic Overview , Ford 122 A review of the forces shaping the size and structure of Oregon's population by State Demographer Dr. Kanhaiya Vaidya. Analysis of the last U.S. Census, regional distribution, population projections, impacts for Oregon's economy and demands for social services. |
Tuesday, March 8
10:00–11:00 a.m. | "Cycles", Smullin B-17 "Cycles" Landscape photographer and ICL member Evelynn Smith and her husband, wildlife photographer Jerry, return with a new music/image presentation. This one, "Cycles," is a journey through the year in the American west, set to classical music. |
11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. | Oregon Prison Art , Smullin B-17 In 2008, Victoria Tierney, who has a broad interest in the arts, turned her attention to art produced by men incarcerated in various Oregon prisons. She discovered some amazing talent. Here is the story of what she found and what she has done with it. |
NOTE Big History, Lecture 37 will have to be rescheduled. ICL Presenter Hardin King will not be available because of an unforeseen family need. Instead, we will proceed to Lecture 38 starting at 1:00 pm, followed, after a break, by ICL presenter Peter Ronai, as described immediately below. | |
1:00–2:30 p.m. | Big History, Lecture 38: Threshold 8–The Modern Revolution, Smullin B-17 The series now starts to explain the astonishing transformations that created today's world in just a few centuries, starting in 1700. Professor Christian will focus on four key changes: accelerating innovation, the formation of larger and more complex societies, the integration of the four world zones, and the growing human impact on the biosphere, with emphasis on accelerating innovation. ICL Presenter: Peter Ronai |
Thursday, March 10
10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. | Rip Caswell, Sculptor: Inspiration in Life and Sculpture, Ford 122 Rip Caswell is recognized as one of America’s preeminent bronze sculptors. Salem residents are all familiar with his rendering of Tom McCall at Riverfront Park, and many have seen his magnificent animal sculptures at the High Desert Museum near Bend. Rip will talk about finding your life’s purpose and destiny in organic ways. He will discuss his own journey and how he pursued his artistic passion and acted on both opportunity and inspiration as they were presented to him. Learn more about Rip and photos of his work. The Elsinore Gallery on Ferry St. also has several of his works currently on display (as of Dec. 2010). |
1:00–3:00 p.m. | Great Decisions: “Sanctions & Nonproliferation”, Ford 122 Sanctions have been created to curb nations in violation of international law, especially agreements concerning nuclear nonproliferation. How successfully have sanctions been applied against past violators? How devastating are the effects on the citizens of the countries being sanctioned? Is there any chance sanctions can curtail North Korea and Iran from continuing to develop nuclear weapons? Don Gallagher will be our presenter. |
Tuesday, March 15
10:00–12:00 p.m. | CASA, Ford 122 Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) are volunteers trained in the workings of the juvenile court system and the Oregon Department of Human Services. They are appointed by juvenile judges to be advocates for individual children who are wards of the court owing to abuse or neglect in their homes. Join us to hear how this program works and what it means to provide support and a voice for children in the court system. Our speakers will be Pam Sornson, CASA of Marion County's Executive Director, and a CASA volunteer. |
1:00–3:00 p.m. | Marion Barnes, Editor of the Statesman Journal's bimonthly publication, Willamette Woman. , Ford 122 Marion's work as editor brings her into contact with many of the area's busy, interesting and inspiring women. The Sept/Oct issue, for example, featured six local artists. The Nov/Dec issue spotlighted "five women whose involvement in good works makes the Mid-Willamette Valley a better place." Among the five woman featured is Pam Sornson, who will be our guest presenter also on March 15. Marion writes with a fresh and witty style and we can anticipate that her wit will shine in her presentation on what it takes to be an editor. She may treat us to a live interview with a potential subject for a future issue. |
Thursday, March 17
10:00 a.m. | Big History, Lecture 39: "The Medieval Malthusian Cycle, 500–1350, Ford 122 ICL Presenter: [Nancy Jackson, originally slated to be the ICL presenter for this session will not be available. George Adkins has volunteered at short notice to "wing it" as moderator.] |
11:00 a.m. | Big History, Lecture 40: The Early Modern Cycle, 1350–1700, Ford 122 This lecture surveys the “early Modern Malthusian cycle,” from about 1350 to about 1700. This was the first time in human history the four world zones were linked together. The increase in the scale of global exchange networks was crucial. The stimulated commerce and free enterprise took place particularly in Northern Europe. They were to dominate. Why? Were technicians and thinkers to prevail against kings and armies? Could these ideas in new forms be useful today? May we be at a cross-roads? ICL Presenter: Bill Devery |
1:00–3:00 p.m. | Salem: Portraits of the Cherry City, Ford 122 Christy van Heukelem, librarian and coauthor of Images of America: Salem, will share photographs collected and details gleaned from researching the Salem of yesterday. Learn about the birth of the city, the history of the Capitol and state institutions, the growth of industry and the events that helped to shape the town we call Salem. Take a walk through the past and see images of Salem in its infancy. |
Week of March 21–25
Tuesday, March 29
10:00 a.m. | The Dockyard Ship Model, aka Admiralty, Navy Board Model, Ford 122 This talk will emaphasize the superb ship collections in the U.S. Naval Academy Museum and the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich with some of the Van de Velde illustrations of the ships. Our presenter is ICL member David Engen. |
11:00 a.m. | Best Note-Worthy Books of 2010, Ford 122 Long-time friend of ICL, Robin Beerbower, joins us again to share some of her favorite books of 2010. Robin has loved to read and recommend books since she was in the first grade. She has worked in the Salem Public Library for 37 years and is currently fiction selector and homebound services coordinator. |
1:00 p.m. | Big History, Lecture 41, Breakthrough–The Industrial Revolution , Ford 122 This lecture describes the breakthrough to modernity after late 1700 which can be seen most easily in Britain. The statistics showed astonishing increases in total production and in population. This lecture tells of of high levels of commercialization, a highly capitalistic social structure and multiple connections to global markets. ICL Presenter: Karen Bender |
2:00 p.m. | Big History, Lecture 42, Spread of the Industrial Revolution to 1900 , Ford 122 There were four great waves of change with 1) more productive sectors, 2) increasing technological changes, 3) further production and technological changes, and 4) the invention of the internal combustion engine. Learn how these events affected political and cultural life with the resultant societal, employment, and governmental changes. ICL Presenter: Ed Bender |
Thursday, March 31
10:00 a.m. | Music and the Brain–Lecture 29 (preview from video series), Ford 122 The ability to write, read, and perform music requires the coordinated activity of the sensory, motor, language, and limbic systems of the brain. Studies of musicians who have suffered strokes have identified specific brain areas involved in both the composition and appreciation of different features of music, such as rhythm. ICL Presenter: Gary Beck This lecture is taken from a series ICL is auditioning, titled "Understanding the Brain," a 36-lecture course by award-winning Professor Jeanette Norden of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. It takes you inside this astonishingly complex organ and shows you how it works, from the gross level of its organization to the molecular level of how cells in the brain communicate. With its combination of neurology, biology, and psychology, this course will help you understand how we perceive the world through our senses, how we move, how we learn and remember, and how emotions affect our thoughts and actions. Even though this lecture occurs well into the program on the brain, it still stands alone quite well. A quick vocabulary review before the viewing will catch us up. |
11:00 a.m. | The Sights and Sounds of Ghana: Mark Powers, Percussion , Ford 122 Come take a journey into the world of West African percussion while heightening your awareness and understanding of African cultures! In addition to a complete family of authentic drums, bells and shakers of the Ewe people, "The Sights & Sounds of Ghana" features Kpanlogo drums of the Ga, ‘talking drums’ of the Dagomba, djembes and a beautiful 14-key balafon. The presentation begins with a video filmed during Mark’s studies in the village of Kopeyia–giving a peek at life, music and school in Ghana. Participants will be introduced to several Ghanaian instruments, learn a greeting in the Ewe language and even get on their feet for some traditional dancing! Mark Powers began attending the McNally Smith College of Music at the age of 16. Now an international performer and teacher, Mark draws from a wide variety of musical cultures and genres, having performed and studied percussion throughout the US and Canada, as well as Cuba, Puerto Rico, China, Thailand and Ghana (West Africa). He teaches drumset & percussion lessons at Weathers Music in Salem, and runs group hand-drumming classes at Riverfront Wellness Center. |
1:00–3:00 p.m. | The Role of NGOs in Humanitarian Crises, Ford 122 Joint program with WU School of Law. An introduction to NGOs (non-governmental organizations), followed by the role of NGOs in our community. |
3:30–6:30 p.m. | Lawyering for Humanity: The Role of International NGOs, WU School of Law, Collins Legal Center, Room 218 We have been invited by Professor James A.R. Nafziger to attend this conference. Opening remarks will be given by Barbara K. Woodward, British Institute of International and Comparative Law. They will be followed by two panel discussions: Panel 1 - Human Rights, and Panel 2 - Humanitarian Law and Relief. At 6:30 the closing comments will be followed by a reception. |