Types of Scholarships
Learn more about scholarships options from Willamette and beyond.
Student Loan Programs
The federal government offers several student loan programs:
Grants for Willamette Students
Grants are need-based awards that do not have to be repaid. Eligibility for grants is determined by the FAFSA, and options include the Federal Pell Grant and the Oregon Opportunity Grant—as well as offerings directly from Willamette University.

Student Employment Opportunities
All across campus, you’ll find students contributing time and talents to keep operations afloat—all while gaining valuable career skills. These part-time positions are often funded by the federal work-study program as part of a financial aid award package, but campus employment is open to all students.

Billing & Financing Options
Once you’re officially enrolled, the Student Account Office will issue your bills and invoices. This is also the office you’d contact about setting up payment plans.