Salem Campus Accommodations
Sign Language Interpretation
Upon request, Willamette University will provide sign language interpreters. Please contact the President’s Office at 503-370-6870 a minimum of one month prior to Commencement Weekend if you are in need of sign language interpretation at one of the ceremonies.
ADA Accommodations
If you require disability accommodation for any of the Salem ceremonies, please contact the President’s Office at 503-370-6870. Ushers will be available to assist with special seating or assistive technology at each ceremony. Golf cart service will be available from the parking lots to the Quad upon request. Questions concerning golf cart transport should be directed to Campus Safety, 503-370-6911.
Wheelchair Access
Willamette University does not rent wheelchairs; however, golf carts will be available to transport guests from Willamette’s parking lots to the commencement site. Ushers will remove a regular chair so the wheelchair can be placed in regular seating.
Guests with a DMV-issued handicapped parking permit are encouraged to park in the visitors parking lot (corner of Bellevue and Winter streets) on Commencement Sunday. Questions concerning this should be directed to Campus Safety, 503-370-6911. Golf cart service will be available from this lot to the commencement ceremonies.
PNCA Accommodations
Sign Language Interpretation
Upon request, Willamette University will provide sign language interpreters. Please contact the President’s Office at 503-370-6870 a minimum of one month prior to Commencement Weekend if you are in need of sign language interpretation at the PNCA ceremony.
ADA Accommodations
If you require disability accommodation for the PNCA ceremony, please contact the President’s Office at 503-370-6870. Ushers will be available to assist with special seating or assistive technology at each ceremony. The Tiffany Center is ADA-accessible for guests.
Guests may park free of charge in the Tiffany Center’s parking lot, located a half block from the building at cross streets SW Alder and SW 14th Avenue. Spaces within the parking lot are marked for DMV-issued handicapped parking permits.