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  • Parents and Families

Information for Parents and Families

A student with her family members at orientation

A Willamette education is special, and so are the students who come here. Our close-knit, collaborative, and engaged community values individuality and seeks to know your student as a person, scholar, and future leader.

As a parent, family member, or student supporter, you care deeply about your student’s future. So do we. We’ve crafted a learning environment where meaningful careers take root and life-changing relationships flourish. Whether your student is exploring their interests on campus or across the globe, they will connect with peers who strive for excellence and engage with educators who stimulate their intellect and support their most ambitious aspirations.

We create personalized pathways for each student, and we view you as a valued partner in this journey. Check this page often for the latest information for you and your student. We’re here to help!


Explore the resources below, and if you have any questions, please contact us. We encourage all families to sign up and use The Willamette Family Connection, an online platform through Campus ESP. It's the best way to stay informed about campus events and receive important communications from the university.

Contact Information by Specific Need

Start here at our referral guide

What to do if you are concerned about your student

We appreciate having educational partners in students’ family members, mentors, friends and other student supporters. Sometimes, you might observe a change in behavior, hear a statement, or have one of those indescribably and unmissable feelings that leaves you feeling concerned about your student. Below are some action steps for you to consider taking.

  • If you believe there is an immediate risk to any individual’s safety, please contact Campus Safety at 503-370.6911. They are open at all times, and they are the appropriate office to call for immediate emergencies during or outside of business hours. Campus Safety can coordinate outreach and response with the appropriate staff members to support your student and the community.
  • If there is not an immediate risk to any individual’s safety, consider submitting a Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation (CARE) Report. CARE Reports are our most frequently used method for any member of the Willamette community, which includes student supporters, to alert the university that a student may benefit from additional outreach, support, and/or resources. Someone from our Office of Student Affairs will respond to you, as long as you provide your email address in the CARE Report.
  • If you want to talk with someone about your concern before taking any other action, you can call the Office of Student Affairs at 503-370-6447 or email

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