Welcome to Compass Week 2017

Compass Week is the first week of school. All incoming students to the Early Career and Career Change MBA program are required to participate.

Compass Week is an academic, professional and social experience that introduces you to fellow classmates, alumni, faculty, and staff, as well as introduces programs and procedures to help you succeed in the Willamette University MBA. This week includes a professional meeting with your PACE team and client, as well as a team-building retreat off campus.

Help us prepare for your arrival! CLICK HERE to fill out the Compass Week Pre-Arrival Form by July 15

Parking for all on-campus days will be in the Atkinson Graduate School of Management (Seeley G. Mudd Building) parking lot.

There will be a photographer during Compass Week, you will have the opportunity to opt out of the publication of your photo.

Questions? Please contact Career Management mbacareer@willamette.edu or 503-370-6167.

Compass Week Schedule

Move the calendar to August for the latest schedule of events. Or click here for a printer-friendly download.

What to Wear

Click here for a printer-friendly version

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday: Business Professional

Business Professional attire is expected on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Compass Week. This is also the appropriate attire for company treks and most career events.  Keep in mind that business professional attire is a step up from casual and a step below business formal. Slacks, skirts, dresses, button up shirts, and/or blazers are appropriate as are brighter colors. Nylons, ties and matching suits are not required.  No jeans, leggings, athletic attire, or tennis shoes.

Thursday: Business Formal

Business formal attire is expected on Thursday of Compass Week. It is also the preferred attire for interviews, to work in formal companies and professional presentations. A black, gray or navy business suit with matching pants or skirt; button-down shirts/blouse, or shell under your suit jacket.  Solid black or neutral color nylons (if applicable).

Friday: Athletic

Athletic attire is expected on Friday for the YWAM ropes course as there will be physical activity required. Athletic wear includes sweat pants, yoga pants, t-shirts, shorts or other sports clothing with tennis shoes and/or comfortable, loose clothing for physical activity.



Willamette University

Early Career and Career Change MBA

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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